Mayan Copal Incense
1 – Offering (Muluc)
kin 209 of 260

by Ian Xel Lungold

The sign of water and purification. Ceremonially the Maya use water as an offering to bring collective strenth, adaptability and harmony…Click here to read full description.

1 - Offering (Muluc)

The Trecena of Toj
(30th June – 12th July 2024)

by Mark Elmy

The trecena of Toj is a time to make our payments, to balance out and give back for all that we have taken, a time to resolve our debts.

To view Mark’s Toj Trecena video – Click here

Mark Elmy

Tzolkin Trecena Notes
1 Offering (Muluc, Toj)

by William and Viola Welsch

This Trecena starts with 1 Muluc – Water/Offering – Emotional, Imaginative, Intuitive, Vessel of Gratitude, Essence of Life, Offering Gratitude for Water and Life…Click here to read full article.

1 - Offering (Muluc)

Jaguar Wisdom
1 – Toj (Muluc)

by Kenneth Johnson

1 – Toj (Muluc) – Today the new trecena begins. The word toj literally means “payment” or “an offering,” with the understanding that we are making payment and offerings to the spiritual world. Thus this 13-day cycle can be a time when we do important spiritual work aimed at bringing our relationship with the spiritual world into new harmony, correcting any sense of imbalance or unease which we may have with the cosmos that lies within us. Toj is also the day which symbolizes the “sacred fire” which lies at the heart of Mayan ceremonial life. Many of us, who live in cities, will not have the opportunity to light such fires, but a few candles on the altar will certainly be helpful…Click here to read full article

1 - Offering (Muluc)

The Tzolk’in Clock
Water Trecena

by White Shaman

The Tzolk’in calendar connects us humans using time, mind, body, and spirit. It’s also meant to be viewed in more than just two dimensions. As a 3D representation of the Tzolk’in, consider you are in the center of an eight-wall room (like a hoogan) and you are facing east out the door, towards the sunrise. When viewed in 3D, the south face of the Tzolk’in is to your right, and the water trecena flows along the top of the right wall… Click here to read full article.

$3.99 Thrift Store Vase Turns Out To Be Ancient Mayan Artifact

by WUSA9

Maryland thrift store sells ancient Maya artifact for $3.99 to D.C. woman. The object’s historical significance left her in awe, but also a tad nervous since she has three young sons at home, and didn’t want to be the one responsible for any mishaps after two millennia. In a heartfelt ceremony, she returned the vase to Mexican ambassador Estaban Moctezuma Barragan. The Maya vase is now destined for a Mexican museum. A remarkable journey for an item that began as an unassuming thrift store purchaseClick here to view short video clip.

Maya Vase