Ian Xel Lungold - Transcript #1

About the Mayan calendars and the Mayan calendar system. The archaeologist and anthropologist which have studied the Mayan civilization have made huge break troughs in understanding the writing and the glyphs and the method of government of the Maya and they have made lots of assumptions about their calendars and calendar systems. It on the surface looks quite complicated and we have made new discoveries about the nature of the calendars that clarify all those mysteries that the archaeologists and anthropologist ran into.

There were about 18 calendars kept by the Maya. Most of those calendars were planetary cycle calendars, that is the orbital cycle of Mercury, Jupiter and Venus and Saturn and yes they had calendars for every planet. They didn't have telescopes but they knew the planets were there. We don't know how ? But they had these calendars. And there were within these 18 calendars there were 3 calendars that were very, very prominent to their civilization. One that is the most understood and talked about or studied by the archaeologists is called the HAAB calendar and that was the Earth calendar. It was a 365 day calendar and they made the ¼ day adjustments every 4 years. So they were running on a 365 and ¼ day calendar. The Haab or the civil calendar of the Maya was based on the agricultural cycles and it was basically a book keeping calendar. It was one for when you were to pay your tribute to the King and also in business dealings. It was just for book keeping.

Then their was a sacred calendar or scared calendar system which is actually 2 calendars working together. That is the Txolkin calendar and the Tun calendar of the Maya. The Txolkin calendar is one of personal astrological effects on a person and their lives. It was a day to day calendar. And it was used like the for the Maya. And then there was the Tun calendar which is the divine or prophetic calendar and it has to do with bigger scopes of creation or the cycles up and down of consciousness and civilization. So there was the individual calendar and the grander calendar.

The Tzolkin calendar is a 260 day calendar and it has a combination of energies and intensions which weave through the calendar. There are 13 different intentions and 20 different energies or aspects of creation. 13 x 20 = 260 so they weave back and forth presenting every day with an intention toward creation and a certain energy or aspect of change in the evolution of consciousness. So the Maya follow this calendar daily. Every single day they would know the intent of creation and the energy that was active. They also were very aware of their own personal energy and the day that they were born on the Tzolkin calendar stated the purpose of why they were here, their intention and the kind of energy they would use throughout their life to accomplish their goals was the same energy that existed on the day of their birth. It's sort of like a resonant frequency and if you agree with a frequency and you like it, it's called affinity…your drawn to certain things and certain people and when all of reality, our conscious reality is vibrating with the same intention and the same energy you personally possess you were drawn into this physical reality. It's sort of like a round peg going into a round hole and everybody that was born on the same day that you were came in for the same purposes and intentions. In fact in the ancient Mayan civilizations, your first name was the name of the day which you were born on the Mayan calendar. So it was very, very central to their organization of their whole lives. We don't use a calendar like that (in our modern culture) we have special holidays, but to these guys every day was sacred.

Then there is the Tun calendar which is a 360 day calendar. Not 365 days. This calendar, as Dr. Carl Calleman has discovered describes the grander, grander, scale of events and the circumstances which consciousness has to work and create. In the 360 day period, there are 18 months of 20 days each. That is each run of the Tzolkin calendar, each complete run of all the energies (20 Sun Signs) of the Mayan calendar, the aspects of creation is one month on the Tun calendar. So that the Tzolkin calendar and the Tun calendar work together and mesh like two gears. Each one of the months has an intention and that intention matches up to the numbers 1 - 13 . Now there is 18 months and 13 energies assigned to each one of those months and then you jump down to the next one and it's energy number 1 again (cycles) and starts running all the way to 13. So there is a constant weave of intention within the months of the Tun calendar. There is quite a complete and very, very, full astrological set up and I'm sure that a lot of ancient Maya
were in the business of casting fortunes. They were probably as thick as lawyers back then. They were there to make money on your future which is pretty much what lawyers do today ! Ah… humanity.

