Last updated: July 2, 2024



A Final Warning from George Orwell
N Klaus Schwab: ‘We Must Force Humanity Into Collaboration’

Zuckerberg: Warns AI Companies ‘Trying To Create God’, But He Will Save Us

The One Health Agenda

What Really Happened at the WHO?

Flatulent Cows, Sheep, And Pigs Face World’s First Carbon Tax In Denmark

 Drone As First Responder Programs Are Swarming Across the United States

The Court Green-Lights Censorship

 Visualizing The Death Of Cash Transactions Around The World

How Climate Racketeers Aim To Force Us Into Smart Gulags

HB57: Utah Now Requires Search Warrant To Access Electronic Data

 Corporate Media Panics With ‘Fact Checks’ Over Biden’s Obvious Decline

 Report: US Government Spies on Thousands of Americans’ Mail Every Year

Biden Admin Asked Amazon To Hide Vaccine-Critical Books During Pandemic

7 Ways To Stop The Matrix Control System From Enslaving You

 UK Technocrats Sharpen the Knives of Manipulation

1984 @ 75 – The Lottery

 Mind Control and 5th Generation Warfare: An interview with Sarah Westall

The World of Social Credit Just Got Much Closer

 Our Propagandized Society Is Like A Sick Man Who Doesn’t Know He’s Sick

 Police are Using Drones More and Spending More For Them

Mission Creep: How the Police State Acclimates Us to Being Modern-Day Slaves

New ALPR Vulnerabilities Prove Mass Surveillance Is a Public Safety Threat

Australian Premier Creates Ministry In Charge Of ‘Changing Men’s Behavior’

On the Edge of the Programmable Ledger: CBDCs

 Major Venues Now Punishing People For Using Cash Vs. Plastic

Visualizing America’s Shift To A Cashless Society

 The UN Cybercrime Draft Convention is a Blank Check for Unchecked Surveillance Abuses

U.S. Dept Of Commerce To Digitize The Identities Of All Americans Receiving ‘Public Benefits’

 California Tests Technocracy By Taxing Drivers For Miles Driven

Elon Slams Apple’s Farcical “AI” Launch, Says Will Ban Tim Cook’s “Creepy Spyware” Devices If They Integrate OpenAI

The Theatre of Illusion: How Mass Media Dictates Reality

 Transhumanism: Bio-Nano Governance and Terms of Use for Humans 2.0 (Part 3) 

What is the Globalist Game plan Behind the Growing Bird Flu Hysteria?

Aussie Government Fails To Force Elon Musk’s X To Censor Content

Cognitive Warfare, Mental Manipulation, & Tyranny Of Digital Transformation

Car Makers Shouldn’t Be Selling Our Driving History to Data Brokers and Insurance Companies

Technocrats At OpenAI In ‘Reckless’ Race For Dominance

 Malfunctioning Facial Recognition Technology May Put Innocent Individuals at Risk

Technocracy: A Totalitarian Fantasy

The Amendments To The IHR Have Been Adopted – A loss for “Health Freedom”

 Can Biotechnology Control Human Behavior?

 OpenAI And Political Bias In Silicon Valley

From Banks to Big Brother: The Rise of Financial Surveillance

 Australia ‘Fully Committed’ To WHO Pandemic Agreement: Health Minister

A Digital Wallet Is The First Step: How Estonia Built Its Digital State

Quantitative Brainwashing

The Closing of the Internet Mind

Several States Take Steps To Block A Central Bank Digital Currency

 Police In Us Cities That Ban Facial Recognition Asking Others To Do It For Them

UNDP: Why Legal Identity Is Crucial To Tackling The Climate And Energy Crisis

 What’s the Point of the Administrative Class?

DHS and TSA Adjust Digital Strategies With Biometrics, Facial Recognition

Digital Legal Identity Is Key To Climate And Energy Crisis Response, UNDP Argues

A Nanny State Idiocracy: A Tale of Too Many Laws and Too Little Freedom

Australia Outlines New Budget For Digital ID Scheme

Your Guide to 5th-Generation Warfare

 Justin Trudeau Creates Blueprint For Dystopia In Horrific Speech Bill

Public Health by Way of the Surveillance State

 The Vanguard Behind Australia’s Misinformation Bill

Deceitful Tactics By Artificial Intelligence Exposed: ‘Meta’s AI a Master Of Deception’

