of Earth Changes TV Radio Hour
3, 2004
Host: Mitch Battros
Guest: Ian Lungold
ECTV: Torrential rains and hailstorms are all-over the nation and then we go, to South America; and I guess you’ve been hearing what’s happening, in Argentina. Remember, folks, it’s winter down there, winter; this is when their experiencing what they call zero-degrees Celsius; which is 32 degrees Fahrenheit; that’s the average winter temperature; and now, it is, like, 25 degrees Celsius. It’s, in the 70’s and 80’s! The trees are in bloom! But, fret not and fear not. This is all part, of a very natural cycle. The Earth has seen this, many times, before. That is why I’m not hitting the panic button and I sure as hell am not gonna play that stupid game, of this ‘global warming’ crap; which, unfortunately, the environmental zealots had hijacked the name and they’re now using it, for their own selfish agenda; to blame the populace, so they can get their grant money; which, is what this is all about, folks. When you wipe it all clean; I’m afraid, to say, that science has become nothing more than a, political, ball; and that is part, of what the Mayan prophecy, tells us about, and what will be challenged and very shortly wiped-out. Which brings me, to my guest, Ian Lundgold. As you know, I’ve had Ian, on this show, many, many times. We’re, becoming, very good friends and I am really enthralled, with his journey, because this guy lives it. He just doesn’t talk about it, he, he, just, just doesn’t lecture about it. Not only does he have an innate and keen understanding, of the Mayan calendar; which very few of us do; but he’s able, to explain it to us; but even more than all of that, he is living it. So, let’s bring him on now and just hear what kind, of journey is in store, for the rest of us. Ian, are you there?
IXL: Yeah, boy I’ve gotta meet this guy, Ian!
ECTV: [Laughing] Well, Ian, I tell you what. You are one, of the most, humble people that I know; and your level, of integrity is really, so far up the charts; to be able, to share, what you have gone through. You know, that most of us would be way, to embarrassed and even ashamed, to experience, some of the, the challenges you have; but my, gosh, did you grab it and ride it, for all it’s worth and you certainly benefit, from it.
IXL: Well, I certainly have. It, it just seems responsible, for me to do, what I’m talking about; and this, this wasn’t totally voluntary, what I’m, what, what had happened; the situations that propelled me and to; into being out, on the road, was not exactly voluntary. But, I’m telling you; it sure has been, of benefit. It has.
ECTV: Where are you now?
IXL: Right now, I’m in Canada. I’m in the, in British Columbia and I’m staying at a lovely home. The motor home, that we’ve been traveling in, is now parked out beside, a lovely English garden and it’s, just, sort, of blissful. [Laughs]
ECTV: Yeah.
IXL: For just, for right now, anyway.
ECTV: Oh I, you’ll; you know, Ian, let me tell you this last newsletter that you sent out really got my attention and I, I read every one that you do send and there’s been a gap, since the last one. So, I was very pleased, to get; yesterday’s, I believe it was; and you have, come into some, very interesting insights; and the way that it read, it kind-of suggested, to me, that more than likely you could’ve got there no other way.
IXL: That is, the fact and truth. Without actually testing, what I was talking about; well, maybe we should just explain a little what, what the Mayan calendar says is going on, right now, and then what it is that I’m actually doing out, out here on the road.
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: The first thing is; I’m not going to go, into great detail, about the Mayan calendar structure or anything, but in general, the Mayan calendar describes the “Evolution of Consciousness”; and our sciences, prove, that there is this repeating and ever accelerating pattern, of the [unfoldment], of creation. That, that it keeps going back over. History does repeat itself, in a magnificently large way and we’ve now uncovered the pattern, of this schedule of evolution, in the Mayan Calendar and since the repeating pattern; and since, we know where we are, in the schedule, we know what kind, of consciousness is due, for this time period and what kind, of consciousness is coming, in the near future; and in basics; that, that’s what I’ve been talking, to people about, all-over the planet; and in general, there is a constant acceleration, of event, in the world; and what looks to us, like time is speeding up, but in fact, it’s not. Time is the same regular speed. What, is, speeding up, is creation itself. Creation, itself, is speeding up. Packing more and more event, in less and less time. Which gives us the mental, illusion, that, that time is going faster.
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: Now it’s very important, to differentiate the two, because; if time is going-by faster, then your just getting older, quicker, but if more is happening, in less time, that means there are more available options, of what could happen; and this is the crux, of the information that I have delved, or gotten from the Mayan calendar. Is that; what is called for, right now, in, in this Mayan calendar, is the acceleration of the evolution, of consciousness, into a place where we start, to be able to actually manifest our own reality.
