Last updated: July 2, 2024


NEW Quantum Sensing: The Quantum Technology You’ve Never Heard Of

NEW Starfish-inspired Robot-like Structure Bends, Mends, And Remembers

NEW MIT, Harvard, Columbia Scientists Create Implantable Microphones For The Deaf

Robot With Lab-Grown Brain Developed In China, Performs Critical Tasks

World’s Fastest AI Supercomputer Could Be 30x More Powerful Than Frontier

World’s 1st Hydrogen-hybrid Research Vessel Causes 75% Less Emissions

 DARPA x Northrop Grumman’s Manta Ray Drone Spotted on Google Maps at California Naval Base

Robotic Hand With Tactile Fingertips Achieves New Dexterity Feat

 Scientists Develop Ultra-efficient Light-harvesting System

AI Trained To Draw Inspiration From Images, Not Copy Them

 Tiny Algae-made Robots Treat Inflammatory Bowel Disease Without Drug

 ‘Self-Healing’ Solar Cells Could Become Reality

China Firm Sets 2027 Target For Electric Plane With 1,800 Mile Range

 Writer Alarmed When Company Fires His 60-person Team, Replaces Them All With AI

Scientists Dramatically Increase Worm’s Life Expectancy In Ageing Study

 Edison’s Tech Paves Way For 100% Emissions-Free Hydrogen

 Engineered Skin Tissue Grants Robots Special Properties And Abilities

New Toshiba Batteries Can Help Charge Electric Buses 0-80% In 10 Minutes

 AI Designs Radical Magnet Free of Rare-Earth Metals in Just 3 Months

 New Way To Measure Nanoscale Forces In The Microscopic World

 ‘Powerhouse’ Gene To Fight Obesity Discovered By Scientists In China

New Test Detects Parkinson’s Seven Years Before Most Symptoms Show

3 Billion Microfossil Puzzle Can Be Solved With New Ai Deep Learning Model

Marathon Uses Bitcoin Mining To Heat Town Of 11,000 In Finland

EOS-X SPACE’s Pressurized Capsules Set to Take Tourists to the Edge of Space

 This AI-Powered Robot Has Worked Out How To Solve A Rubik’s Cube In Just 0.305 Seconds

 Gel Sensor Uses Motion To Generate 83% Higher Voltage Than Counterparts

Sirius Jet is World’s First Hydrogen-Electric eVTOL with 1,150 Mile Range and 323MPH Cruising Speed

 World’s Largest Monopile Factory To Advance Wind Energy Projects

Dell, SMC, Nvidia To Build Elon Musk’s Grok Supercomputer In Memphis

 This Glassy Gel Is a Surprising New Class of Material That Heals Itself

 A Simpler Method To Teach Robots New Skills

  Targeted Drug Delivery Via Ultrasound Nanocarriers Proved Effective

 Researchers Investigate The Impacts Of Space Travel On Astronauts’ Eye Health

X-Ray Vision Chip Gives Phones ‘superman’ Power To View Objects Through Walls

Scientists Develop 3D Printed Vacuum System That Aims To Trap Dark Matter

 MIT’s Portable Fingernail Scanner Can Reduce Cancer Hospitalization By 50%

AI RoboCasa Simulation Developed To Train Robots For Household Chores

 “Maladaptive Traits”: AI Systems Are Learning To Lie And Deceive

 Swimming Microrobots Deliver Cancer-fighting Drugs To Metastatic Lung Tumors In Mice

In A First, China’s ‘artificial Sun’ Achieves Magnetic Field In Nuclear Fusion

 Bio-inspired Membrane To Transform Lithium Extraction From Salt Lakes

Mind Mapper: MIT’s New Tech Shows Whole Brain Hemispheres In 3D Detail

 China’s ‘High Payload, Low Cost’ Cargo Drone Aces Maiden Flight Test

DARPA’s Military-Grade ‘Quantum Laser’ Will Use Entangled Photons To Outshine Conventional Laser Beams

 Wild New Study Suggests Gravity Can Exist Without Mass

Silkworms Help Grow Better Organ-like Tissues In Labs

 Study Explores Ice-based Electricity Generation

 Monocopter Drone Adjusts Foldable Wings Mid-flight For Enhanced Agility

1X Gives EVE Humanoid Robot an AI Upgrade, Voice Commands Ensue

 Quantum Internet Breakthrough After ‘Quantum Data’ Transmitted Through Standard Fiber Optic Cable For 1st Time

 Low Cost Miniature Sensors Will Enhance Crop Health Monitoring

 Bioengineered Implant Triggers Natural Bone Regeneration, Shows Study

US Economy To Benefit From Nasa Investment In 3D-printable Superalloy

New Water-based Heat Pump Delivers 400% More Heat Than The Energy It Uses

 A Film That’s Never The Same Twice, Rewrites Itself After Every Screening

 AI And Satellite Imager Can Spot Fires 500x Faster Than On-ground

AI-Enabled Drones Help Farmers Fight Off Pests, Reduce Food Waste

First-ever Gene Therapy Restores Hearing In Both Ears Of Children Born Deaf

LocoMan Robot: Advancing Versatile Quadrupedal Dexterity with Lightweight Loco-Manipulators

Autonomous Robot For Smooth 24/7 Medication Delivery In Hospitals Unveiled

 Low-Cost Spit Test To Detect Prostate Cancer In Seconds Developed

 Goodbye Inhalers? Chinese Trial Offers Potential One-shot Asthma Cure

Solar Power Generated Enough Heat To Power A Steel Furnace

 OpenAI Revives Its Robotic Research Team, Plans To Build Dedicated AI

 The Green Alchemists Creating New Nanotechnology Gold

1X’s Eve Humanoid Robot Masters Task Chaining, Nears Autonomous Work

New Expedition To Titanic Wreck Planned, And It’s The Super-rich Again

 Using AI To Help Drones Find Lost Hikers

 Cardiomyocytes Study Discovers New Way To Regenerate Damaged Heart Cells

 Strange Discovery Suggests Children Trust Robots Over Humans

Pizza-Making Robot Can Outdo Chefs In Speed, Cut and Wastage

 FAA Approves Amazon Prime Air Drones to Fly Further Distances

 Ancient Medicine Blends With Modern-day Research In New Tissue Regeneration Method

Scientists Create New Color-changing ‘Sunglasses For Windows’ To Block Heat

 DARPA Intends To Wirelessly Charge Drones While In Flight By Power-beaming

 Neuralink Receives FDA Approval To Implant Brain Chip In Second Patient

 Co-Founder Of China’s “SenseTime” Says AI Development Gap With US Is Closing 

New Display Tech Paves The Way For ‘most Realistic’ Holograms In Regular Eyeglasses

 New Device, Width Of Human Hair, Could Help Investigate Physics Of Light

 Physicists Demonstrate Room Temp Quantum Storage in 2D Material

From Neutrinos To Qubits: What Are Majorana Particles?