No Country Should be Making Speech Rules for the World

 The TikTok Ban Is The Next Patriot Act

What Frustrates Americans The Most About The Tax System

The Proof of Censorship is…Censored

Indian Police Adopt Facial Recognition Despite Risk Of Massive Data Breaches

Massive Censorship by Technofascist Against Health Freedom

CIA Engaged In “Infinite Race” With China For AI, Other Tech

 Intel Data Centers Hiding In ‘Spy Country’ Northern Virginia Will Need Reactor’s Worth Of Power

Macquarie Bank Ditches Cash At All Branches And Goes ‘Completely Digital’

 The Golden Age Of Disinformation Has Only Just Begun

 Book Burning Goes Digital

“Hate Speech” — The Opening Wedge To Destroy Free Speech

 ChatGPT Pushing PROPAGANDA And Parroting LIES About COVID-19 Injections

Combining Radio And Visual Tracking Of Road Vehicles

War Zone Surveillance Technology Is Hitting American Streets

How EU Law Has Made The Internet Less Free For Everyone Else

 Finland Starts Work On National Digital Identity Wallet

 Unification Of CBDCs? Global Banks Are Telling Us The End Of The Dollar System Is Near

15-Minute City: This Statement Should Be Read At Every City Council Meeting In America

How Did States, Cities Embrace UN’s “2030 Agenda” Climate Action Plans?

 The Face Behind Australia’s Censorship Push

72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered “Potential Terrorists” In Official Government Documents

Divide And Conquer: The Government’s Propaganda Of Fear And Fake News

AI Chatbots Refuse To Produce ‘Controversial’ Output – Why That’s A Free Speech Problem

Russian Journalist Calls Out The EU As A Technocracy

Australia Prepares Its Own ‘national Guard’ To Enforce Lockdowns During Next Pandemic

Congress Passes FISA-702 Extension, Allowing Warrantless Document Searches & Electronic Surveillance Of Americans

Skynet Has Arrived: Google Follows Apple, Activates Worldwide Bluetooth LE Mesh Network

 FDA Modernization Act 2.0 & The Avatar

 The Great Firewall: China Orders Apple To Remove WhatsApp, Threads From App Store

The Purpose Of War According To George Orwell (1984)

 2020: The Year The System Showed Its Real Face

 Manufacturing Bipartisan Consent For Biometric Surveillance

Supercharged Spying Provision Buried In “Terrifying” FISA 702 Reauthorization

 Polling Shows How Massively Unpopular Scotland’s ‘Hate Crime’ Law Is

NSA “Just Days Away From Taking Over The Internet” Warns Ed Snowden

 Transport Minister Threatens Germans With “Indefinite Weekend Driving Ban” To Meet Mandated Emissions Targets

 U.S. Academic Institutions Get Biometric Upgrades With New Partnerships

 The WHO’s Road To Totalitarianism

Congress Votes For Warrantless Surveillance Of Americans

 AI’s New Power Of Persuasion

Technocracy Depends On The Digitalization Of Money

Technocracy: “The Science Of Social Engineering” And The End Of Debt

 Google Begins Blocking News From California Outlets Over State Bill

UK Government Rejects Calls For Clearer Facial Recognition Laws

 Knightscope’s Dystopian Vision for the Future of Robot Police

Sierra Leone Putting Digital Id At The Center Of Its Digital Transformation Agenda

World Bank Officials Discuss Using Korea’s National Digital Id As A Model

 Your iPhone Is Tracking You, Even If You Ask It To Stop

Insurers Spy On Houses Via Aerial Imagery, Seeking Reasons To Cancel Coverage

 Iris Scan Soon Required To Access Internet?

PayByFace Expands Across European Markets

 Combating “Hate”: The Trojan Horse For Precrime

 German Intel Chief Defends His Efforts To Police The “Thought And Speech Patterns” Of Citizens

Bill Gates & UN Behind “Digital Public Infrastructure” For Global Control

Calls for Euthanasia Rights are Growing

What Orwell and Huxley Got Wrong and Kafka Got Right

 Censorship on Trial at the Supreme Court

 Police Scotland Deluged With Nearly 4,000 Complaints As New Hate Crime Law Is Weaponized

Brussels Begins To Mobilize Its Mass Censorship Regime For Upcoming EU Elections

 The Government Wants to Play God. What Does That Mean for Our Freedoms?

