Last updated: July 2, 2024


NEW Ancient Chinese Burials With Swords And Chariot Cast Light On Violent ‘Warring States’ Period

Ancient Cave Ritual From 10,000 Years Ago May Be World’s Oldest Tradition

Gravitational Wave Researchers Cast New Light on Antikythera Mechanism

Ancient Alphabet Of A Long-Lost Civilization Stumbled Upon By Chance

 Ancient-eyed Needles Indicate Clothes Became Fashionable In Ice Age

Byzantine Bucket Pieces Found At Sutton Hoo Excavation

Ancient Greek Ship Gets A New Sinking Date

2,000-year-old Roman Military Sandal With Nails For Traction Found In Germany

 Stunning Photos Show 44,000-year-old Mummified Wolf Discovered In Siberian Permafrost

Rare Sāmoan Archaeological Site Gives Insight To Origins Of Social Hierarchy

 1,500-year-old Reliquary Discovered In Southern Austria

Study Revises History of Brazilian Coast Occupation From 2,000 Years Ago

 1,600-year-old Coin Discovered In Channel Islands Features Roman Emperor Killed By Invading Goths

Video: $3.99 Thrift Store Vase Turns Out To Be Ancient Mayan Artifact

 The World’s Oldest Wine Discovered

 The Messy Fight Over Who Owns The $17 Billion Shipwreck Of The San José

One-of-a-Kind Roman Lorica Squamata Armor Restored

Deep-Sea Shipwreck Hidden For Millennia Is The Oldest Ever Found

 World’s Oldest Liquid Wine Contains Surprising Ingredient – Cremated Human Remains

 “Perfectly Preserved” 250-Year-Old Fruit Unearthed In George Washington’s Cellar

Coin Hoard From Time Of The Gallus Revolt Unearthed In Lod

 Long-lost Assyrian Military Camp Devastated By ‘the Angel Of The Lord’ Finally Found, Scientist Claims

New Paleo-Hispanic Alphabet Discovered in Spain

 The Cyrus Cylinder and Ancient Persia

 Treasure Trove of 19,000 Artifacts From Prehistory To Anglo-Saxon Britain Found

Skeletons Of Incan Kids Buried 500 Years Ago Found Marred With Smallpox

 Gilgamesh Flood Tablet: A 2,600-year-old Text That’s Eerily Similar To The Story Of Noah’s Ark

Researchers Find Earliest Evidence For A Microblade Adaptation In The Tibetan Plateau

 Rare Roman Artifacts Unearthed Beneath an Ancient Well

2,500-year-old Slate Containing Drawings Of Battle Scenes And Paleo-alphabet Discovered In Spain

How Old Are These Megaliths? A Study Of Erosion In Ancient Egyptian Architecture

 Neanderthal DNA Sequences Found In Less Than 1 Percent Of People Linked To Autism

DNA Analysis Overturns Myths of Maya Empire’s Child Sacrifice Rituals

 4,000-year-old ‘Seahenge’ In UK Was Built To ‘Extend Summer,’ Archaeologist Suggests

 World’s 1st Carved Horse: The 35,000-year-old Ivory Figurine From Vogelherd Cave

Perfect Medieval Grave Slabs Recovered from England’s Oldest Shipwreck

 Viking Age ‘Treasure’ Discovered By Metal Detectorist On Isle Of Man

 9,000-year-old Neolithic Stone Mask Unveiled

Stone Box Containing Rare Ceremonial Offerings Discovered At Tlatelolco

 New Narrative of Pompeii Survivors Revealed Through Records

Five Mysterious Ancient Artifacts That Still Puzzle Archaeologists

‘The Blade Of The Sword Was Still Sharp’: Lost Metal Detectorist Discovers Bronze Age Sword And Ax In UK

 Shigir Idol: World’s Oldest Wood Sculpture Has Mysterious Carved Faces And Once Stood 17 Feet Tall

For The Ancient Maya, Cracked Mirrors Were A Path To The World Beyond

 4,000-year-old Rock Art Of Boats And Cattle Unearthed In Sudan Paint A Picture Of A Green Sahara

 Giant Petroglyphs in South America May Mark Territorial Borders

 Svalinn, the Most Important Shield in the Norse World

Viking Sword With ‘Very Rare’ Inscription Discovered On Family Farm In Norway

2,000-year-old Rock Art, Including Nearly 140-foot-long Snake, May Mark Ancient Territories In Colombia, Venezuela

 Ancient DNA Unveils Celtic Dynasties: Power and Kinship in Pre-Roman Germany

 Rare Medieval Gaming Pieces Found In German Castle

Mysterious ‘Seahenge’ Structure in UK May Finally Be Explained

 Why Are So Many Ancient Egyptians Buried At The Saqqara Necropolis?

 Ancient Roman Maritime Pavilion Excavated off Italy’s Coast

 Researchers Discover 400,000-year-old Stone Tools Designed Specifically For Butchering Fallow Deer In Israel

Archaeologists Find Missing Head Of Deva From The Victory Gate Of Angkor Thom

 Beyond Maize: Hallucinogens and Frog Legs Defined Aztec Cuisine

2,000-year-old Jewelry and Mirror from Enigmatic Kangyu Culture Found

Archaeologists Find Ancient Maya Beekeeping Tools On Maya Train Route

 ‘Archaeological Sensation’: Winemaker Discovers Hundreds Of Mammoth Bones While Renovating His Cellar

Ten Native American Canoes Found In Lake Span 4,500 Years Of History

 Stone Age People Settled Mediterranean Island Cyprus Earlier Than Thought

Ancient Egyptian Attempts To Treat Cancer
Seen In Nearly 5,000-year-old Skull

 A Woman In The Czech Republic Found A Medieval Jackpot During A Walk

 Ramesses Ii’s Sarcophagus Finally Identified Thanks To Overlooked Hieroglyphics

 Who Has The Largest Burial Mound? Study Examines Differences Among The Upper Classes Of Prehistoric Societies

32 Stunning Centuries-old Hoards Unearthed By Metal Detectorists

 Grave Robbers Looted Lavish 1800-year-old Tombs In China – But Missed This One

Legacy Of Indigenous Stewardship Of Camas Dates Back More Than 3,500 Years, Study Finds

 Neolithic Settlement Dated Accurately To The Year Thanks To Cosmic Rays

 Irish Bronze Age Teeth Reveal Human Diet Evolution

 50,000-year-old Neanderthal Bones Harbor Oldest-known Human Viruses

How DNA Testing Revealed European Ancestry in Elongated Paracas Skulls

2,000-Year-Old Tomb Found in Tharsa Was Guarded by Bulls

 Pleistocene Hunter-gatherers Settled In Cyprus Thousands Of Years Earlier Than Previously Thought

Neolithic Threshing “Sledge” was Used As Early as 8,500 Years Ago

How Many Ancient Egyptian Pyramids Are There? 