 World’s 1st: China’s Boring-blasting Machine Claims 30% Efficient Tunneling

AI Deepfakes Are Wreaking Havoc On An Unprepared Financial Industry

 Right Again, Einstein! Scientists Find Where Matter ‘Waterfalls’ Into Black Holes

New Device Helps Paraplegics Regain Partial Use Of Hands

 Fearing AI ‘Take Over’, ‘Godfather Of AI’ Advises UK Govt To Start UBI

UK Builds World’s Smallest Light Detector To Shrink Quantum Computers

 Australian Approach Enhances Particle Therapy For Cancer Treatment

Quantum Internet Inches Closer: Qubits Sent 22 Miles Via Fiber Optic Cable

 AI-Powered Noise-Filtering Headphones Give Users The Power To Choose What To Hear

 OpenAI Disbands Team Devoted To Artificial Intelligence Risks

New Neural Tech Could Power Insect-sized Intelligent Flying Robots

 Spider-inspired Tiny Robot Offers Unmatched Flexibility For Rescue Ops

Atoms Squished Closer Together Than Ever Before, Revealing Seemingly Impossible Quantum Effects

 Robotic “Superlimbs” Could Help Astronauts Who Trip On The Moon

 New Revolutionary Technique To 3D-print Multiple Drugs In Single Tablet

 Floating Robots Reveal Just How Much Airborne Dust Fertilizes The Southern Ocean

AI Helps Understand Complex Orangutan Communication

 Solar-powered Robot Astronaut Could Soon Be Heading To China’s Space Station

 Biohybrid Robotic Hand May Help Unravel Complex Sensation Of Touch

China Creates Its Largest Ever Quantum Computing Chip

 Driverless Cars To Evolve Traffic Lights, White Signal Could Be Added

 Scientists Create Green Composite Material From Japanese Washi Paper

 Scientists Discovered An Amazing Practical Use For Leftover Coffee Grounds

Apple Reportedly Near Deal To Infuse ChatGPT Into iPhones

 New Seabed Batteries Could Provide Cheaper Energy Storage

 LimX Dynamics’ W1 Robot Can Stand, Walk And Roll On Its Hind ‘Legs’

 Gut Bacteria Enzymes Could Lead To Universal Blood Production

Physicists Detect Hints of a Mysterious Particle Called a ‘Glueball’

 NASA Licenses 3D-printable Superalloy That’s 2,500x Stronger

 India’s 3D-printed Rocket Engine Aces Long-duration Hot Testing

 New Study Delves 12 Miles Into Earth’s Surface To Predict Volcanic Eruptions

US Firm Unveils New 500 Mph Speeding, Missile And Cargo Carrying Drone

 The Longest-Running Laboratory Experiment In The World Is Streaming Live Right Now

Largest Fragment Of The Human Brain Mapped

 Scientists Discover New Type Of Cell In The Liver

Blurred Lasers Make For Better 3D Printed Optics, Study Finds

 Lifelike Robot Invasion: Inside China’s Insane Humanoid Factory

 ‘Deadbots’ Could Be The Future of Advertising, Ethicists Warn, And We’re Not Ready

Quantum Breakthrough: World’s Purest Silicon Brings Scientists One Step Closer To Scaling Up Quantum Computers

 Caterpillar-like Robot Can Split, Rejoin, Haul Cargo, Crawl Through Mazes

 Forget Facial Recognition, This New AI Predicts Age By Analyzing Hands

 Scientists Think They’ve Found Our ‘Neural Compass’ That Stops Us Getting Lost

Who’s Building The Most Solar Energy?

 Mapping The Number Of AI Startups By Country

32 Weird Technologies That Never Took Off

 Fusion Record Set For Tungsten Tokamak WEST

Non-invasive Brain-computer Interface To Help Control Objects By Thought

 New AI Tool Efficiently Detects Asbestos In Roofs So It Can Be Removed

World’s First Fully Electric Robot Boasts 550 Trillion Ops, 4mph Speed

 Newfound ‘Altermagnets’ Shatter The Magnetic Status Quo

 CCP’s Floating Nuclear Plants May Power Military Bases In South China Sea

 Stretchable E-skin Could Give Robots Human-level Touch Sensitivity

Hubble Network Achieves First-ever Bluetooth Connection Directly To Space

DARPA’s Autonomous ‘manta Ray’ Drone Can Glide Through Ocean Depths Undetected

 New 6G Wireless Tech Is 500 Times Faster Than Average 5G Smartphones

 Stunning Image Shows Atoms Transforming Into Quantum Waves — Just As Schrödinger Predicted

 Nanotech Oral Insulin Medication On The Horizon

With Huge Patient Dataset, Ai Accurately Predicts Treatment Outcomes

 FathomVerse: Harnessing AI and Gaming to Guide Ocean Exploration

 Trotting Robots Reveal Emergence Of Animal Gait Transitions

 A Miniature Wireless Robot That Can Effectively Move Through Tubular Structures

 Princeton’s New Pinhole-camera-like Tool Promises Better Nuclear Fusion

‘Living Plastic’ Can Digest Itself

 Australia To Build World’s 1st Commercially ‘Useful’ Quantum Computer

 Universal Donor Blood Is A Step Closer Thanks To Enzyme Discovery

 Light Waves Brought to a Stop in a Crystal Promises New Ways to Control Photons

 Scientists Harness The Wind As A Tool To Move Objects

The Future Is Near For Self-driving Tractor-Trailers Trucks On Us Roads

 Highly Precise Atomic Clocks Could Soon Get Even Better. Here’s How

 AI Versus Geology: How Is Machine Learning Changing It?

 Adobe’s AI-Powered VideoGigaGAN Makes Videos 8x Clearer

4,000% Boost! Eco-friendly Hydrogen On The Horizon

 The Robotic Arm Takes Over UAE Gas Stations

It’s Entirely Legal To Own “Thermonator” 

 China Green-lights Mass Production Of Autonomous Flying Taxis — With Commercial Flights Set For 2025

 World’s 1st Stealth Submarine Capable Of 180-degree Turn At Full Speed

 SenseNova 5.0: China’s Latest Ai Model Surpasses OpenAI’s GPT-4

Portugal’s First 3D-Printed House Took Just 18-Hours to Print

 World-First: Woman Receives Combined Heart Pump And Pig Kidney Transplant

 Tweak To Schrödinger’s Cat Equation Could Unite Einstein’s Relativity And Quantum Mechanics, Study Hints

 World’s Thinnest Gold Leaf, Dubbed ‘Goldene,’ Is Just 1 Atom Thick

Forget Billions of Years: Scientists Have Grown Diamonds in Just 150 Minutes

 Brain Microdisplay: New Device Maps Brain In Real-time During Surgery

 Medical Drone Project To Bring Low Cost Health Care To Regions

 Energy-efficient “Glass” Bricks As Strong As Clay

Scientists Uncover 3.7-billion-year-old Record Of Earth’s Magnetic Field

 Flying Cars Are Becoming Reality In China

 ‘World’s 1st’ Flamethrower Robot Dog Gets Remote Control And LiDAR

 NASA’s New Hall-Effect Thruster Could Unlock Small Spacecraft Revolution

 Extracting High-purity Gold From Electrical And Electronic Waste

MXenes To Revolutionize Energy Storage; May Help Devices Charge In Seconds

 US Startup’s Fusion Energy Device Reaches 37-million-degree Temperature

 Researchers Create Artificial Cells That Act Like Living Cells

 Most Materials Seem to Obey a ‘Rule of Four’ And Scientists Are Utterly Stumped

Space Manufacturing Milestone As 8km Of Fibre Optics Made On ISS

 China Unveils World’s 1st Diesel Engine With 53.09% Thermal Efficiency

“First Real Image” Of Chinese Supersonic Drone Attached To Bomber 

Sound Barrier-breaking Test: Us Permits Boom To Zoom At Supersonic Speeds

 Silent Flight Edges Closer To Take Off, According To New Research

 What Are The Biggest Perceived Dangers Of AI?

