Tzolkin Trecena Notes

Tzolkin Trecena Notes – 1 Offering (Muluc)

Day 209 of the 260 Day Tzolkin
Gregorian Date: June 30, 2024
Year Bearer:  12 Earth (Caban)

Trecenas are thirteen-day periods in the Tzolkin. Each Trecena starts with the Number 1, but with a different Day Glyph. As a wave of the Thirteen Heavens, the underlying energy is governed by the First Day Glyph of the Trecena and influences all thirteen successive Day Glyphs. Being aware of the predominant energy of the First Day of the Trecena, we can align our intentions with that energy and allow our goals to manifest.

This Trecena starts with 1 Muluc – Water/Offering – Emotional, Imaginative, Intuitive, Vessel of Gratitude, Essence of Life, Offering Gratitude for Water and Life.

The Mayan word Muluc means “something that is gathered up or collected” referring to rain clouds collecting in the sky before a storm. The “cloud terrace” motif was used by the ancient cultures of Mexico, Hopi and Pueblo in their art and was usually portrayed in the shape of a pyramid. According to Kenneth Johnson in Jaguar Wisdom: “The Mayans taught that the power and energy of the rain was ‘collected’ in water pots or vases, which were kept by the Chacs, the helpers of the rain god. During a rain, the Chacs pour forth the waters of abundance from their rain pots. The Mayans chose a watery deity to rule over this sign: Xoc (SHOKE), the Great Fish, who is sometimes depicted as a shark, sometimes even a whale.” You will notice the day glyph resembles a fish.

1 - Offering (Muluc)
© 2006 Judith Ann Griffith

This day glyph also symbolically represented jade, a blue green stone that was precious and sacred to the Maya. Treasures of jade have been found in the burial sites of Mayan Kings, mostly in the form of Jade masks. Water, like jade, was precious and sacred. Water has the power to give life or take it away. Water is used by the Maya and others as a ceremonial offering. It is especially potent for group healing and purification, releasing negative emotions and promoting change.

Carlos Barrios in The Book of Destiny states: “The sign means Tojil, the Sun God, atonement, offering, payment. It is the fire of the spirit of Ajaw, Heart of Sky and Heart of Earth. It is the raindrop, the start of communication from higher life…Ceremonial fire is believed to represent Father Sun, and it is this fire we ask to meet our needs. It is capable of curing all our illnesses and freeing us from any negative energy. It is a day on which to make offerings to Tojil. This day lifts us up to the same level as the supreme deity so that we can be judged benevolently. It reconciles us with life and brings hope.”

Another representation of the Trecena is that of a creative wave beginning at 1 and ending at 13, with the numbers 6, 7 and 8 representing the crest of the wave. The crest could be interpreted as a strong influential energy, although the underlying influence on the Trecena would still rest in the beginning.

In this Trecena, the crest falls on 6 Ix (Jaguar), 7 Men (Eagle) and 8 Cib (Vulture/Owl). The Jaguar Warrior is the underworld source of power and energy, the midnight sun. The Eagle Warrior is the upperworld source of power and energy, the daytime sun. The Vulture Warrior is the karmic cleanser. This crest is offering humanity powerful forces of energy for clearing old emotional patterns and accepting change. It is interesting that this purification is following on the heels of the cleansing of the Cib trecena which we just completed.  The energy of Muluc supports purification and cleansing as well as liberation from past negativity thus enabling transformation.

As we journey through each day of this Trecena:

Trecena Count 

Gregorian Date

1 Offering (Muluc)

June 30, 2024

2 Dog (Oc)

July 1

3 Monkey (Chuen)

July 2

4 Road (Eb)

July 3

5 Reed (Ben)

July 4

6 Jaguar (Ix)

July 5

7 Eagle (Men)

July 6

8 Wisdom (Cib)

July 7

9 Earth (Caban)

July 8

10 Flint (Etznab)

July 9

11 Storm (Cauac)

July 10

12 Sun (Ahau)

July 11

13 Crocodile (Imix)

July 12

Utilize the energy of Muluc to shower yourself and the universe with gratitude for water and the life it creates. As Ian Xel Lungold said, “A good day to offer appreciation for all creation.”

In Lak’ech (I am another you),
William and Viola
©2007 William and Viola Welsch