ECTV: Yeah. You know, if, if, if we were to stop right there; it sounds, so blissful and relaxing and lovely, but the, that’s not always the case, is it Ian? In other words, much of what you’re speaking-of is, is somewhat, of a double-edged sword. Although we have more choices; and as we get closer, to manifestation upon thought, that can be a pretty bumpy road. Can’t it?
IXL: Yes it can or it can be very smooth and, I think, that; on this journey, I’ve kind-of figured out what makes the difference…
ECTV: Oh boy.
IXL: …from it being a rough road, or being a smooth road.
ECTV: Listen up folks, [laughs] here; this is what I’ve been waiting for.
IXL: Well basically, [recording skips] this is the main thing to confront or contemplate, or let alone do; and that is; what makes it smooth is your own personal integrity. What makes it rough is your lack, of integrity; and that does include you putting-up with, other people, out of integrity.
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: In other words, for you to be, in your integrity, you must send around a demand that the people, around you, and your associations are also in theirs, or things are not going, to go very smooth for you…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …especially, during this period, of consciousness. Now, in previous cycles, of consciousness, we could get away with it, or get by, with more gross acts, with more reactionary, or frankly, less evolved reactions, to situations. But as consciousness has evolved and, become more rarified, it has become more sensitive. It’s, mo-; less allowing, for the progress, of destructive actions…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …and only allowing, things, which are more refined, more elevating; and what we’re seeing, in the governments and corporations, around the world, right now…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …is that they are under tremendous stress, to become ethical…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …or to display their integrity or to be removed.
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: It’s, it’s Rome, falling, all over again.
ECTV: Oh, that’s interesting [Laughs]
IXL: That there is a, a change, a shift, going on, in consciousness.
ECTV: Wait a minute, hold it, hold it. Let me back up to that, for a moment, Ian. That, that, that is just; I, I think I’m having a moment, of clarity, here. You know, I, I don’t think we ever had the language, to describe the fall, of the Roman Empire, other than to say, it was the collapse, of the family. I don’t think we had the language to, to, to relate it, to integrity. Now, in this very moment, Ian; since you’ve just dropped that on me; I see, historically, what may have happened, to the Roman Empire, much differently than just the fall, of the family, but the, the, the essence, the integrity, of each individual and the rising of consciousness; is that, is that, along with; is that what your thinking, or saying?
IXL: Well the primary rule, of Rome, came from Caesar or the, the head leader who was a God, on Earth, and the whole integrity, of that system was pretty, well, tore up. Destroyed, by a new consciousness, that was brought, brought in, by this guy, Jesus, that everybody’s denying.
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: Not just the ruler.
ECTV: Right.
IXL: And so the, the, the attack there was, on the whole percept that you had, to obey this guy, because he was God and when that, when that eroded, when that went away that’s what happened, to Rome. Basically what happened, to Rome, was consciousness changed.
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: It wasn’t that the swords got dull…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …or the helmet wasn’t polished-up, you know. It was this consciousness change. Then people, just, they fairly well ignored what Rome had to say.
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: And about the support and, and, about the fear factor, and the overwhelming, you know, shock and awe, of, of the Roman legions, they just couldn’t hold it together.
ECTV: Right.
IXL: So the same sort, of thing, is happening, but on a, a global scale today, with corporate governments. Then, that, that is a conclusion; our government, which is a corporation not an elected body…
ECTV: That’s right.
IXL: …and the, and all the other, multi-national corporations that share the plunder, of this planet…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …all of that is coming, to a grinding halt, not because they don’t have the technology to keep on, or the willingness, to enslave everyone, but I think, that; what they don’t have is integrity; and that’s what’s called for, right now, during these times.
ECTV: And, and, and oh, it’s so hard not to get political, Ian, but I’m sorry. Look, I, I; just, just, for reference at least, from my perspective, folks, there’s no secret how I feel about Bubba, but Ian, at least, in my reality, that is exactly what I’m seeing played out, with the Bubba Bush Regime. As hard as they’re trying, to play that façade, it just ain’t happening.
IXL: Oh, no, and their getting much more frantic.
ECTV: Yeah.
IXL: I just, I just read a little article, about Ann Coulter …
ECTV: Oh, God.
IXL: …and what she was writing…
ECTV: [Laughing]
IXL: …and, and the fact that she was fired, for her ranting…
ECTV: Yeah.
IXL: …and here is a conservative woman, a very attractive woman; could be, maybe nice, except that she’s not!
ECTV: Right.
IXL: She’s a; just a ranting lunatic against anything that smacks, of liberal or, of allowing and…
ECTV: Empowerment, I would say.