 Eerily Realistic: Microsoft’s New AI Model Makes Images Talk, Sing

Robot Penguins: This Underwater Drone Can Cruise At 11.5 Mph

 World’s Largest Neuromorphic Computer By Intel Works Like Human Brain

 Graphene, But It’s Made Of Gold Not Carbon. Enter Goldene

AI Speeds Up Drug Design For Parkinson’s By Ten-fold

 Floating Solar’s Potential To Support Sustainable Development

 Major First: Quantum Information Produced, Stored, And Retrieved

 Watch Boston Dynamics’ Newest Atlas Robot Wake Up In The Creepiest Way Possible

Boston Dynamics Reveals New Electric Robot Atlas A Day After Retiring Version One

 The Evolution Of Intelligence and the Future of AI

 AI Pinpoints Where Psychosis Originates In The Brain

Strange New Form of Gold Exists as a Sheet That’s Just One Atom Thick

 Quantum Speed Internet Can Be Enabled With Light Saved As Sound

 Researchers Develop Stretchable Quantum Dot Display

The Future Of Screens – It Reacts To Your Touch, Fingerprint, And Even Pulse

 Space-Based Solar Power May Be One Step Closer To Reality, Thanks To This Key Test

This Little Robot Can Hop In Zero-gravity To Explore Asteroids

 Penn Engineers Recreate Star Trek’s Holodeck Using ChatGPT And Video Game Assets

 5 Of The Strangest Machines Ever Made

China Develops New Light-based Chiplet That Could Power AI Smarter Than Humans

 Universal Brain-computer Interface Lets People Play Games With Just Their Thoughts

Engineers Design Soft And Flexible ‘Skeletons’ For Muscle-powered Robots

 Watch Derpy Robots Show Off Their Soccer Skills Thanks To New Ai Training Method

Synthetic Platelets Stanch Bleeding, Promote Healing In Animal Models

 AI Will Provide Heart Transplant Surgeons With New Decision-making Data

 Quantum Breakthrough When Light Makes Materials Magnetic

 Physicists Finally Capture Mysterious Wigner Crystal After 90 Years

Waterproof E-gloves Could One Day Help Scuba Divers Communicate With The Surface

 What’s Happening With Proteus – Cousteau’s Underwater Research Station?

 World’s Largest Cavern Thermal Energy Storage To Warm A City Year-Round

First Images Inside Fukushima’s Nuclear Reactor Show “Icicle-Like” Structures

 Engineers Design Flexible ‘skeletons’ For Soft, Muscle-Powered Robots

 GM’s Cruise Plans To Restart Robotaxi Operations Across Phoenix

 Dual Layer, 3D Magnetic Recording To Boost Seagate’s HDD Storage To 120TB+

Innovative Autonomous Drone Recharges Itself Using Overhead Power Lines

MIT Reveals New 3D Printer That Prints With Sustainable Materials

China: UBTech cCooses ChatGPT Rival Baidu to Brain-Power Humanoid Robot

Quantum Computing Just Got Hotter: 1 Degree Above Absolute Zero

 “This Is The First Time”: Drug Shows Signs of Slowing Parkinson’s Disease

Princeton Scientists Unveil Breakthrough In Fusion Reactor Technology

 Iron Flow Battery Promises To Take Charge

Hyundai IONIQ 5 Robotaxi Successfully Passes Driver’s License Test in Nevada

Apple Developing Robot As “Next Big Thing” After Dumping Electric Car Project

 First Light Fusion Breaks Another Nuclear Fusion Record With Electric Gun

China Is The World Leader In Battery Recycling

 First Experimental Evidence For Graviton-like Particles

Robots That Know If We’re Sad Or Happy Are Coming

 China Makes ‘World’s Longest-lasting Plasma Torch’ That Could Last Years

World’s Most Powerful Laser Ushers Dawn Of New Era In Health, Space 

 OpenAI Unveils Voice-Cloning Tool

 Robot Dog Disguised As Coyote/fox To Scare Wildlife From Alaska Airport

Boston Dynamics’ Spot Robot Dog Can Now Be Used to Fight Fires and Inspect Suspicious Packages

South Korean ‘Artificial Sun’ Reaches 7 Times The Sun’s Core Temperature

 World-First Pig Kidney Transplant Was a Huge Breakthrough, But Is It The Future?

 Generative AI Develops Potential New Drugs For Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

Breakthrough Cancer Vaccine For Dogs Is ‘Truly Revolutionary’, Scientist Says

 Creating “Good” AGI That Won’t Kill Us All: Crypto’s Artificial Superintelligence Alliance

Using DNA To Work Out What 6th Century Chinese Emperor Looked Like

 CERN To Supercharge World’s Most Powerful Atom Smasher To Hunt New Physics

 Europe’s Longest Hyperloop Testing Center Now Open In Netherlands

4.5 Million Times Faster Internet? Aston University Makes It Possible

 Swarms Of Drones Could Save Us From Wildfires

 Deep-Space Astronomy Sensor Peers Into The Heart Of An Atom

 Researcher Startled When Ai Seemingly Realizes It’s Being Tested

 Chinese Researchers Engineer Implantable Batteries, Sustained By Body Oxygen

World’s Fastest Camera Shoots At 156.3 Trillion Frames Per Second

 Iron Flow Battery Promises To Take Charge

 New Concrete Possibilities From Waste Materials

 Scientists On The Hunt For Evidence Of Quantum Gravity’s Existence At The South Pole

Physicists Capture Elusive 4D ‘Ghost’ in CERN Particle Accelerator

 Brain-on-chip: China Develops ‘world’s Most Energy-efficient AI Chips’

 Sara: Saudi Arabia’s First Humanoid Robot Reflects National Values

Researchers Take Major Step Toward Developing Next-generation Solar Cells

 ‘Light Speed’ Electrons Discovered Moving in 4 Dimensions For The First Time

Explainer: How Stem Cells Might See Woolly Mammoth De-extinction

 AI Outperforms Humans In Standardized Tests Of Creative Potential

World’s First High-Resolution ‘Brain Phantom’ 3D Printed By Researchers

 India’s First Reusable Launch Vehicle ‘Pushpak’ Makes Successful Landing

Supercomputer Cracks How To Create Material Harder Than Diamond: The “Super Diamond”