Experts Warn Of ‘Digital Enslavement’ As Amazon Pushes Palm-Scan Payment Service

 Australian Senate Approves Digital ID, America Is Next

 Poland Prepares New Hate-Speech Law: 3 Years In Prison For Insulting LGBT People

 State Of Emergency Declared In Niagara Falls Over Total Solar Eclipse

Gavin Newsom Applauds Rollout Of AI Surveillance Network In California

 Dubai Deploys AI Robot Police for Scofflaw Cyclists

“Fake News” Has Been Used for Hundreds of Years to Justify Censorship of Dissent

 The Era Of Informed Consent Is Over

 The WHO Wants to Rule the World

Deep State Good, Total Surveillance State Even Better

On The Brink Of A Dramatic Change: The Digitalization Of Money

 The Road To A New McCarthyism

 FBI Agents Visiting Homes Over Social Media Posts

Total Surveillance Society

EU Digital Wallet Framework Finally Adopted For Digital ID ‘Paradigm Shift’

 RAND Corporation: “Internet Of Bodies May Lead To Internet Of Brains” By 2050

RFK Jr. Issues Dire Warning Over CBDC Adoption

World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty

Canada Rolling Out Social Credit System, Citizens’ Bank Accounts Linked to Obedience Scores

 Deepfake Elections? 43% Fear AI Will Derail 2024 Presidential Race

 “Censorship Regime” Blocks Media Access At Border Over Embarrassing Invasion Video That Shocked Nation

 Despite Supreme Court Ruling, States Are Still Confiscating People’s Homes

Technocracy Is Constructing AI-Powered Control Grid To End Freedom

Technology As Tyrant: A Glimpse Into A Dystopian Technocratic World

Scottish Police Trained To Target Actors And Comedians Under Hate Crime Laws; Report

 FBI Has To Face Lawsuit Over ‘No-Fly List:’ Supreme Court

Report Criticizes ‘Catastrophic Errors’ Of COVID Lockdowns, Warns Of Repeat

 Decoding the California DMV’s Mobile Driver’s License

It Begins: AI Is Being Used To Deceive Voters, Disrupt Elections Worldwide

Google’s A.I. Fiasco Exposes Deeper Infowarp

How to Figure Out What Your Car Knows About You

Separating Information From Disinformation: Threats From The AI Revolution

 Canada: Parliament Moves To Impose Potential Life Imprisonment For Speech Crimes

Bill C-63: “Like Something Out Of A Science-Fiction Horror Fantasy”

 Tyranny Is Rising As Freedom Falls

Digital ID Part of Social Contract Between Govt, Citizens: World Bank, Verizon Chiefs

Automakers Are Feeding Your Trip Data To Insurance Companies

When Technocrats Intentionally Sabotage A Nation’s Energy Supply

 AI Is Starting to Scare People – and so it Dam’n Well Should!

Veterans Affairs Kept COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate In Place Without Evidence

Free Speech Fails Canadian Teachers with 1984 Lesson

Google Gemini AI Creates Fake Book Reviews To Defend Google

 House Judiciary Panel Report Exposes Massive Government Surveillance Of Americans’ Financial Data

 Australian Bank Closes 45 Branches To Become Digital Only

Emotion-Tracking AI On The Job: Workers Fear Being Watched – And Misunderstood

There Is A War On Free Speech, And They Won’t Ever Be Satisfied Until It Is Completely Eradicated

How The Government Used ‘Track F’ To Fund Censorship Tools: Report

 Nepal to Assign Unique ID Number at Birth as Part of Digital ID Program

The Ministry Of AI Truth

 Your Face For Sale: Anyone Can Legally Gather And Market Your Facial Data Without Explicit Consent

Legal Analyst Calls For ‘Regulation’ Of Disinformation As Trust In Corporate Media Collapses

We Just Saw How a Mandela Effect Gets Created in Real Time

 Biometrics Entering Wider Use at Work and at Play

 Biometric Border Surveillance: The ‘Solution’ to a Manufactured Crisis

Mandates Ruled ‘Unlawful’ by Supreme Court, Australia

 Biometrics Providers See Novel Uses for Facial Recognition in Healthcare and Education

Pakistan Executes AI-powered Criminal Identification System

 Meta Adds Censorship Supporter To Board Of Directors

EU Considers Banning Repairs On ICE Vehicles More Than 15 Years Old

 Oxford County Council Forges Ahead With 15-Minute Prison Plans By Installing “Bus Gates”

Google Gemini A Wholesale Loss Of Trust After “Unbelievably Irresponsible” Racist AI Goes Mask-Off

 Technocensorship: When Corporations Serve As a Front for Government Censors

 Visa Says Palm Biometric Payments Have Promising Future

Why Central Bank Digital Currencies Are Unnecessary And Dangerous

Now They Want Us To Stop Backyard Gardening? What’s Next?