 First Arrivals To Australia Populated The Continent Very Quickly

 Tracking Humans’ First Footsteps in North America

30,000 Years Of History Reveals That Hard Times Boost Human Societies’ Resilience

 Iron Age Fire: Potential Forgotten Event Of Rome And Carthage War

 Great Mystery of How Ancient Egyptians Built The Pyramids Finally Appears Solved

130,000-year-old Neanderthal-carved Bear Bone Is Symbolic Art, Study Argues

 Secret Nile River Branch Confirmed Showing It Likely Swept Past The Pyramids

Ancient Pathways: What Are Ley Lines?

 This Neolithic Monument Found In France Has No Equal

Coin Hoard Found Near Mountain Hideaway of 18th Century Polish Conman

 Tracking Humans’ First Footsteps in North America

 Oldest Known Human Viruses Discovered In 50,000-Year-Old Neanderthal Bones

The Cyrus Cylinder and the Ancient Proclamation of Human Rights

Rock Art Of Boats And Cattle Found In The Middle Of Sudanese Desert

 Curious L-Shaped Structure Found near Giza Pyramids is 4,500-Years-Old

Hoard of 17th-century Coins Hidden During English Civil War Unearthed During Kitchen Renovation

Stunning Reconstruction Of Ancient Egyptian Mummy

New Analysis Revises Earliest Homo Sapiens Presence In East Asia

Massive Neolithic Settlement Found In Serbia

 Archaeologists Unearth Grave of ‘Zombie’ Ancients Wanted Buried Forever

‘Major Lunar Standstill’ May Reveal If Stonehenge Is Aligned With The Moon

 Excavation Finds Unique Collection Of Fabrics And Shoes From The 16th-17th Century

 Vast Iron Age Necropolis Uncovered In Amorosi

Another Roman Dodecahedron Discovered In Lincoln, England – But What Were They For?

 Rare Bowl Discovered in Israel Depicting A Five-sided Star

1,700-year-old Roman Shipwreck Was Stuffed To The Gills With Fish Sauce When It Sank

 3,500-Year-Old Egyptian Royal Retreat Found in the Sinai Desert

Assyriologist Claims To Have Solved Archaeological Mystery From 700 BC

 Call Of The Conch: Archaeologists Suggest Indigenous Americans Used Sound To Organize Local Communities

 Neanderthal Woman’s Face Brought To Life In Stunning Reconstruction

4,000-Year-Old Petroglyphs Discovered on Rock Outcropping in Kazakhstan

 8,000 Years Ago, Humans Navigated Deep Into a Dark French Cave. The Question Is: How?

Archeologists Reveal 1,800-Year-Old Sculpture of Ancient Snake-Bodied Deity

 Early Humans Lived On ‘Persian Plateau’ For 20,000 Years After Leaving Africa, Study Suggests

 New Analysis Revises Earliest Homo Sapiens Presence In East Asia

Ancient Maya May Have Blessed Their Ballcourts With Chilli Peppers And Hallucinogenic Plants

 Modern Blackfoot People Descend From An Ancient Ice Age Lineage

The Splendor Of The Seven Descending Gods Of Tulum Resurfaced

 Lavish 2,200-year-old Tomb Unearthed In China May Be That Of Ancient King

 Archaeologists Find Top Half Of Giant Ramesses Ii Statue, Completing A Century-long Puzzle

Mysterious Warrior Clan’s Marriage Practices Revealed

Discovery In Maya Pyramid Reveals Dramatic Dynasty Collapse, Archaeologists Say

 Ancient Maya Blessed Their Ballcourts: Researchers Find Evidence Of Ceremonial Offerings In Mexico

 Tasmanian Devil Tooth And Other Rare Artifacts Found During Re-excavation North of Perth

Plato’s Burial Place Finally Revealed After Ai Deciphers Ancient Scroll Carbonized In Mount Vesuvius Eruption

 The Treasures of Priam: Golden Riches from the Legendary City of Troy

Ten Extraordinary Ancient Texts That Exploded Our Ancient Knowledge

 Lasers Reveal Prehistoric Irish Monuments That May Have Been ‘Pathways For The Dead’

 1,430 Ancient Roman Graves Scattered With Funerary Festival Leftovers Unearthed In Southern France

Unique ‘Excalibur’ Sword Unearthed in Spain Holds Islamic Origins

‘Unprecedented’ Discovery Of Mysterious Circular Monument Near 2 Necropolises Found In France

 1,700-year-old Roman Ruins Discovered Atop Much Older Neolithic Sacred Spring

George Washington’s Stash Of Centuries-old Cherries Found Hidden Under Mount Vernon Floor

Ancient Human Evolution Is “Unparalleled” In Nature

Carved Bone In Poland Shows Us How Neanderthals Were Thinking

Underwater Archaeologist David Gibbins Takes Us On A Journey To 12 Shipwrecks Around The World

 The Ancient Egyptians May Have Seen the Milky Way as a Celestial Deity

Forgotten Mayan Prophecy & Lost History! Archaeologist Reveals New Evidence! – Ed Barnhart

 Rare Lunar Event To Shed Light On Stonehenge’s Links To The Moon

Ritual Burning of Royal Remains Marked Maya Regime Change

 Gobekli Tepe: Gradual Evolution? Or Transfer Of Technology? Or Both?

 Ancient Saudi ‘Lava Tubes’ Inhabited Thousands Of Years Ago Uncovered

 Neanderthals Were More ‘Human’ Than We Think

4,300-year-old Egyptian Tomb With Stunning Wall Paintings Was Burial Place Of Priestess And Royal Official

 Did Homo Erectus Have Language, Build Boats, And Sail Across Oceans?