 Massive Robotic Arm 3d Prints 27-ft-high Two-story House In A First

 First-ever Atomic Freeze-frame Of Liquid Water

 Swedes Set Solar Car Record… On Ice

 Aussie Startup Develops Sustainable Land Based Aquaculture

Breakthrough Catalyst Turns Sewage Into Clean Energy

 Two Artificial Intelligences Talk To Each Other

Earth Received a Message Laser-Beamed From 10 Million Miles Away in NASA Test

 Nvidia Unveils ‘Project GROOT’ Robot & New ‘Grace Blackwell’ Superchip

 AI And Robotics To Speed Up Drilling, Cut Costs In The Oil And Gas Industry

 Cells Harvested From Urine May Have Diagnostic Potential For Kidney Disease, Find Scientists

 Pacemakers Powered by Light Could Revolutionize Heart Disease Treatment

Scientists Engineer Cow That Makes Human Insulin Proteins in Its Milk

 Veteran V2500 Jet Engine Runs On 100% Sustainable Fuel For First Time

 Space Tourism Firm Offers Fine Dining On Edge Of Space For $500,000

Researchers Reveal Ultra-thin Meta-optics For Next-gen Thermal Imaging

 Visualizing The Explosive Growth Of AI-Powered Fraud

 Ancient Scrolls Are Being ‘read’ By Machine Learning—with Human Knowledge To Detect Language And Make Sense Of Them

 Scientists Reveal The First Naturally Grown Unconventional Superconductor

Chinese Scientists Implant First Pig Liver Into Brain-Dead Human

 Scientists Control Robot With Their Hands While Wearing The Apple Vision Pro

Startup Says This Massive Plane Could Make Wind Energy Viable

 Sydney Uni Engineers Harvest Alloy For Next-gen Nano Memory Chips

Meltio Unveils Its Latest Next-Generation Metal 3d Printing Machine

 ‘Solar Sandwich’ Of Old, New Solar Cells Could Unlock Next-level Power

New Self-Powered Throat Patch Could Help People Speak Without Vocal Cords

 Watch Declassified Video Of The UK’s DragonFire Laser Zapping An Aerial Target

 Opening New Doors In The VR World—Literally

 A 3D View Into Chaos: Researchers Visualize Temperature-driven Turbulence In Liquid Metal For The First Time

Generative AI Enabling Identity Fraud at Scale: Au10tix Report

 AI Language Model Provides New Insights Into The Development Of Brain Diseases

Pentagon Wants 1000s Of AI-piloted Fighter Jets To Support Human Pilots

 Radical New Discovery Could Double The Speed of Existing Computers

 Stem Cells From Amniocentesis Used To Grow Organoids

The Wave House: Europe’s Largest 3D-Printed Building

Swedish Research Separates H From O For Improved Green Hydrogen Production

 Promising New Technique Treats Infertility By Turning Skin Cells Into Egg

 4D Knit Dress Robot Uses Several Technologies To Create A Custom Design And A Custom Fit

 New DNA-infused Computer Chip Can Perform Calculations And Make Future Ai Models Far More Efficient

Researchers Develop New Glowing Touchscreen That Works Underwater

 China Could Begin Construction Of World’s Largest Particle Collider In Three Years

 Blocking a Single Protein Could Prevent Nerve Damage Responsible For Alzheimer’s

Quantum Computing Takes a Giant Leap With Light-Based Processors

 Next Big Thing: Sustainable Sodium – The Next Battery Of The Future

 Another Law Of Physics Broken: Not Only Opposites Attract

 Top AI Scientist: AGI By 2024, ASI By 2027?

Tiny Nukes On Trucks: Sub-20 Megawatt Reactors To Power Remote Areas

 The Wave House Data Center is Europe’s Largest 3D-Printed Building, Took Only 140-Hours to Complete

 A Universal Antivenom For Snake Bites Is Closer Than Ever to Reality

New ‘Water Batteries’ Are Cheaper, Recyclable, And Won’t Explode

 New Chinese Ornithopter The World’s Most Bird-like, China Claims

 “Mini Organs” Grown From Human Amniotic Fluid In World First

 ChatGPT-rival Anthropic Releases More Powerful AI

 Now The Robots Are Coming For Your Opinions

Chinese Scientists Engineer Robust Lithium Battery That Works At -112°F

 AI System Can Convert Voice Track To Video Of A Person Speaking Using A Still Image

Something Strange Happens When You Ask AI to Act Like Star Trek

 China Opens 50 Soccer Field-sized, World’s Largest Ground Space Station

Researchers Demonstrate 3D Nanoscale Optical Disk Memory With Petabit Capacity

 Scientists Use AI To Stabilize Nuclear Fusion For The First Time

 How 40hz Sensory Gamma Rhythm Stimulation Clears Amyloid In Alzheimer’s Mice

Flying Car Designed To Hop Across The Philippines’ 7,000 Islands Coming This Year

 Jet Suits Are Like Human F-35 Fighter Jets, Says Founder

 Machine Gun-wielding Robot Dogs Are Better Sharpshooters, Claims Study

 New AI Image Generator Is 8 Times Faster Than OpenAI’s Best Tool — And Can Run On Cheap Computers

Musk Announces Tesla Collab With SpaceX, Says New Roadster Will Go 0-60 In Less Than 1 Second

Breakthrough: Positronium Cooled By Laser in a World First

 New World Record For Solar Cell Efficiency Set By CIGS Thin Films

Scientists Build Bendable Solar Cells That Are Thinner Than Paper

 Scientists Break 30-year-old Record In Electron Beam Spin Measurement

 “Swarm Of One” Robot Is A Single Machine Made Up Of Independent Modules

Scientists Develop Real-time Human Emotion Recognition Technology

 Humanoid Robot Masters The Art Of Sketching Through Deep Learning

 3D Printed Titanium Structure Shows Supernatural Strength

Super Strong Magnetic Fields Leave Imprint On Nuclear Matter

Scientists Recreate Fingerprints from the Sound of Swiping on a Touchscreen

 China Creates Microwave Cannon That Can Fire High-power Microwaves To Disable Satellites

Study: Non-invasive Brain Surgery Via Sound Waves Stimulates Brain Parts

 Engineers 3D Print The Electromagnets At The Heart Of Many Electronics

Lab-Grown Retinas Explain Why People See Colors Dogs Can’t

 Semi-transparent Solar Cells Achieve Record-breaking Energy Conversion

New Data Storage in 3D Using Light Could Hold a Million Movies On a Single Disc

 How To Spot A Deepfake

 Researchers Develop Ai That Can Understand Light In Photographs

 New ‘Water Batteries’ Stay Cool Under Pressure

Musk Reveals Neuralink’s First Human Patient Controls Computer Mouse With Mind 

 Breakthrough Medical Glue Magically Binds Tissues Stronger Than Ever

 Oxford-made Magnetic Whirls Could Transfer Data At Kilometers Per Second

Scientists Design ‘Sunflower’ City To Boost Solar Energy In Countries With Relatively Low Levels Of Sunlight

 World’s Largest Solar Plus Battery Storage System Goes Live In Mojave Desert

OpenAI Sora: Wake Up Humans, The World Has Changed Again

 Could Mini Nuclear Stations Plug South Africa’s Power Gaps?