In the Tun calendar, these 360 day period stack up…one on top of another, on top of another, on top of another…and as a matter of fact the Mayan calendar goes back 16.4 billion years worth of these 360 day periods and as they run they unfold intentions on the part of creation toward higher and higher states of consciousness and the evolution of consciousness and we have mapped these out and that information is available in a book called "Solving the Greatest Mystery of our Time - The Mayan Calendar. "

All of the 3 calendars server different purposes, but they all work together to form the Mayan cosmology. Their whole cosmology was around the calendars and so the Haab
(civil ) calendar handled all the books, and the Tzolkin (personal) calendar handled day to day events such as who you ought to marry and not to marry , and then the Tun calendar
directed the Kings and Priests and the advances of civilization. What we found out is that all civilizations on earth were following the same cycles of up and down so there is definitely a schedule to all of creation which is being measured and defined by the Mayan calendar. This is the real purpose of the Mayan calendar. Most of the archaeologists and anthropologist that have studied the Mayan calendars understood them to be keeping track of time and this was their biggest mistake. It was natural of course b/c this was their orientation to calendars, but what we have found is that the Mayan calendar was never keeping track of time, it was not interested in time the way we are, it was measuring the flow, the rate and intention of creation itself and this assisted the public and their consciousness. It held their consciousness more to actual flow of consciousness and the advance of technologies or the gathering of more power. It really worked with nature rather than against nature as we have come to be doing now.

There is something which is very, very, individual about every person and that is their point of view. It's absolutely distinct from one person to the next to the next. Points of view are very, very, individual and points of view have access to more knowing than most people have been lead to believe or allowed to believe. There is a thing called intuition which is your connection a greater understanding of the universe. Intuition is instant knowing, its something which you just receive as a gift and sometimes it just shows up. Sometimes it shows up in times of great need. Intuition is a very, very, useful thing. In ancient times humanity survived on its intuition. That's how hunters and fishermen were successful. Women have always used intuition to protect the family. Intuition was very important up until the Spanish inquisition when it was made into a sin. Intuition is your personal connection to all of creation and the knowledge in creation and how to access that in our society is very difficult. It's either through extensive quite periods of meditation or sometimes in dire circumstances such as life or death when intuition shows up very big then. But how to do it on a daily basis, how to tap into that as a way of life is fairly difficult for most of us but we have found a solution, found a way to help people do that and it is the Mayan calendar.

The Mayan calendar system has been tracking the unfolding of all of creation since 16.4 billion years since the big bang. So it has been measuring the flow of consciousness. And what anyone pays attention to in their life, what they put their consciousness on, they become conscious of. When you pay attention you become conscious of that thing. So if there is a way to pay attention to the flow of creation then what you become aware of or conscious of is that flow, the flow of creation. The flow of creation is the source of all knowing and the source of your intuition. So by lining your consciousness with the flow of creation you receive directly intuition and that was always the purpose of the Mayan calendar. Never ever to measure time but to only orient a persons consciousness to the flow of creation thus opening the portal of their intuition so they can lead more calm and much more beneficial lives and I think that is what everybody wants ?

We are getting back to the nitty gritty here of where spirit meets physicality and deals with it. We are wrestling with concepts now that are going to open our consciousness
very, very wide and we will need that orientation. So that why I'm working with the Mayan calendars to help bring this information forward and have more and more people
find this very simple solution and start applying it to their daily lives.


Ian Xel Lungold - Transcript # 2

Many people think that the Maya went extinct and they didn't. There are over 8 million Maya currently living in Guatemala, Belize, Yucatan, Honduras, and central Mexico around Chiapas. The Mayan civilization lasted for around 3,000 years. Now America is just over 200 years old. So imagine America being 3,000 years old. There would be a lot that happened in America and there would be a lot of developments, a lot of ideas that would come and go, a lot of styles that would come and go over 3,000 years and this indeed happened to the Mayan people. Their whole style of writing, their whole style of believing changed over that 3,000 years and we are just now starting to appreciate how much the Mayan contributed to our current world understanding and our economy. You see the Maya were the people who invented corn, so your Corn Flakes in the morning are from the Maya, they also invented tomatoes, so your bacon lettuce and tomato sandwich or your ketchup came from the Maya. They were the ones who cultivated cocal that is the base of chocolate, so all of your chocolate fixes came from the Maya. There are ways of weaving that the Maya invented that we still use today. They invented the number zero, Yes I know the Arabs had zero as well, but the Maya were the people on this continent who discovered the number zero.