IXL: Yeah, she’s, she’s just; as an example, of some of these guys, who have gone a little, a little, over the edge, in trying, to put across their point…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …and they, and they’re doing that more and more clumsily. This last terrorist warning…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …orange alert; all of that, being based on three year-old data…
ECTV: Exactly.
IXL: …you know it’s getting so blatant.
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: So, now, that’s what’s happening, to anybody who isn’t, in integrity.
ECTV: Gotcha
IXL: As con- this is; this is on the part, of consciousness people. This is not some law that’s been passed. This is not, some, secret technology. What this is, is, consciousness; in general overall is bent, on ethics. It’s bringing ethics or a, a level playing field, to all of consciousness. And what is happening, to any kind of system or person that doesn’t have integrity, is that they are becoming unsupported, by creation. They’re becoming, more and more, desperate. Whereas, a corporation could be seen as a ravaging, you know, a raging, hungry beast. Now, the governments and the corporations are, more like, suffocating.
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: Very desperate.
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: Meanwhile, what’s happening, to people, who have integrity? Haven’t you all out there; everybody, out there probably noticed, to some degree, that what they have intended, what they have wished, to have happen has happened, quicker, than in any other time, in your life. Now, sometimes, you don’t want what’s best, for you.
ECTV: Yeah, yeah. There’s the challenge.
IXL: It still shows up.
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: If you want it, it’s there. What you put your attention on, you, become conscious of. This has always been the truth, but you, become conscious of it, a whole lot quicker now, and it’s going to keep on, accelerating, and it’s going to keep on, becoming easier and easier to manifest, what it is, that you intend. There’s an allegory or a metaphor that; maybe this’ll help. If, you think, of a stream, and, of rocks, across the stream and your going to contend, to get across. If there’s only a few rocks, it may take, it may be a little bit, of a challenge, to get across the stream; maybe, you even get a little wet getting across the stream, but now, in that, in the same stream, with five or six times the rocks…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …you can jump backwards forwards sideways, you can go, over this way or that way and still get across. As more and more happens, in less and less time, more is possible to occur. In other words, there are more possible outcomes, to every moment.
ECTV: Oh, yes, yes.
IXL: And so which is the one, that’s most likely, to occur? Out of all the possibilities, in front of your face, which is the one, which is the one, that’s most likely to occur?
ECTV: Well I have two thoughts. One would be, the one I give most, of my attention, and the other could be and please correct me on this, could be, the one that I fear the most.
IXL: Well, it’s actually both, because fear is still attention.
ECTV: Yes, it is, of course.
IXL: So the one that you are putting the most attention on is the one that is going to, to show up.
ECTV: Regardless, of, of, of it’s, if, if it’s motivated, by desire or fear. It doesn’t matter, does it?
IXL: It doesn’t matter.
ECTV: Yeah.
IXL: You know it’s like, if, if you, if you put a bunch of mice, on the table; and you like mice; then your going, to pick up one, that you put the most, of your attention on…
ECTV: That’s right.
IXL: …and, if you hate mice, then you’re going to try to get that one; kill it; or get rid of, that one that you, you detest the most.
ECTV: That’s right. Yes.
IXL: And that the status is that way, about every single thing, these days. So that’s what I’ve been saying. That’s what I’ve been out there and telling crowds, of people, is that right now is a time when you can stand up and just start creating your life the way you want it to be. Now, it’s not going to be easy, but it is definitely possible to do it and I have; I actually went out and did that.
ECTV: Wow, man did you, ever.
IXL: Yeah I, I stood-up, out of Sedona, Arizona. Now most of you have, you know, maybe some have been to Sedona; other people you’ve heard the, the, the legend, of Sedona, and yes, it is beautiful, and yes, it is highly spiritual and yes, I did benefit, from being there, but there comes a time when you are, to move; and I actually had the impulse to move, for a while, and then my intent showed up [Laughing] and had me removed, from Sedona, through a court action…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …on our house; and, and there’s all this detail, at our web page, that’s, m-a-y-a-n-m-a-j-i-x; and you can read all about it; but anyway, we went on the road and we had adventure, after adventure, after adventure. The very; one, of the first adventures, was having our motor homes, motor, blow-up…
ECTV: Oh boy.
IXL: …and having no money, to get the six thousand dollar fix up…
ECTV: Oh. My gosh…
IXL: …and sitting, in a place in Utah, a little town in Utah, wondering, how are we going, to manifest, six thousand dollars? Well, while we’re in wonder about it, lets just do it and, you know, we did.