 New Chip Opens Door To Ai Computing At Light Speed

 Physicists Discover Brand-New Isotopes of Heavy Rare-Earth Elements

Korean Researchers Triple Lithium Extraction With Plasma Technology

 Boston Dynamics Founder Shares Vision For Future Of Robotics And AI

Blink And You’ll Miss This Electron: Super-fast Molecule Snapshot

 AI Synthesizer Bridges Technology And Creativity In Music Composition

Surgical Robot, Mira, Aces Zero-gravity Examination In Space

China Plans Robot-builder To Construct A Human Base Using Moon Bricks

 Scientists Discover Brain Region Controlling Left And Right Turns

 Scientists Invent New Hybrid Food by Growing Beef Inside Grains of Rice

Turning Glass Into A ‘Transparent’ Light-Energy Harvester

 Detachable Flying Vans Seal The Deal With Luftcar For 7,100 Islands

Neuralink: Here’s What We Know About This Brain-Computer Interface

 Scientists Design A Two-legged Robot Powered By Muscle Tissue

Biometrics Squaring Off with Deepfakes

 MIT’s New Ultrasound Sticker Can Check Your Internal Organs For Disease

 Redefining Helmet Safety: Scientists Develop New Material That Absorbs Six Times More Energy

 Scientists Slowed Down Light by 10,000 Times in an Experiment

OpenAI-backed “AGI ROBOT” SHOCKED The ENTIRE Industry

New World Record Set For Nuclear Fusion Energy Output

 ‘Universal Memory’ Breakthrough Brings The Next Generation Of Computers 1 Step Closer To Major Speed Boost

 Device Allows Amputee To Feel Temperature Through Prosthetic

 Scientific Robot Set To ‘Slurp’ Deep-Sea Species For Study

 Meet Roboguide: An AI Robot Aids Visually Impaired With Movement

Researchers Warn Of Physical And Emotional Side Effects And “Aftereffects” From Mixed Reality Headsets

 Madradar Hack Can Make Self-driving Cars ‘Hallucinate’ Imaginary Vehicles And Veer Dangerously Off Course

3D-Printed Brain Tissue Is Now A Reality Thanks To World-First Breakthrough

 AI Tool Deciphers Herculaneum Scroll

CERN Unleashes Powerful Robot-Dog To Inspect Nuclear Radiation Zones

 Scientists Transformed Pure Water Into a Metal

 Laser Fusion Experiment Hit a Critical Milestone in Power Generation

 This New Sensor Is ‘1M Times’ More Sensitive In Detecting Lead In Water

Vision-Pro Early-Adopters Spotted In Wild

 Robot Surgeon Sent To The International Space Station To Dissect Simulated Astronaut Tissue

 Genomes Of 51 Animal Species Mapped In Record Time, Creating ‘Evolutionary Time Machine’

Arizona Is Building The First Solar Canal In The US

 Migaloo To Set Sail ‘World’s First $3 Billion Luxury Super Submarine’

New York City Pulls Out Controversial Subway Surveillance Robot

 Adobe’s Firefly AI Launches in Apple Vision Pro with Exclusive Features

China Creates World’s First AI Child Which Shows Human Emotion

 CMU Robotics Devise Robots To Fix Faulty Gas Pipelines, Saves Millions

Device Could Jumpstart Work Toward Quantum Internet

 Team Achieves World’s Fastest Data Transmission Rate Using Photonics

 A Fully Autonomous Drone System For Cinematography And Wildlife Monitoring

This Tiny Version of a Human Heart on a Chip Beats Like The Real Thing

 New Heart Treatment Could Help The Body Grow A Replacement Valve

 Companies Turn To AI Because Real Intelligence Is Hard To Find

 Prepare Now for When Quantum Computers Break Biometric Encryption: Trust Stamp

 Ziyan unveils Shadow S3 unmanned helicopter at UMEX 2024

First Human Neuralink Implant A Success, Musk Says ‘Initial Results Promising’

 For The First Time, Robot Dog Controlled From The International Space Station (ISS)

 Dubai To Host World’s First Jet Suit Race Which Will Take To The Skies

 Robot Trained To Read Braille At Twice The Speed Of Humans

 Deciphering Life’s Timeline: Groundbreaking New Method Unlocks Secrets of Cellular Time

Scientists Think They’re on The Verge of Breaching The Blood-Brain Barrier

 ‘Obelisks’: Entirely New Class of Life Has Been Found in The Human Digestive System

World First Partial Heart Transplant Is Growing With a Baby

 Your Next New Hydrogen Fuel Cell Could Be Made By GM And Honda

 Fascinating Look at NIED in Japan, the World’s Largest Rainfall Simulator

 Turning Glass Into A ‘transparent’ Light-Energy Harvester

New Software Spots Disease-causing Genes With Higher Accuracy

 Researchers Develop Implantable Device That Can Record A Collection Of Individual Neurons Over Months

Cornell Researchers Develop Breakthrough EV Battery That Charges Under 5 Mins

 Scientists Invent Dirt-fuelled Power Source That ‘lasts Forever’, Based On 113 Year-old Tech

World’s Smallest, Tightest Knot Ever Created Is Just 54 Atoms Long

Miniature VR Goggles For Mice Could Advance Neuroscience Research

 Drone-based Bot Is Already Saving Birds From Crashing Into Power Lines

Wild Mars Plane Concept Could Seek Water From High In The Red Planet’s Atmosphere

 Bio-Race Wars: Defense Report Warns That Future Plagues Will Target Specific Genomes And Races

 This Camera Takes 1,000 Years to Capture a Single Photograph

 Important Things To Know Before You Use ChatGPT As Your Teacher

Hacked Parcel Delivery Company’s AI Chatbot Writes Poems About Bad Customer Service

‘Drone-in-a-box’: Canada, France Defense Firms Unveil Drone-truck Tag Team

 NASA Orbiter Fires First Laser At India’s Moon Lander, Gets A Wink Back

Scientists Use TV Tech To Test Light-powered Internet Connections That Can Be 100 Times Faster Than Wi-fi

 Physicists Design a Way to Detect Quantum Behavior in Large Objects, Like Us

 Siemens Leaps Into Industrial Metaverse, Partners With Sony And AWS

 NASA Crafts Inchworm-like Robot Systems For Future Deep-space Missions

John Deere Partners With Elon Musk’s Starlink To Unlock “Vast Opportunities”