Stonehenge May Be Aligned To This Rare Lunar Event – And Scientists Can Soon Test It Out

Low Tides Reveal Bronze Age Fortress That Likely Defended Against Irish Mainland

 Drowned Land Off Australia Was An Aboriginal Hotspot In Last Ice Age, 4,000 Stone Artifacts Reveal

Discoveries Made in Roman Nîmes Include Stunning Glassware

 Excavations At Sheffield Castle Uncover City’s Industrial Heritage

New Barrier Reef Find Proves Australians Didn’t Learn Pottery from Europe

 Roman Era Bronze Plaque Showing Alexander the Great Found in Denmark

First Database Of Indigenous Australian Message Sticks

12-Year-Old Boy Finds Gold Roman ‘Armilla’ Bracelet During a Walk

 King Tutankhamun: Life, Death And Mummy Of Ancient Egypt’s Boy Pharaoh

 Researcher Uses Machine Learning To Help Digitize Ancient Texts From Indus Civilization

 Viking Age Women With Cone-shaped Skulls Likely Learned Head-binding Practice From Far-flung Region

The Worldwide Megalithic Mystery With Graham Hancock

 3,000-Year-Old Pottery Reveals Trade Networks in Australia Long Before Colonization

 Medieval England’s Sudden Silver Currency Conversion Solved

 The Hidden Role of the Milky Way in Ancient Egyptian Mythology

 4,300-year-old Egyptian Tomb With Stunning Wall Paintings Was Burial Place Of Priestess And Royal Official

Recycled Byzantine Silver Drove Europe’s 7th Century Revival

 Unraveling the iconography of the Etruscan lamp of Cortona, Italy

 8,200-Year-old Campsite Of ‘Paleo-Archaic’ Peoples Discovered On Us Air Force Base In New Mexico

For the Maya, Solar Eclipses Were a Sign of Heavenly Clashes

 Stingray Sand ‘Sculpture’ May Be Oldest Example Of Humans Creating An Image Of Another Creature

How Ancient Civilizations Reacted to Eclipses

 Ancient Roman Site Found Frozen in Time in The Wreckage of Pompeii

Saint Guthlac’s Realm: Massive Stone Age Henge Discovered in Lincolnshire

 Early Humans Used Sophisticated Wood Crafting Techniques To Hunt And Clean Animal Hides

 This 2,000-Year-Old Peruvian Rock Art May Depict Psychedelic Music

What Are the Contributions of the Olmecs to the World?

 Centuries-old Aztec Texts Detail History Of Their Capital, Conquests And Fall To The Spanish

Early Humans Lived On ‘Persian Plateau’ For 20,000 Years After Leaving Africa, Study Suggests

 1,700-year-old Roman Fort Discovered In Germany Was Built To Keep Out Barbarians

 2,500-Year-Old Achaemenid Marvel Excavated in Iran

Maya Sacrificial Victims Were Painted Blue and Tossed into a Sinkhole

Remarkable Roman Villa Unearthed from a Bronze Age Site in England

Irish Bronze Age Teeth Reveal Human Diet Evolution

 Prehistoric Human Remains Found In East Yorkshire

 Ancient Quarries In Israel Reveal Where Homo Erectus Hunted And Butchered Elephants

 What Language Did The First People In North America Speak?

 History of Maps: From Ancient Artifacts to Modern Marvels

‘Everything Is Interrelated.’ For The Navajo Nation, The April 8 Solar Eclipse Is A Spiritual Experience

 Human Ancestors Visited The Same Quarries For Hundreds Of Thousands Of Years

 Anatolia: A Cradle Of History And Rich Culture

Lost in Time and Out of Place: Trypillia Copper Axe is Poland’s Oldest

European Immigrants Introduced Farming To Prehistoric North Africa, New Research Shows

University of Wyoming Anthropologists’ Research Unveils Early Stone Plaza In The Andes

Why Did Modern Humans Replace The Neanderthals?

 Unique “Stele Of The Twin Babies” Unveiled

Homo Sapiens’ First Homeland Outside Of Africa Has Been Found

 Revealed – A Time Capsule Of Australia’s First People 50,000 Years Ago

Scientists Map The Genetic Evolution Of Cacao To Chocolate

 First Ever Scientific Underwater Excavation of Black Sea Reveals Ancient Harbor

4,300-year-old Egyptian Tomb With Stunning Wall Paintings Was Burial Place Of Priestess And Royal Official

 The Evolution Of Egyptian Pyramid Structures: From Mastabas To The Great Pyramid Of Khufu

 Exploring The Ancient Subterranean Network Beneath Gobekli Tepe

Rapa Nui Obsidian Discovery: Did the Islanders sail to America?

Archaeologists recover Aztec Codices of San Andrés Tetepilco

 Use of Quantum Sensors at Megalithic Sites

Britain’s Pompeii – Reveals Bronze Age Lifestyle of ‘Cosy Domesticity’

 2,000-year Old Bronze Wares Found In Shanxi Province

7,000-Year-Old Sunken Boats Reveal How Neolithic Seafarers Traversed The Mediterranean

 12,000-Year-Old Preserved Human Brains Defy Soft Tissue Decay Assumptions

 ‘Astonishing’ Neolithic Burial Containing A Human, Cattle And Chariot Discovered In Germany

Exploring The Murray River Gorge Rock Art Sites

Unlocking the Secrets of Maya Healing

 Archaeologists Find Cemetery And Cultural Objects From The Warring States Period In Xiangyang, China

Does Ötzi the Iceman Have History’s Oldest Hand-Poked Tattoos?

Winged ‘Basilisk’ On Medieval Pilgrim’s Badge Discovered In Poland

 Indigenous Australian Fire-Stick Farming Began At Least 11,000 Years Ago

Ten Shipwrecks Spanning 5,000 Years of History Spotted off Kasos Island

Medieval Moat and Bridge Found Protecting Farmhouse in England

Oldest Stone Tools In Europe Place Prehistoric Humans There 1.4 Million Years Ago

 Humanity’s Near-Extinction 900,000 Years Ago Preceded Great Migration

Unveiling South Africa’s Ancient Stone Circles: A Mystery Of Prehistoric Heritage

3,300-year-old Tablet From Mysterious Hittite Empire Describes Catastrophic Invasion Of Four Cities

 Archaeologists Find Top Half Of Giant Ramesses II Statue, Completing A Century-long Puzzle

 Giant Plague Grave Could Be Largest Mass Burial Site Ever Seen in Europe

Ancient Egyptian Mummies Are Riddled With Malaria, Worms, And Lice

 Did Hominids In Asia Use Advanced Tools Much Earlier Than Thought?

 When Did Humans Start Wearing Clothes?

Five Fascinating Mysteries About Prehistoric Australia

 Pompeii’s Silent Bodies: The Timeless Whisper of Plaster Casts

Obsidian Blade Could Be From Coronado Expedition Fabled To Be Looking For ‘Cities Of Gold’

 What Life Was Really Like for the Maya

Archaeologists In Egypt Unearth Section Of Large Ramses II Statue

 30,000 Artifacts Found At Medieval Town of Kalmar

 More Than 140 Graves Found By Medieval Abbey In Northern Ireland, Including Executed Criminals

Michael Cremo: Ancient Cosmology Of The Vedas & Indian Deities

 1,200-year-old Lord’s Tomb Laden With Gold Unearthed In Panama

 Oldest Human Presence In Europe Found In Ukraine

 Earliest Known Stone Tools In Europe Are 1.4 Million Years Old. And They Weren’t Made By Modern Humans.