 The Irish Should Reject The New ‘Hate Speech’ Bill

 Face Biometrics Growing Role in Trust Raises Stakes for Fakes

 Google AI Says Calling Communism “Evil” Is “Harmful And Misleading”

Is This How Skynet Begins? Bezos, Nvidia Join OpenAI In Funding Humanoid Robotics Firm

Technocracy’s Coup d’Etat Is Fully Underway

 The Insidious Cult Of World Order Is Clearly Seen

Using Psychological Warfare Against The Population With Daniel Estulin

 Google’s AI Gemini Caught Engaging In Massive Historical Revisionism with Extreme Woke Bias

The Dark Side of 15-Minute Cities: A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?

 Wave To The Satellite That Is Taking Your Picture From Space

 You Only Need To Cage A Bird If It Knows That It Can Fly

Government Schools Are Propaganda Machines

NATO’s New Mission: Peace Through Censorship

 State Department Threatens Congress Over Censorship Programs

From Censorship To Criminalizing Dissent

 Scientists on Quest to Decode the Human Brain – And Read People’s Minds

 New Zealand Grocery Stores Adding Facial Recognition, Police Want Open Discussion

Indian Farmers Deploy Kites Against Police Drones

 Cybercriminals Use Malware to Obtain Face Biometrics, Break into Banking Apps

Guilt Trip: Have A Baby And Kill The Environment?

AI & The New Kind Of Propaganda

 Government Funds AI Tools For Whole-Of-Internet Surveillance And Censorship

Your Carbon Footprint Will Set Your Carbon Passport

“If You Want To Control People, You Have To Control The CO2”

 The Greatest Trick Big Brother Ever Pulled

Harvard Renews COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate, Joining 69 Other Schools

 Health Censorship in a Technofascist Age and How To Navigate For Truth

Belize to Kick Off National ID and Biometric Data Strategy as Soon as March

 Australia Sets A Date For Digital ID

 Canadian MP Wants To Criminalize Speech That Endorses Fossil Fuels

2024 Is the New 1984: Big Brother and the Rise of the Security Industrial Complex

 Senators To Grill Yellen Over Treasury’s “Domestic Spy Games” 

2024 Is the New 1984: Big Brother and the Rise of the Security Industrial Complex

 EU Lawmakers Want To Sanction Tucker Carlson Over Putin Interview

Biometrics Becoming Part of School Fabric

The Greatest Trick Big Brother Ever Pulled

 Brace For An All-out Effort To Ban Or Limit Urban Gardens For Personal Food Production

 Genetic Harvesting — The Globalists Push for Collecting Your DNA to Target and Control Your Behavior

 UK’s “Online Safety Act” Officially Grants MSM Permission To Publish Lies

Globalists Will Use Carbon Controls To Stop You From Growing Your Own Food

 They Don’t Want A Nation Of Critical Thinkers

FBI Illegally Raided Hundreds of Safe Deposit Boxes

 Swiss City Of Lugano Embraces Diverse Digital Currency Future

The Globalists Want CBDCs In 2024… What Really Comes Next Will Surprise Them

 Today’s Censorship Is Personal

TSA Rolls Out Facial Recognition To All ‘Federalized’ Airports

Klaus Schwab On AI: “We Don’t Even Need Democratic Elections”

Logically.AI Of Britain And The Expanding Global Reach Of Censorship

DNA-Based Identification and Tracking System

Sprawling Biometric Privacy Legal Assault on Camera Maker Churns On

Technocracy: “Science of Social Engineering” Is Brainwashing

 Dutch Queen Promotes Global Digital ID At Davos

The Never-Ending War On Cash

 Where WEF ‘Experts’ See False Information Posing The Biggest Threat

How World War III Targets Your Mind

 Advocates Outraged That Feds Asked Banks To Search Customers’ ‘Religious Texts’ Purchases

The Goddess Of The WEF & ‘The Most Dangerous Thing In The World’

WEF Declares All-Out War On Free Speech As World’s Greatest Threat

Meet The German Thought Police – STFU

 Digital Kill Switches: How Tyrannical Governments Stifle Political Dissent

Google Lawsuit for Collecting Biometrics Without Consent Revived in Canada

London Police Deploy Facial Recognition During Palestine and Israel Protests

‘Just Say No!’ – Non-Compliance Is The Answer

Biometrics Implementations Around the World Undermined by Lack of Consent

 CDC Ordered To Disclose Crucial Information From COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance System

The EU Wants To Spy On Europeans’ Internet Use

 The Orwellian Assault On The Past Continues

Shoppers Fume At “Robocop” In Supermarket Aisles

The Final Countdown To CBDC

 Your Vehicle Is Spying On You, And Now They’re Going To Start Installing ChatGPT In New VW Models