 ‘World First’: South Korea To Tackle Co2 & Saltwater With Clever Tech

 Chemists Create The First 2D Heavy Fermion With Heavier-than-normal Electrons

How Hydrogen Trucks Could Make Power Cleaner And Cheaper

 China’s Nuclear Battery Powers Your Smartphone For 50 Years

 A Cloned Rhesus Monkey Is Still Alive After 2 Years

 Kim-e is a Self-Balancing Personal Mobility Robot

Japanese Startup Plans To Vaporize Space Junk Using Ground Lasers 

 South Korea Reveals $470b Vision For World’s Largest Chipmaking Hub

 Google Is Working To Develop An AI-based Diagnostic Dialogue Tool As Part Of A Medical Interview System

Robot Baristas And AI Chefs Caused A Stir At CES 2024 As Casino Union Workers Fear For Their Jobs

Lab-grown Eyes Crack Why We See Millions Of Colors That Cats, Dogs Don’t

NASA To Unveil Supersonic X-59 Plane With “Sonic Thump” 

 Scientists Unveil Radical Plan to Drill Into a Volcano For Near-Unlimited Energy

 Researchers Create Light-powered Yeast, Providing Insights Into Evolution, Biofuels And Cellular Aging

 A Fiber Inspired By Polar Bears Traps Heat As Well As Down Feathers Do

Rabbits New Ai Agent Device Just Shocked The Entire Industry

 Scientists Engineer Plant Microbiome To Protect Crops Against Disease

 Researchers Create Transparent Implant To Decipher Deep Brain Activity

AI Has Learned That Fingerprints Are Not Unique, Shattering A Long Held Belief

 Hyundai’s ‘Quiet As A Dishwasher’ eVTOL Will Hit The Market In 2028

 UK Researchers Build ‘Self-eating’ Rocket That Burns Itself For Fuel

Diabetes Breakthrough: FDA-Approved Drugs Regenerate Insulin Production in 48 Hours

 New Research On Microbes Expands The Known Limits For Life On Earth And Beyond

3D Mini-organs Created From Human Fetus’ Brain Tissue Paves Way For Cancer Treatment

 Electricity May Boost Chemical Reactions In New Drug Synthesis

 Quantum Batteries Could Charge Faster By Scrambling The Rules Of Cause And Effect

5 Uses For Graphene, The ‘miracle Material’ Transforming Industries

We Asked Top AI Chatbots For Their Predictions For 2024

Incredible Photo Shows A Woman Charging An Electric Car 112 Years Ago

 Soft Robotic, Wearable Device Improves Walking For Individual With Parkinson’s Disease

 MAGGIE: NASA Plans Massive Solar-powered Electric Plane For Mars Mission

World’s First Partial Heart Transplant Grows Valves And Arteries

World’s First: Norway Tests Alien Bunker-like Subsea Floating Wind Tech

 Researchers Create First Functional Semiconductor Made From Graphene

 AI Detects Unusual Signal Hidden in a Famous Raphael Masterpiece

NASA Tests 3D-printed, Rotating Detonation Rocket Engine

 BYD Overtakes Tesla, Becomes The Largest Selling EV Brand In 2023

 Scientists Develop ‘Flying Dragon’ Robot To Fight Fires From A Distance

Japan To Dispatch Solar-powered, Flying 5G Mobile Base Station In 2025

 Why ‘Resurrection Biology’ Is Gaining Traction Around The World

 The Unpredictable Abilities Emerging From Large AI Models

Quantum Batteries Could Charge Faster By Scrambling The Rules Of Cause And Effect

 Wild Images Reveal a Shock Wave Traveling Through a Single Cell

 2023: The Year Of The ChatGPT Scare

16 Tech Projects From 2023 That Could Change The World

 Quantum Computers Could Break The Internet

Top 7 Transportation Tech Stories Of 2023

 Tungsten Divertors To Help Korean Artificial Sun To Sustain 100m Degrees

 Scientists Destroy 99% of Cancer Cells in The Lab Using Vibrating Molecules

Weird Particle Physics Stories That Blew Our Minds In 2023

 World’s Tallest, 492-foot Wooden Wind Turbine Installed In Sweden

 Revolutionary Vibrating Weight Loss Pill Could Reduce Food Intake by 40%

A New Solar Powered Desalinization Method Might Have Just Helped Solve Water Scarcity

eVince Microreactor Boasts 8+ Years Of Nuclear Power Without Using Water

 Researchers Develop ‘electronic Soil’ That Enhances Crop Growth

 Boeing’s First ‘Orca’ Extra-large Underwater Drone Has Been Delivered To The US Navy

 New ‘Mind-Reading’ AI Translates Thoughts Directly From Brainwaves – Without Implants

 FOBO: Is The Fear Of AI Worse Than AI Itself?

This New Bladeless Fan Is The Future Of Wind Turbines

DeepSouth: Human Brain-Scale Supercomputer Goes Online In 2024

 Massive Electric Plane Ready To Test Vertical Takeoff

 NASA Laser-beams Adorable Cat Video To Earth From 19 Million Miles Away

 US To Develop Microwave Defense Antenna To Annihilate Drone, Aerial Threats

Elon Musk Will Offer New “Mod Package” For Amphibious Cybertruck

 Scientists Deploy Smurfs, Army Of Robots For Safe Nuclear Plant Cleanup

 NASA’s 1st Successful Two-way Laser Experiment Is A Giant Leap For Moon And Mars Communications

China Unveils Drillship To Harvest ‘flammable Ice’ From Oceanic Depths

 Scientists Combine AI With A ‘Minibrain’ To Make Hybrid Computer

 Using AI To Diagnose Autism In Children

Which Countries Are Most Interested In Generative AI?

 NASA Celebrates 120 Years Of Human Flight And Its Impact

Hong Kong Develops World’s First Antenna For Ultra-Secure 6G

 Using AI To Pinpoint Hidden Sources Of Clean Energy Underground

GE Aerospace Cracks Hypersonic Engine Test, Claims 4,000mph Achievable

 Scientists Prove Diamond And Lithium Niobate For Advancing Quantum Tech

Pentagon Seeks EMP Weapon To Eliminate Drone Swarms 

Tesla’s Humanoid Robot Is Now 30% Faster, 22lbs Lighter

 Deepfake Society: 74% of Americans Can’t Tell What’s Real or Fake Online Anymore

Google’s Gemini AI Hints at the Next Great Leap for the Technology: Analysing Real-time Information

 Scientists Reveal a New Way Our DNA Can Make Novel Genes From Scratch

 Ford’s “Test For EV Adoption” Fails: Carmaker Slashes Production Plans For Electric F-150 In Half

 Raytheon’s Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle Defeats Ballistic Missile in Test Over Pacific

Scientists Built a Functional Computer With Human Brain Tissue

 This New Robotic Catheter Will Make Your Heart Surgeries Safer

Reptilian Robots Considered For Use In Disaster Response Efforts

 EU The First Governing Body To Pass AI Legislation

Google Unveils Powerful New AI Said to Out-Think ChatGPT

 The First Non Invasive BCI for Consumers (Real NerveGear)