Archaeologists Uncover Ancient Tube of Lipstick From 4,000 Years Ago

 Dazzling Gold Treasures Found In 1,300-Year-Old Tomb In Panama

 Europe’s Last Hunter-gatherers Had Sophisticated Societies That Helped Them Avoid Inbreeding

Do the Runes on the Negau Helmet B Really Date Back Over 2,000 Years?

 Proof Ancient Mesoamericans Drank Sacred Tobacco-Infused Liquids is Found

Rare Astrolabe Unearthed Points To Millennia-old Islamic-jewish Scientific Exchange

Hidden Monoliths Beneath Sacsayhuaman Point To Lost Civilization

4,000-year-old Copper Dagger Unearthed By Metal Detectorist In Poland

 King Tut’s Central Scarab May Have A Cosmic Connection

 Items Used By Roman Cavalry And Other Treasures Unearthed By Metal Detectorist In Wales

Copper Age Necropolis Unearthed In Italy Contains Skeletal Remains And Still-sharp Weapons, Maybe From Ancient Warriors

 ‘Incredibly Rare’ Head Of Deity Mercury Reveals Previously Unknown Roman Settlement In UK

Roman Wooden Cellar Found in Frankfurt, Germany

 Clay Seal Stamp From First Temple Period Found In Jerusalem

 Bones Reveal Bog Man’s Secret Life Before His Violent End in a Foreign Land

Remains of Medieval Soldier Uncovered at Bottom of Lithuanian Lake

 13 Treasures The Ancient Egyptians Buried With Their Dead, And What They Mean

 1,000 Burials And Medieval Village Found In Excavation Of Abbey Destroyed In French Revolution

Craniums and Controversies of the Chachapoya Cloud Warriors

4,000-year-old Copper Dagger Found in Polish Forest

Strange Metal From Beyond Our World Found in Ancient Treasure Stash

 3,700-Year-Old Red Lipstick Unearthed In Iran May Be Oldest Ever Found

‘Completely Surreal’: Metal Detectorist Unearths 1,500-year-old Gold Ring In Denmark

 Crocodile Heads Found for the First Time in Ancient Egyptian Tombs

Did Neanderthals Use Glue? Researchers Find Evidence That Sticks

31 Of The World’s Most Valuable Treasures That Are Still Missing

 Archaeologists Find Evidence of a Viking Age Marketplace in Norway

 Use Of Decimal Point Is 1.5 Centuries Older Than Historians Thought

Bronze Hand Inscribed With Rare Vasconic Script Linked With Basque Found In Spain

 Ancient Rock Art In Argentinian Cave May Have Transmitted Information Across 100 Generations

Archaeologists Made Stone Axes And Put Them To Use, Here’s What They Learnt

 Stunning Rock Art Site Reveals That Humans Settled The Colombian Amazon 13,000 Years Ago

 1,800-year-old Roman Tombs In Bulgaria Included Medallion Featuring An Emperor And Glass Bottles For Collecting Mourners’ Tears

Alexander The Great’s Father, Brother, And Son Finally Identified In Greek Tomb

 ‘Beautifully Preserved,’ 3,000-year-old Gold Clasp Unearthed By Metal Detectorist In UK

 Exploring Japan’s Mystical Megaliths – The Ishi-no-Hoden and Masuda-no-Iwafune

Unexpected Origins of Mysterious Mummies Buried in Boats in a Chinese Desert

 Ancient Treasures Found In Massive Tomb Of Wealthy Family In China

 Mystery Of Bronze Age Shipwreck Solved

New Evidence Of Independent Written Language On Easter Island Before Arrival Of Europeans

 1,800-year-old ‘Iron Legion’ Roman base discovered near ‘Armageddon’ is largest in Israel

 Paleolithic site found in SW China

 Patagonia Rock Art Reveals Ancient Messages Transmitted Across Generations

Why Was The Constellation Of Orion So Vastly Important To Ancient Civilizations?

1,700-year-old Egg Found at Roman Era Site Still Has Liquid Contents

Nearly 11,000-Year-Old Megastructure Is Oldest Ever Found in Europe

 Archaeologists Discover Oldest Known Bead In The Americas

 Medallion of Emperor Caracalla Minted in Pergamon Found in Roman Tombs in Bulgaria

 When Did The Egyptians Start Using Hieroglyphs?

Advanced Amazonian Agriculturalists Intentionally Created ‘Terra Preta’ Thousands of Years Ago

 Paranthropus-our Most Mysterious Extinct Cousins

Rewriting History: Andean Archery Found To Be 5,000 Years Old, Far Earlier Than Previous Estimates

 UK Declared a Land Full of Hidden Treasure By British Museum

Egypt before the Pharaohs

 Does the Iconic Plate on the Gundestrup Cauldron Depict an Ancient Poem?

Bronze Age ‘Treasure’ Was Crafted With Extraterrestrial Metal

 Undeciphered Script From Easter Island May Predate European Colonization

Hoard Of Bronze Age Jewelry Discovered In Poland Was Part Of Ancient Water Burial Ritual, Study Finds

 Romans Kept Poisonous, Narcotic Seeds Concealed In Bone Vials, New Discovery Reveals

 Scroll Charred In Mount Vesuvius Eruption Partially Deciphered, Earning Researchers $700,000 Prize

Submerged Frieze From Temple Of Zeus Found Off Agrigento Coast

Roman Dodecahedron Uncovered By Amateur Archaeologists In The UK

 Bedbugs Plagued Britain 1,900 Years Ago, Roman Fort Near Hadrian’s Wall Reveals

‘Landmark Paper’ Shows Why Ice Age Europeans Wore Jewelry

 What’s The Farthest Place the Vikings Reached?

 ‘Extremely Rare’ 2,500-year-old Broken Silver Coin Unearthed Near Jerusalem

13 Of The World’s Oldest Artworks, Some Crafted By Extinct Human Relatives

 Farming Began In North Africa About 7,500 Years Ago Thanks To Immigrants, DNA From Neolithic Burials Reveals

We Finally Know What This Mysterious Ice Age ‘Magic Wand’ Was Used For

 Yale Archaeologist Discovers Ancient Mancala Game Boards in Kenya’s Highlands

 Study Of Roman Pottery Reveals Complex Flavors Of Wine

In a Creepy Twist, One of The Oldest Tombs in Sweden Is Missing All of Its Skulls

 Did Art Exist Before Modern Humans? New Discoveries Raise Big Questions

Humans Walk Thanks To Change In Ape Ears 6 Million Years Ago

Hunting Instruments Dating Back 1,900 Years Discovered in Mexican Cave

 2,700-year-old Temple With Altar Overflowing With Jewel-studded Offerings Unearthed On Greek Island

 Ranis Cave: Homo Sapiens And Neanderthals Coexisted Before Extinction

 New Evidence of Early Humans Crossing the Alps 45,000 Years Ago

Prehistoric Jewelry Reveals 9 Distinct Cultures Across Stone Age Europe

 90,000-year-old Human Footprints Found On A Moroccan Beach Are Some Of The Oldest And Best Preserved In The World

 Controversy As Egypt Begins Ancient Pyramid Renovation

Denmark’s Oldest Runes Inscribed On Ancient Knife

Jade Mask Discovered In Pyramid Tomb Of Maya King

Beneath Roman Britain – An Iron Age Settlement Is Revealed At Silchester

Palace of Cortés Display Burial Is A Pre-Hispanic Woman, Not a Spanish Monk!