The Perpetual War On Free Speech

 Scottish Parents Who Refuse To Let Their Kids Go Trans Could Face 7 Years In Prison

UK Police Have Been Secretly Using Passport Database for Facial Recognition for 3 Years

 Air Travelers Allegedly Having Biometrics Enrolled in Digi Yatra Without Consent

Weinstein To Carlson: W.H.O. Intends To End Free Speech In America

 Patrick Wood: The Technocrats “Reality” of the Future

 A Nation Of Non-Compliers

 To Grow Biometric Datasets, Google and Telus Will Pay $50 for Short Videos of Children

Biometrics Trials to Replace Passport Checks, ID Cards for Healthcare Indicate Trend

 Artificial Intelligence Is Allowing Them To Construct A Global Surveillance Prison

Big Gov’t Raids Small Amish Farmer Who Refuses To Participate In The Industrial Meat/Milk Complex

Flashback 2016: Technocracy Will Rise Out Of The Ashes Of Western Civilization

Red Alert: The Total, Final Obliteration Of Free Speech In 2024

When You Sit In A “Digital Car” You Consent To Being Recorded And Personal Data Sold

 AI Could Make Cities Autonomous, But That Doesn’t Mean We Should Let It Happen

Whistleblower Docs Expose Key Tactics Of The Censorship Industrial Complex

Technocracy’s Hidden Agenda For Total Domination

China’s Plan To Build Global Technocracy Using Artificial Intelligence

“They’re Openly Telling Us They’re Going To Brainwash The Next Generation Of Americans…”

A Free and Open Internet Is a Threat to the Establishment

Dr. Michael Nehls, Author of “The Indoctrinated Brain,” Explains How Global Mind Manipulation Works

 Survey Says Parents and Kids Concerned About Use of A.I. Tech in Schools to Monitor Students

Scientists: Your Breath Is Now A Source Of Greenhouse Gas

The New Biosecurity State

Poland’s Pro-EU Govt Seizes Public News Channels In Massive Police Raid

Major Pharmacy Chains Handing Over Patient Records To Law Enforcement Without Warrants

 Clear Biometrics Integrate with Software in Healthcare, Real Estate Sectors

“AI Bill of Rights” is Another Censorship Plan

They Are Programming You

Plans For World Government by May 2024?

How The Supreme Court Could Reshape Free Speech Online

 Dr. G Will See You Now

 It Begins: Here The Come The Deepfake News AI Anchors

US Terror List Hit 2 Million People, Nearly Doubling In 6 Years

 Proton Mail says it will defy Australia’s impending ‘Online Safety’ Law

Ed Snowden Sounds Alarm Over Warrantless Spying Loophole As Senate Oks Massive $886 Billion NDAA

 Delta’s Biometric Digital ID Program Expands to 3 Major US Airports

These Amendments Would Open The Door To A Dangerous Global Health Bureaucracy

 At Grocery Stores, Customer Marketing Data Is Becoming The Product

 Moderna’s ‘Disinformation Department’ Monitors 150 Million Websites For ‘Anti-Vaccine’ Narratives

Elon Musk Says He Would Rather “Go To Prison” Than Restrict Free Speech On X

 Living Everywhere in a Carceral Surveillance State

Technocracy: Critics Slam UN “Climate” Scientists’ Bid for Dictatorial Power

UN’s Counter-Terrorist Travel Biometrics Poses Human Rights Risk

The Road to National Digital IDs and CBDCs by 2030

Global Censorship Strategy: US And UK Military Contractors Conspiracy

The World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty, A Road to Medical Enslavement

China Harvests DNA Globally From Pregnant Women, Fetuses

Irish Journalist Defends Suppressing Stories For The Public Good

King Charles Delivers Highly-Politicised Speech To Support Collectivist Net Zero Project

What Do Our Cars Know? And Who Do They Share that Information With?

 Malaysia Rolls out National Digital ID, Clarifies Biometric Enrollment Details

Belgians Happy To Use Smartphones For Many Things, Just Not Digital ID

The White House Goes Rogue: Secret Surveillance Program Breaks All the Laws

 YouTube Files: Biden White House Dictated Censorship Demands Under “Misinformation” Canard

 Irish Government Moves To Crackdown On Free Speech After Anti-Immigration Riot

Authorities Demand Access To Private Social Media Conversations To Spy On Anti-Mass Migration Sentiment

 Uganda Suspends Over 1.4M SIM Cards Not Linked to Users’ Biometrics

 Alberta Premier Defies Trudeau Carbon Agenda – Invokes Sovereignty Act