AMD Unveils New AI Chip To Challenge Nvidia’s Market Dominance

We’ve Finally Seen in Exquisite Detail How Human Fingers And Toes Grow

 A Novel Microscope Operates On The Quantum State Of Single Electrons

 Artificial Intelligence Makes Gripping Of Prosthetic Hands More Intuitive

 5 Of The World’s Most Realistic Humanoid Robots Ever

 Watch This Wheeled Robot Dog Transform Into A Humanoid And Dump Boxes

 Billionaire Palmer Luckey Unveils Jet-Powered VTOL Kamikaze Drone

Experts Predict Mind-Controlled Devices May Be Common By 2040s

 Bold New Theory Seeks To Unify Einstein’s Relativity And Quantum Mechanics

 Tissue Regenerating Tech Could Make Root Canals A Thing Of The Past

The World’s Biggest Nuclear Fusion Reactor Just Came Online

 Cracked Piece of Metal Heals Itself in Experiment That Stuns Scientists

 Snail-inspired Robot Could Scoop Ocean Microplastics

Detroit Touts First Wireless-charging Public Road For Electric Vehicles In US

 Scientists Create Microscopic Robots Made From Human Cells That Repair Neurons

 Physicists May Have Found a Hard Limit on The Performance of Large Quantum Computers

China’s Building an Epic Underwater Data Center With The Power of 6 Million PCs

Anduril Introduces Ai-guided UAV Jet That Hunts Drones And Returns Home

 At-home Saliva Testing Could Replace Daily Finger-jabs For Diabetics

 Top 5 Best AI Chatbots in 2023

Quantum Squeeze: MIT Unlocks New Dimensions in Precise Clocks

 A Tiny Particle Accelerator Just Achieved a Major Energy Milestone

 This AI Model Can Tell If You’re At High Risk Of Lung Cancer By Analyzing A Single X-ray Scan

AI Crime Boom Will Likely Hit Millions Across The Globe

 One Groundbreaking Year Ago ChatGPT Ushered in an AI Era: How Has It Impacted Society?

500-million-year-old Jellyfish Collagen Could Be Key To Lab Grown Organs

 Google Taps On Geothermal Heat To Power Its Energy-hungry Data Centers

 FAA Green-lights Percepto To Manage 30-drone Remote Fleet Control

Cybertruck To Price Between $50,000 To $80,000, Wedbush Says Ahead Of Thursday’s Launch

 AI System Self-organizes To Develop Features Of Brains Of Complex Organisms

Study Shows ChatGPT Writes Better School Essays Than Students

 Alberta Glacier Serves As A Test Bed For NASA’s Futuristic Robotic Snake

 Hong Kong Start-up Reveals Liquid Microalgae Tech For Capturing CO2

 Self-healing Robotic Gripper Could Be The Future Of Sustainable Soft Robotics

Israeli ‘Iron Beam’ Lasers Are ‘Future Of Warfare’

 NIO To Slash Workforce By 30% As It Bets On Robots And AI

Biohybrid Microrobots Could Remove Micro- And Nano-plastics From Aquatic Environments

 China’s New 384-Core CPU Boosts Its Supercomputing Capabilities

9 Problems With Generative AI, In One Chart

Networking Nano-biosensors For Wireless Communication In The Blood

 New Carbon Material Sets Energy-storage Record, Likely To Advance Supercapacitors

AI Can “lie and BS” Just Like Humans, But Can’t Match Our Intelligence

 Schneider’s Electric Trucks Surpass 1 Million Eco-friendly Miles

 Jet Powered By PW800 Engines Wraps Transatlantic Trip Using 100% SAF

Micromotors Purify Wastewater And Create Green Energy

 Synthetic Imagery Sets New Bar In AI Training Efficiency

 Portugal Just Ran On Entirely Renewable Energy For A Record-Breaking 6 Consecutive Days

Autonomous Robots for Inspection of Floating Wind Farms Pass First Tests Offshore Portugal

World First As UK Greenlights Landmark CRISPR Gene Editing Treatment

 Scientists Create 3D-Bioprinted Hair Follicles In Lab-Grown Skin

CRISPR Therapy For High Cholesterol Shows Promise In Early Trial

 Swallowable Device Tracking Vital Signs Inside The Body In Human Trial

 This Amazing Ultrafast Laser Is Tiny Enough to Fit on a Fingertip

Creating Realistic ‘talking Heads’ With An Ai-powered Program

 OpenAI Pauses New ChatGPT Plus Signups

 AI is Already Being Melded with Robotics – One Outcome Could be Powerful New Weapons

 Physicists Uncover a New State of Matter Hidden in The Quantum World

 Researchers Train AI To Produce Solar Cells From Perovskite In Record Time

3D Printed Robots With Bones, Ligaments, And Tendons

 Silicon Valley’s Latest Gadget Is An Ai Computer You Wear On Your Clothes

 Tiny, Shape-shifting Robot Could One Day Be Used To Perform Surgery From Inside The Body

 Scientists Find New Way To Supercharge Lasers By A Million Times

AI Chemist Brings Us One Step Closer To Breathing On Mars

 Chinese Company Uses Quantum Numbers To Minimize Cybersecurity Threats

 Researchers Developed A Robotic Sensory System That Can Identify Textures

AI Faces Look More Real Than Actual Human Face: Study

 A Robot Inspired By Mantis Shrimp To Explore Narrow Underwater Environments

 New Molecule Promoting Healthy Mitochondria Via Mitophagy Found

 This Floating Solar Device Generates Clean Water And Hydrogen

Elon Musk on xAI Grok vs OpenAI GPT

 Tesla Insider Leaks Cybertruck Specs Ahead Of Launch

 Stable And Efficient Robotic Artificial Muscles Built Upon New Material Combinations

The World Is Running Out of Data to Feed AI, Experts Warn

 Physicists Simulated a Black Hole in The Lab. Then It Started to Glow

 13 Advanced Space Technologies Improving Our Lives On Earth

China Unveils Plan To Mass Produce Human-like Robots, Calling It ‘New Engine’ For Growth

 Amazing Tiny Brain Implant Translates Brain Signals Into Speech

 World’s First Entire Eye Transplant Declared a Medical Breakthrough

 First Flight Of B-21 Raider Captured On Video 

Glowing Fingertips And Green Eyes: First-of-Its-Kind Monkey Chimera Born in China

 Elon Musk’s Neuralink To Implant Its Experimental Brain Chips On At Least 11 Volunteers In 2024

 Liquid Metals Shake Up Century-old Chemical Engineering Processes

 Soar Over Ancient Rome’s Temples, Brothels And Baths In Epic New 3D Reconstruction