 Archaeologists Hunting For Cleopatra’s Tomb Found a “Geometric Miracle” Tunnel

 Stone Age Teenagers’ Chewing Gum Reveals Life 9,700 Years Ago in Fascinating Detail

“Absolutely Amazing” Roman Arm Guard Pieced Together After 1,800 Years

 Alexander The Great’s Father, Brother, And Son Finally Identified In Greek Tomb

 Burnt Food Remains Document 5,000-year-old Food Preparation

9th Century Sword Recovered From Vistula River

 2,000-year-old Knife Believed To Be The Oldest Runes Ever Found In Denmark

 Narmer’s Reign: The Epic Beginnings of Ancient Egypt

Ten Mysterious Rock Art Examples from the Ancient World

 10,000-year-old Burials From Unknown Hunter-gatherer Group Discovered In Brazil

Roman Mosaic Date Brightens Up Britain’s Dark Ages in More Ways Than One

 Parthenon Centaur Has A Mystery Head Feature

1,000-Year-Old Sword with Potential Viking Link Recovered From Polish River

45,000-Year-Old Tools And Bones Reveal Earliest Evidence of Homo Sapiens in Eastern Asia

Sensational 14th Century Gauntlet Unearthed In Switzerland

 Part Of Hadrian’s 1,800-year-old Aqueduct And Rare Greek Coins Unearthed Near Corinth

 Ancient Roman Necropolis Holding More Than 60 Skeletons And Luxury Goods Discovered In Central Italy

 The ‘Dark Earth’ Revealing The Amazon’s Secrets

INAH Archaeologists Find Funerary Urn Depicting Maya Corn God

 9,000-year-old Human Skeletons and Over 100,000 Artifacts Unearthed in Brazil

Discoveries Gleaned From Ancient Human DNA

 Indra Killed Vritra In 9703BCE: The Rigvedic Description Of The Comet Impact That Ended The Last Ice Age

Discovery Of Immense Fortifications Dating Back 4,000 Years In Northwestern Arabia

Eight of the Oldest Temples in the Ancient World

Unearthing The Lost City Built By Prisoners Of The Famous Trojan War

 Oldest Known Ancient Amazonian Cities Uncovered in Ecuador

 2 Golden Tongues Symbolizing ‘Flesh Of The Gods’ Unearthed In Ancient Egyptian Mummies

Records from Early 20th Century Nubian Excavations Miraculously Rediscovered

 Ancient Egyptian Mummy Masks, Tombs And ‘God Of Silence’ Statue Discovered At Saqqara

1,500-year-old Gold Buckles Depicting Ruler ‘majestically Sitting On A Throne’ Discovered In Kazakhstan

 Study Reveals New Genetics Insights Into Inhabitants Of Teōtīhuacān

Göbekli Tepe: Myths Of World’s Oldest Temple Being An Astronomical Observatory Flourish

Port Royal Unveiled: Sunken Secrets of a Pirate Paradise

 Roman Elite Burials Found In Ancient Tarquinia

Medieval Belt Buckle Of ‘Dragon’ Eating Frog Discovered In Czech Republic

 Scientists Studied 3,000 Viking Teeth And Discovered Surprisingly Advanced Dentistry

 Neanderthals Split From Modern Humans Just 408,000 Years Ago, Says New Study

Discovery of Bronze Age Fortifications on Ustica Island

Opulent Tombs & Untold Wealth Revealed at Newly Found Roman Necropolis

 ‘World’s Oldest Pyramid’ in Indonesia? A Study Draws Skepticism

Exquisite Silver Gilded Anglo-Saxon Artifact Unearthed Baffles Experts

 Merovingian Ship Burial Found In Norway

The Mystery Of The Miniature Coffins

 Cerne Abbas Chalk Figure Now Identified As the Greek Hero Hercules

The Big Archaeology Discoveries Of 2023

 What’s The Farthest Place The Vikings Reached?

2,500-year-old Mysterious Stone Disk Could Be Oldest Celestial Map Ever

10 Extraordinary Treasures That Archaeologists Unearthed This Year

 Study Of Mongolian Arc Adds To Mystery Surrounding Its Purpose

Evidence of 8,500-Year-Old Head Surgery Excavated at Çatalhöyük

Viking Dentistry Was “Surprisingly Advanced”, Finds Analysis Of Over 3,000 Teeth

Teenage Mummy Found with Fetus Trapped in Her Pelvis Shows Harsh Reality of Childbirth

 Sandstone statues found at Angkor Archaeological Park

Ancient Origins’ Most Extraordinary Archaeological Treasures of 2023

 Europe’s Prehistoric Mega-settlements Were Almost Exclusively Vegetarian

2,000-year-old ‘Celestial Calendar’ Discovered In Ancient Chinese Tomb

 Discovery Of ‘Calendar’ Rock Carvings From Ancestral Pueblo In Us Southwest Surpasses ‘Wildest Expectations’

 Ancient Marvels: Ten Amazing Inventions Created Before Their Time

 Many Prehistoric Handprints Show A Finger Missing. What If This Was Not Accidental?

Rare Ancient Multiplication Tables Found In 2,300-Year-Old Chinese Tomb

Scientists May Have Found an Ancient Path Into America 24,000 Years Ago

 Stonehenge Activates On the Winter Solstice Sunset, Not Sunrise

World’s Oldest Known Fort Was Constructed By Hunter-gatherers 8,000 Years Ago In Siberia

 Study of Ancient Teeth Shows Single Native American Migration from Asia

 Ancient Cuneiform Tablets Instantly Deciphered By Revolutionary Methods

Ancient Mesopotamian Bricks Record 3,000-Year-Old Geomagnetic Anomaly

3,000-year-old Ancient Puebloan Calendar Found On Colorado Border

The Aboriginal Didgeridoo Was A Tool For Healing And Peace

Madagascar Cave Art Hints At Ancient Connections Between Africa And Asia

 800-year-old Healing Bowl Emblazoned With Double-headed Dragon Unearthed In Turkish Castle

The Ancient Maya: How Did Such An Advanced Society Collapse?