The Maya were very, very, scientific with a spiritual bent to it. Another words they were being scientists on behalf of understanding spiritual concepts or coming up with solutions
for life here looking at grander and grander scales of creation. So these guys over 3,000 years made very accurate observations of what happened in the sky and what happened on earth then what happened in the sky and what happened on earth. They had sacred books called the Po Pol Vu which were like thesis's or scientific treatises on causes and effects on eclipses and equinoxes and on shifts and shift points in time of consciousness that brought about changes in the environment and in how people treated one another.

So the Maya are not a primitive people, they were not just little brown guys in the jungle making jugs these guys came up with the free standing arch. Actually, no one knows how they did it. We don't know how they built it b/c they didn't have the tools. The Maya didn't have the wheel while Europeans and Chinese did, so sometimes people kinda look down on the Maya as being less technically advanced. Well the Maya had the wheel. They used it in toys. They used it in their astrological projections. They used it in their sculpture. They used it in their architecture. They used donuts or round stones as bases for pillars. They certainly knew that the wheel rolled. But they were smart enough to not try to put it to use in their neighborhood. You see the Yucatan peninsula, if you have ever been there, is very, very, flat in general but very, very, hilly or irregular when you get right down on the ground. There is rivulets and lots of rough ground. It's all kinda level but rough, not flat, so you couldn't roll a wheel across it anyway b/c you would have to build a road…which the Maya did but they built them for walking on and they didn't put carts or wagons to use on the roads. The roads actually were stones laid on top of sand and they stretched for 100's of miles in every direction. The Maya used canoes and underground rivers as highways and they didn't use the rough terrain, the surface, for their transportation. Once you got off of one of the roads they had built, you could only walk. They didn't have horses. They didn't have lamas. They didn't have any beasts of burden. So they carried whatever they were taking on their person. They carried it themselves. And as a matter of fact if you go to Guatemala there is only hills and mountains. They can't even build a railroad in Guatemala. We can't build one today b/c there is no flat enough ground, you would have to build trestles and tunnels everywhere in order to build a rail road. So the wheel, using the wheel for transportation just was not conducive to where the Maya lived, so they didn't use it. I think it was very wise on their part to hold their civilization to the level their environment could handle. We might be well apprised to do some of that ourselves….eh ?

The Maya were a very sophisticated, very knowledgeable race of people. They were the only people on this continent to come up with a written language and mathematics. And their mathematics were more sophisticated than ours for example they counted to 20 instead of 10's. They were very facile with very big numbers …huge numbers…numbers that boggle our minds. One of their calendars by the way reaches back 16.4 billion years. They were working with very large numbers in their astrological projections and their mathematics. These guys were really dedicated scientists looking into the spiritual nature of life.


Ian Xel Lungold - Transcript # 3

Ah yes, my dear friend Xikin-Cho. Xikin-Cho is a person I met in Cancun, Mexico. Actually, he lives in a place called Plya de Carmen which is a very international city right on the coast, right on the Maya Riviera and it is a beautiful Mexican town with shops and coble stone streets and with glistening white beaches and turquoise blue clear water. Yes, Xikin-Cho lives 1,500 yards from the beach ! And I spent a lot of time at his house. He has a sacred cenote in his back yard as a mater of fact. Xikin-Cho works for a gentlemen by the name of Senior Cantana and Senior Cantana owns a lot of the Mayan ecological parks in Mexico. He owns Garfone, Xel Ha, Xcarete and he is building a couple of new Mayan preserved resort parks at Paleque and Chichen Itza.

Xikin-Cho is the architect and the Mayan resource for Xcaret. He is a sculpter, and a carver and a researcher who is in charge of making sure that Xcaret is accurate and accurately portrays the Mayan world to the rest of the world who comes there to see it. When I was in Mexico and Cancun, I was attempting to get Dr. Carl Calleman's book published by Senior Cantana. I had sent the first draft of Carl's book to Senior Cantana and he turned it over to Xikin-Cho. Xikin-Cho read the book and then contacted me and we started having meetings. We became fast friends. He took me to meet with the Mayan elders of the Yucatan. The Mayan elders are trying to correct the spellings and mispronunciations and the misnomers or misnaming of many things by the Spanish who came in and changed the whole Mayan culture by changing their legends , most of the Po Pol Vu books have been changed or altered by they Franciscan monks. A lot of the traditions were lost, but those that can be gathered back Xikin-Cho is working on doing that. So Xikin-Cho is a very active person pursuing Mayan wisdom and that's why he is on our web page…besides the fact that he is a good guy !