Aussie Couple Design World’s First Hydrogen Vertical Lift-Off EV Plane

 In A First, MIT Researchers Successfully Trap Electrons In 3D Crystal

Chinese Scientists Claim To Have Achieved Key Anti-aging Breakthrough

 US Firm Unveils Its Most Advanced Stealth Drone To Date

 Scientists Create The First Wireless Map Of A Worm’s Nervous System

 In World 1st, Virus Spotted Attached To 2nd Virus

In A Jedi-like Feat, Rats Can Move A Digital Object Using Just Their Brain

 Scientists Get Rare Glimpse Of ‘nesting Doll’ Isotope Nitrogen-9

40 Amazing Facial Reconstructions, From Stone Age Shamans To King Tut

 Musk Teases AI Chatbot ‘Grok,’ With Real-time Access To X

A Robot That Can Detect Subtle Noises In Its Surroundings And Use Them To Localize Nearby Humans

Pottery Becomes Water Treatment Device For Navajo Nation

 GPT-4 Falls Short Of Turing Threshold

World’s Smallest Particle Accelerator Is 54 Million Times Smaller Than The Large Hadron Collider, And It Works

 China Is Building The World’s Largest Underwater Telescope To Hunt For Elusive ‘Ghost Particles’

Scientists Just Discovered a New Human Sense of Touch

Sci-fi Inspired Tractor Beams Are Real, And Could Solve A Major Space Junk Problem

 Can the Magnetic Fusion Plasma Drive Take us to Interstellar Travel?

Engineers Develop An Efficient Process To Make Fuel From Carbon Dioxide

 In a Huge First, Mouse Embryos Have Been Grown in Space

 The Quest to Quantify Quantumness

 Biden Issues Government’s First-Ever Artificial Intelligence Executive Order 

Möbius Mystery Solved By Mathematician After 5 Decades

 Australia Made A Breakthrough In Using Mirrors To Generate Solar Power

Underwater Robot Helps Scientists Gain Clarity Of Antarctic Ice Melting

 New Image Reveals B-21 Raider Taxiing Ahead Of Maiden Flight

 Google Pays $26.3 Billion To Be Top Search Engine

350-Year-Old Theorem Reveals ‘Profound’ Connection Between Properties of Light

ChatGPT Could Help Hackers Launch Devastating Cyberattacks, Experiments Reveal

 Wild New Physics Theory Explains Why Time Travel Is Impossible

 In a 1st, AI Neural Network Captures ‘Critical Aspect Of Human Intelligence’

Amazon Begins Testing Drone Delivery Of Medications In Texas

 Microchip Breakthrough Could Reshape Future Of AI

 The Most Expensive Material Known to Science Isn’t What You Think

 Microgravity Can Permanently Mutate Bacteria And Make Them Faster Breeders

LIGO Has Surpassed The Quantum Limit. We Can Explain.

Gargantuan 22-mw Wind Turbine Will Be Among History’s Largest Machines

 New Neodymium-doped Material Can Fish Uranium Out Of Seawater

Molecular Engineers Successfully Create A Working DNA ‘Nanomachine’

 Just 1% of All Possible Chemicals Have Been Discovered. How Can We Find More?

 A New Phase of Matter – Researchers Detail How Disorder Alters Quantum Spin Liquids

How NASA 3D Printed A Rocket Nozzle For Deep Space

 Scientists Just Came Up With a Wild Idea For Making Oxygen on Mars

 Remarkable Never-Before-Seen Electronic Behavior Observed In Graphene

Eiffel Tower-sized Blades: China’s New Offshore Wind Project

 Amazon Already Has 750,0000 Robots In Quest To Eliminate Humans Altogether

 You Can Now Diagnose Diabetes By Speaking Into Your Phone

Physics-Defying Quasiparticles Could Open a Whole New World of Microscopy

 In a Huge First, Scientists Transfer Alzheimer’s to Healthy Young Animals

AI Reveals Scroll’s Lost Text After It Was Scorched By Mount Vesuvius Eruption 2,000 Years Ago

 This Large Two-wheeled EV Can Self-balance Like A Hoverboard

 MIT Researchers Find Five-layer Graphene Has Exotic Properties

Revolutionary Bionic Hand Fuses With Woman’s Bones, Muscles, And Nerves

 Researchers Develop Approach That Can Enable Inexpensive Mass Manufacturing Of Micro-Led Displays

 New Technique Helps Robots Pack Objects Into A Tight Space

 AI Models Identify Biodiversity From Animal Sounds In Tropical Rainforests

A.I. Agents: ChatGPT Can Write Its Own Code And Execute It

 World First: New AI System Discovers Supernova Without Human Help

 AI Deciphers Ancient Scroll Buried in The Ashes of Mount Vesuvius

 “300 Mbps WiFi Speed”: Entire Qatar Airways Fleet To Be Supported By Starlink

Strange Form of Ice Found That Only Melts at Extremely Hot Temperatures

 Soldier Ants Turned Into Foragers By Scientists Reprogramming Their Brains

 Israel’s ‘iron Beam’ Laser Weapon May Join Combat Service Soon

New Brain Cell Atlas Reveals Unprecedented Level Of Detail – Here’s Why It Matters

Time Travel Simulations Can Solve Impossible Problems, Physicists Say

Google’s Green Light: Ai For Smarter And Greener Traffic Lights

 Wild Experiment Shows How Lasers Could Be Used to Build Moon Roads

 Future Medicines Could Take The Form of Tiny Artificial Life Forms

Tesla Building A “Bunkerlike” Structure In Texas To House Its “Dojo” Supercomputer

 Nano Nuclear Thinks It Will Be ‘First Company to Sell Microreactors,’ With 2030 Target

Google’s Ai Alone May Consume As Much Energy As Ireland

 MIT Geologists Discover Rock Sounds Reveal Earth’s Depth

Kawasaki Brings Out World’s First Strong Hybrid Motorcycle

 New Study Delves Into World of Artificial Neural Networks, Unraveling How AI Brains Learn

An App Shows How Ancient Greek Sites Looked Thousands Of Years Ago

 Gboard CAPS: The Cool New Way To Type Without Your Fingers

 A 130g Soft Robot Gripper That Can Lift 100kg

AI-driven Earthquake Forecasting Shows Promise In Trials

 Free-Space Nanoprinting Beyond Optical Limits To Create 4D Functional Structures

Scientists Create An ‘Electronic Tongue’ To Give Artificial Intelligence Human Taste

 New Ukrainian Nanotech ‘Cloak’ Can Hide People From Drones

Bioprinted Skin Heals Severe Wounds In Pigs, Humans Are Next

 Gold Reinvented: Stanford Scientists Uncover Exotic Chemical State in New Material

 Here Are 5 Unique Ways Of Using ChatGPT Image Recognition

Artificial Intelligence Goes to War

 Revolutionary “Quantum Dot” Technology Wins 2023 Nobel Prize In Chemistry

 New Drug Mimics Exercise, Causing Obese Mice to Burn Fat And Lose Weight

 VR Fail? Meta Will Lay Off Employees In Metaverse Unit On Wednesday

Morphing Robots Can Grip, Climb And Crawl Like Insects

 Starlink Launches V2 Mini-satellites With ‘Space Lasers’

 A New “Mini Organ” Has Been Discovered In Mammalian Cells