 People Buried At ‘Mega’ Stone Tombs In Spain Were Defleshed And Their Bones Fractured After Death

9,000-year-old Double Burial With Shaman And Infant Reveals She May Have Been His 4th-great-grandmother

 Tomb Holding Hundreds Of Ancient Relics Unearthed In China

 2,200-Year-Old Roof Tiles From The Story Of Hanukkah Discovered In Jerusalem

 Petroglyph Discoveries Offer Breakthrough in Understanding Pueblo Culture

 Madagascar Cave Art Reveals Captivating Africa-Asia Connections

The Winter Solstice at Seven Amazing Megalithic Sites

 The Relic of Bir Hooker & The Giants of the Past

Oldest Wooden Framed Saddle Reveals Secrets of Equestrian Military Technology

 When Did Homo Sapiens First Appear?

Lost Inca Road Network and Stone Quarries Uncovered in Peru

 Were Neanderthals Soulful Inventors Or Strange Cannibals?

3,500-year-old Axes Potentially Used For ‘Cult Practice’ Discovered In Polish Forest

Menga Dolmen Unveiled As “The Greatest Neolithic Engineering Marvel”

Surprise Discovery About Roman Empire Found In Ancient DNA

 The Oldest Homo Sapiens Skull Ever Discovered

 Archaeologists Find Five Bronze Age Axes In The Forests Of Kociewie

Mummified Frogs Were Buried With The Ancient Egyptians 3,000 Years Ago

 Endangered Heritage: The Rakau Momori Tree Carvings of the Moriori

 This Bronze Age Stela Redefines Historical Views

 Ancient Maya Power Brokers Lived In Neighborhoods, Not Just Palaces

 Archaeological Survey Finds 18 Km Maya Sacbé Using Lidar

 Mysterious Ancient Cemetery in Finland Is Devoid of Human Remains

Colossal Prehistoric Tomb Was “Greatest Engineering Feat” Of The Stone Age

 99% of Ancient Human Population Wiped Out 900,000 Years Ago

 This is What the Roman Colosseum Looked Like Back Then

A Detectorist has Discovered a Completely Unique Medieval Seal Matrix in the UK

 Possible Arctic Graveyard May Be Northernmost Stone Age Cemetery

 Ancient Cuneiform Tablets Instantly Deciphered By Revolutionary Methods

A Mysterious Ancient Grave With A Sword And Mirror Belonged To A Woman

 An Indigenous People In The Philippines Have The Most Denisovan DNA

Wari-Mask Mummies And Carved Totems Dating Back to 800-1000 AD Found in Peru

Nearly 8,000 Medieval Coins And 7 Bronze Age Swords Unearthed In Germany

 2,000-year-old Coin Stash Discovered At Ancient Buddhist Shrine In Pakistan

Massive Ancient Mosaic Floor Discovered In Turkey

 1,000-year-old Skeleton Of Noblewoman With Hollowed-out Skull Found Buried Next To ‘Husband’ In Germany

1,000-Year-Old Child Mummies Unearthed From Sacred Ceremonial Space in Lima

Artifact Laden Pre-Hispanic, Pre-Volcanic Tombs Excavated in Mexico

Creepy Figures With Huge Heads Found Painted in a Rock Shelter in Tanzania

Ancient 20-inch-long Hand Ax Discovered In Saudi Arabia May Be World’s Largest

 Scottish Boy Digging For Potatoes Found ‘Masterpiece Of Egyptian Sculpture’

Sumerian Anti-Armageddon Device 4,000 Years Older Than Believed

 9000-year-old Native American Burial Stunned Experts

Baboon Mummy DNA From Ancient Egypt Reveals Location Of Mysterious Port City Not On Any Maps

 Long-distance Weaponry Identified At The 31,000-year-old Archaeological Site Of Maisières-Canal

Detectorist in England Finds Coins from 12th Century Reign of King Stephen

 Archaeologists Uncover Over 2,000 Seal Impressions In Ancient Doliche

Hoard Of 100,000 Centuries-old Coins Discovered In Japan

Ten Amazing Archaeological Discoveries

Stone Age Europeans Mastered Spear-throwers 10,000 Years Earlier Than We Thought, Study Suggests

2,800-year-old Ivory Carved With Sphinx Discovered In Turkey

 Sacred Surprises: Unearthing Twin Temples at the Haltern Roman Camp

Cult Temples And Sacrificial Pit Unearthed At Ancient Roman Camp In Germany

 Late Prehistoric Discovery Turns Archaeological Assumptions On Their Head

Archaeologists Unearth a Secret Lost Language From 3,000 Years Ago

 Astonishing Results! More Ancient Egyptian Granite Vases Analyzed

Vast and Mesmerizing Floor Mosaic Unearthed in Cappadocian Villa

 Battle Between Warring European Peoples Might Have Occurred A Millennium Earlier Than Previously Thought

Mysterious Artificial Hand Found on Skeleton Buried in The Middle Ages

 Scuba Diver Discovers 30,000 Astonishingly Well-preserved Roman Coins Off Italian Coast

Rebuilding an Ancient Egyptian Statue is a Huge Challenge

 Over 100,000 Ancient Coins Found In Hidden Cache

 Sculpted Head Of Serpent Warrior Found At Chichén Itzá

New Discoveries At Tell Muhammad

 Copper Age Woman Survived Two Skull Surgeries Up To 4,500 Years Ago

Boy King, Boy Racer? Tutankhamun May Have Been Africa’s First Traffic Fatality

 Massive 200,000-Year-Old Hand Axes Rewrite Saudi Arabia History

 Turkana Stone Beads Tell A Story Of Herder Life In A Drying East Africa 5,000 Years Ago

Is the Inca Maiden the World’s Best-Preserved Mummy?

 Stonehenge-like Structures Have Been Found All Over the World

 Why the ‘Stonehenge of Atlit Yam’ was Held in Such High Regard

Mythical Hellhound And Sea-Centaurs Painted On 2200-year-old Tomb Discovered In Italy

 Mesopotamian Clay Balls: Ancient Relics or Prehistoric Hard Drives?

How the Civilization on Easter Island Collapsed

 Holy Grail of Shipwrecks With $20 Billion of Treasure to be Raised from the Deep

Remains Of 2,000-year-old Sheep-drawn Chariot Discovered Near ‘Terracotta Army’ In China

 Mystery of Mummified Baboons Found in Egypt May Finally Be Solved

 Magic Snake Spells and Texts Discovered In Egyptian Tomb

Rare 500-Year-Old Florentine Codex Now Unlocks Mexica (Aztec) Culture Online

 The Oldest Known Burial Site in The World Wasn’t Made by Our Species

Hundreds of Ancient Roman Forts Found in Old CIA Spy Surveillance

Giant Pyramid Buried in Indonesia Could Be The Oldest in The World

 Hidden Colors And Intricate Patterns Discovered On The 2,500-year-old Parthenon Marbles From Ancient Greece

 Skeleton With 4 Prosthetic Metal Fingers Unearthed From Centuries-old Grave In Germany

3,400-year-old Pyramid Found In Kazakhstan

 Underwater Archaeologists Search For Lost Civilisations Beneath Baltic And North Sea

Circular Structure Connected to Kukulcán Discovered in El Tigre, Mexico

 A New Study Reveals the Astonishing Way the Great Sphinx in Egypt Actually Formed

 500-year-old Lion Drawing In Puerto Rican Cave May Have Been Made By An Enslaved African

3,300-Year-Old Wooden Yoke Unveiled in Northern Italy After Extensive Restoration

 Ancient Underwater Trade Secrets at the Cape Gelidonya Shipwreck

Were Ancient Greeks Building Pyramids at the Same Time as the Egyptians?

 Burial Suggests Dingoes Had ‘almost-human Status’ In First Nations Communities

Depiction Of Trojan War Hero Ajax Found In 1,800-year-old Submerged Building In Greece

 2,500-Year-Old Chinese Tombs Provide Earliest Clear Evidence Of Cannabis Being Used To Get High

Ancient New Year’s Scene From Egypt Uncovered On Roof Of 2,200-year-old Temple

Papyrus Containing Egyptian Book Of The Dead Found Alongside Mummies At Ancient Cemetery

 Rare Cross-shaped Reliquary Unearthed From Medieval Knight’s Home In Poland

 Cold War Satellite Images Reveal Nearly 400 Roman Forts In The Middle East

Dozens of centuries-old stone grenades from Ming dynasty discovered at Great Wall of China

 5,000-year-old Tomb Holding Hugging Skeletons In Scotland Is Neolithic ‘feat Of Engineering’

 Teenage Mummy the Inca Ice Maiden ‘Brought Back to Life’

2,000-year-old Decorated Roman Sandal Unearthed In Spain

 ‘A Neolithic Feat Of Engineering’: Orkney Dig Reveals Ruins Of Huge Tomb

 This Ancient Egyptian Mega-Tomb is the Largest of its Kind

When Did Humans Start Burying Their Dead?

 ‘Christ’ Tattoo Discovered On 1,300-year-old Body In Sudan

 2,300-Year-Old Celtic Village Found in Northern Munich Suburb

 Brazilian Drought Unveils Rare Ancient Petroglyphs On Manaus Riverbed

Ancient Mayan City of Palenque Was Home to a Legendary King

 Paleolithic Women Hunted Too: Should The “Male Hunter” Myth Be Ditched For Good?

Discovery Of Half-million-year-old Wooden Structure Shows We’re Wrong To Underestimate Our Ancient Relatives

 Drought In Brazil’s Amazon Reveals Ancient Engravings

Ancient Maya Kings May Have Already Told Us How to Solve Our Water Crisis

 This Ancient Society Survived The Sahara Desert With a Single Water Source

 Earthquake Reveals Giant Aztec Snakehead Beneath Mexico City University

 Ancient Egyptian Papyrus Describes Dozens Of Venomous Snakes, Including Rare 4-fanged Serpent

Scotland’s Most Mysterious Stone Age Settlements

 Man Digs Up 1,000-year-old Sword From Swedish Crusades In His Yard In Finland

Study Shows Neanderthals Inherited At Least 6% Of Their Genome From A Now-extinct Lineage Of Early Modern Humans

 The Oldest Pieces Of Baltic Amber Found On The Iberian Peninsula Indicates Imports Began Over 5,000 Years Ago

Dokos, The Oldest Shipwreck in the World

 See Gorgeous Ancient Egyptian ‘Mummy Portraits’ From Nearly 2 Millennia Ago

 Strangely Engraved Rock Is Giant ‘Treasure Map’, Archaeologists Say

 Painted Aztec Snake Carving Found In Mexico City

 Archaeologists Uncover Bronze Age Treasure Hoard

2,000-year-old ‘Tomb Of Cerberus’ With Stunning Frescoes Discovered In Italy

 Runestones Reveal The Power Of A Viking Queen

Accountant Takes An Accurate Shot At Cracking Bronze Age Script, Linear A

 Ancient Human Species Settled African Highlands 2 Million Years Ago

Hidden Colors And Intricate Patterns Discovered On The 2,500-year-old Parthenon Marbles From Ancient Greece

First Word From “Unreadable” Scrolls That Survived Vesuvius Has Been Decoded

13 Of The Oldest Archaeological Sites In The Americas

 ‘Exceptional’ 1,800-year-old Sarcophagus Unearthed In France Held Woman Of ‘Special Status’

 Coin Hoard At Glencoe Massacre Site Found Buried Under Fireplace

Pythagorean Theorem Found On Clay Tablet 1,000 Years Older Than Pythagoras

 This Abydos Pharaoh Was Unusual in Many Ways

 The Wildest Party in Ancient Egypt- The Festival of Drunkenness

Over 10,000 Earthworks in the Amazon Revealed By LiDAR

Maya Tomb With Funerary Offerings Found During Hotel Construction

 The 1st Americans Were Not Who We Thought They Were

 Remains of 7,300-Year-Old Neolithic Cabins Discovered in Spain

 Archaeologists Find 1700-year-old Trident

 Archaeological Mission Finds Hundreds Of Sealed Jars In Tomb Of Merit-neith

Long-Lost Egyptian Tomb Found With 4,400-Year-Old Mummy Inside

 Amazon Rain Forest Hides Thousands Of Records Of Ancient Indigenous Communities Under Its Canopy, Says New Study

‘Exceedingly Rare’ Horse Bridle Discovered In Melting Ice In Norway Could Date To Viking Age

 ‘Time Capsule’ Of Life: Ancient DNA Recovered From 2,900-Year-Old Brick

 Stage Where Shakespeare Performed Uncovered At St George’s Guildhall

 Ocean Explorers Rediscover Long-Lost Japanese WWII Vessel Akagi 18,000 Feet Below Ocean

1,900-year-old Knot-Frilled Child’s Gown Discovered in Israel’s Cave of Letters

 Study Shows Prehistoric People Occupied Upland Regions Of Inland Spain In Even The Coldest Periods Of The Last Ice Age

Confirmed: The Oldest Human Footprints in North America Are at Least 21,500 Years Old

 Legendary Ancient Temple Believed To Be Lost Has Been Found In Mexico

700-year-old Coin Depicting Jesus And Medieval King Discovered In Bulgaria

 Karahan Tepe’s Remarkable Underworld Encounters Captivate Historians

2,300-year-old Greek Bronze Mirror Discovered In Israel

 Norwegian Family Finds 1,200-year-old Viking Treasure While Searching For A Lost Earring

 5,000-Year-Old Wine Jars Unearthed at Queen Merneith’s Tomb

Researchers Find World’s Oldest Time Capsule From 1726 In Bulb Of Church Spire – Here’s What’s Inside

 Long-Lost Treasures And Temple Found Among Sunken Ancient City

 Stonehenge Study Upends A 100-year-old Theory And Suggests Further Discoveries To Come

Prehistoric Carvings Are So Accurate, Animals’ Sex, Age, And Species Can Be Determined

 Oldest Wooden Structure, Half A Million Years Old, Predates Our Species

This Roman Gadget Was Clearly Designed To Impress

 Long-Lost Chambers Found Within 4,400-Year-Old Egyptian Pyramid

Mysterious And ‘Beautifully Carved’ Life-size Camel Carvings Discovered In Saudi Arabian Desert

‘Very Rare’ Bronze Age Arrow With Quartzite Tip Uncovered From Melting Ice After 3,000 Years

 Eight New Chambers Revealed at the Sahure Pyramid

Scientists Recreate Aztec Death Whistle’s Deathly Noise

 Stacked 1,400-Year-Old Zhou Dynasty Emperor’s Tomb Uncovered in China

The Stonehenge Altar Stone Didn’t Come From Where We Thought It Did

 A Day In The Life Of An Egyptian Embalmer

 ‘Armed to the Teeth’ Frankish Warrior’s Untouched Grave Found

 New Images Of 5,000-year-old Highland Burial Site

Human Ancestors Nearly Went Extinct 900,000 Years Ago

We Carry DNA From Extinct Cousins Like Neanderthals

 Viking Trade Routes Reached Over Hundreds of Miles to The Arctic, Study Finds

1,000-Year-Old Cemetery of Child Mummies Found in Peru by Gas Workers

Bronze Age Hexagonal ‘Pyramid’ Not Like Anything ‘found Before In The Eurasian Steppe’

 Landslide Reveals 2,500-year-old ‘Richly Decorated’ Gold Necklaces In Spain

Palatial 1,500-year-old Maya Structure Unearthed In Mexico

 2 Rare Roman Cavalry Swords From 1,800 Years Ago Discovered By UK Metal Detectorist

This Globe Features Mythology, Science, and Technology

 Ancient Amazonians Intentionally Created Fertile ‘Dark Earth’

 Evidence of a Wooden Structure That Predates Our Species Uncovered

 Modern Polynesians Recreate Ancient Voyage With No Tech

 The Native American Mound Builders

Stone Masterpiece Pays Tribute to Ancient Yelang Civilization

 13-year-Old Girl Found In Iberian Cave Was An Early Neolithic Pioneer, Predating Funerary Traditions By 1,000 Years

Welsh Metal Detecting Duo Strikes Rare, 2000-year-old Iron Age Treasure

 Hip Bone Found In Cave In France May Represent A Previously Unknown Lineage Of Homo Sapiens

 5,500-Year-Old Gate Found At Tell Erani

Ötzi The Iceman Had Dark Skin And Was Bald — New Study Rewrites Ancient History

 12,000-Year-Old Sequins Hint At A Shared Culture In Indonesian Islands

Archaeologists Find 4,000-Year-Old Ceramic Pipe Drainage System in China

Mysterious Village on Stilts Found Submerged Under Ancient Lake

 What’s The Earliest Evidence Of Humans In The Americas?

 2,000-year-old Gold Treasure From Iron Age Tribe Unearthed By Metal Detectorists In Wales

 Big Freeze Drove Early Humans Out Of Europe

7 Fascinating Ways Ancient Cultures Mummified Their Dead

 Underworld Discovery Casts Doubt On Our Understanding Of Human Evolution

Guatemala’s Ancient Deer Dance of the Gods

 Unearthed Treasure: Saber Sword Found in Kyrgyzstan is a Medieval Marvel

 Ice Age Cave Entrance that Nobody has Entered for 16,000 Years found in Germany

Huge New Prehistoric Sites Database Transforms Understanding of Human History

 30 Lost Burials Archaeologists Are Still Searching For

 Research Says Humans Temporarily Left Europe For 200,000 Years

4,000-Year-Old Bronze Age Pyramid Found in Kazakhstan Is First Ever on Asian Steppe

Ancient Skull Found in China Is Unlike Any Human Seen Before

‘Lost’ 1,500-Year-old Teotihuacan Village Discovered In The Heart Of Mexico City

 Missing ‘Body’ Of Ice Age Animal Carving Finally Found — But Nobody Knows What The Animal Is

 Extensive Roman Road Network Covering Devon and Cornwall Revealed in UK

Building Ancient Robot Automata in Switzerland

 Excavation Reveals New Insights Into Last Moments Before Vesuvius Eruption

 Giant Panda Remains Found In 2,000 Year Old Chinese Royal Tomb

Timeless Roman Coin Of Brutus’ Betrayal Goes On Sale

 Cracking the Code: AI Model Unlocks Ancient Akkadian Text

Ancient Roman Boat From Empire’s Frontier Unearthed In Serbian Coal Mine

A Child’s Ornate Necklace Highlights Ancient Farmers’ Social Complexity

 The Art Of Roman Water Management Revealed

 The 8,000-Year-Old Footprints of Britain’s Ancient Hunters

 Machu Picchu: The Incan Estate 8,000 feet High in the Andes

Bask in the Beauty and Melody of the Ancient Mesopotamian Lyres of Ur

Time Travel Below Waves: Baiae’s Ancient Party Town

Ancient DNA Reveals That Some Inhabitants Of Machu Picchu Came From Far Away

 Iron Age Warrior Woman Was Buried With A Sword And A Mirror

This Ancient Weapon Was Made From an Object That Fell Out of The Sky

 Brazil’s Oldest Skeleton Reveals Why Ancient Builders Swiftly Vanished

Megalithic Dolmens Discovered At The La Lentejuela Teba Necropolis

Western Reactions to the Controversial Benin Bronzes

Impressive Roman Glass Shipwreck Found Near Corsica

 Ruins Of Ancient Roman Emperor Nero’s Theater Unearthed In ‘Exceptional’ Discovery In Rome

 4,000-Year-Old Dutch Stonehenge Reveals Ties to Ancient Mesopotamia

 4,000-year-old Cemetery Discovered At Future Rocket Launch Site In UK

Machu Picchu: Ancient DNA Sheds New Light on Lost City of The Incas