ECTV: Oh. My gosh…
IXL: Inside, of two days, we manifested six thousand bucks.
ECTV: Unbelievable.
IXL: We had; we had, actually; to give, to give you guys some idea; we had them start the work, on the motor home. We didn’t have the money. We just had them start the work and then; the day before they got their work done; we got the money. That’s the kind, of trust, that; we just went ahead and just did it.
ECTV: Now Ian, I, I, folks, this is very meaningful, to me. I hope it’s, meaningful, to you. Why? Because, sure, the, the, the faces may be a little different, the circumstances may be a little different; but I think, the foundation is going, to be very close to the same, for all of us. And that is; if, if you’re like me; I, as knowledgeable as I am, about the transition and about the flow, of life and synchronicity; change can be very uncomfortable still; and yes, my resistance comes up and sometimes, in self-defeating ways. What Ian has experienced and what he’s getting ready to tell us, throughout the rest of this hour, is that it took these, unintended consequences, to help [Laughing] motivate him, to, to lead them, to the river, of faith, I guess you could say. Now, Ian, the question to you would be; you know, I have often been speaking, of earth changes; doing that type, of thing; that the earth changes; when the escalation, of earthquakes, weather phenomena, volcano’s and, and, and, of course, this is all related, to solar activity. It’s not a bad thing, but, but in many cases, it’ll probably be motivating.
IXL: Oh, yes. It’s going, to stir the pot.
ECTV: Yeah.
IXL: For sure, and there is absolutely, from this point forward, there’s absolutely nothing, to fear.
ECTV: Well, let me ask you. In your personal experience, Ian, what was; did you not have; no, let’s see… …what would the question be? What level, of fear, did you have, or anxiety, in the, in the, in those several days, from the time you took your vehicle in, ‘til the money manifested? Or did; were you really able, to release it all, right away?
IXL: Really able, to release it all, right away…
ECTV: Oh my. Gosh.
IXL: …and that’s why it worked. Otherwise, we would’ve been worried, about not getting the money, and it would never have showed up. It’s that simple.
ECTV: Why can’t we do it? Why can’t I just go and do that, right now? Ian, why, why, what is the resistance most of us have, to just doing it?
IXL: The mind.
ECTV: Oh, boy.
IXL: Your own mind and your; those decisions, that you come up with; that this can’t happen. All, of those limits and barriers, that your mind has shackled you with, and me; now it’s not to say, that those thoughts didn’t come; that this won’t happen.
ECTV: Yeah.
IXL: When those thoughts came, though, what we had, to do; both Madeline and I; we looked at them. We looked at those thoughts, for exactly what they were, thoughts!
ECTV: Yeah.
IXL: Not a fact, not even an influence; unless we hung on to it; and it was, it was riding that, you know, riding those emotions, while watching them, and; I didn’t have the term at the time; I didn’t have the term, to use, for what we were doing…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …but I do now. Now I’m going to go more, into this later in the show, but I want to; what we…
ECTV: Okay, hold, hold, hold it right there. Ian, I’ve got to take, a very quick thirty-second, station identification…
IXL: Okay.
ECTV: …and that’s; folks, that’s where we’re going, to pick it up. Oh my, gosh, I knew this was going to be great. He’s; we’re going to talk about the mind. Now, remember, the mind is different than the brain. We’re talking about thought. Where does thought come from? Oh boy. Here we go. So hold-on, we’ll be right back. You don’t want to miss this one.
ECTV: And, welcome back. You’re listening, to Earth Changes TV Radio Hour. This is Mitch Battros and I’m your host. All right, welcome. I can see that many of you have come in, since the bottom of the hour. You’re listening, to a live interview, with Ian Lundgold. He is traveling the nation right now; currently in, in Canada; and, of course, I will ask him if he has any seminars coming up and, and; maybe folks, maybe, just maybe, will get him here in the Seattle area; and for those of you, in the Seattle area, that are listening right now, send me an email if you have the skills, of organizing a conference and I will pass that on, to Ian. I have a feeling, we cer-, we certainly could coax him into coming here; and what a thrill that would be. I tell you what, if you do that, I will be there, right next to him. All right? So those of you, in the Seattle area, let’s, let’s make it; hey, hey let’s put what he’s been saying, to test. Let’s make it happen. We’ll certainly manifest, upon thought, and away we go. Speaking, of thought, that’s just what we were talking about, before the bottom of the hour. That, it is our minds; now, I know many of you’ve known this, for years, but, but you may have known it, maybe, in a textbook kind of way, in a philosophical kind of way, but what Ian has done is basically, basically, put the rubber to the road and it’s manifested, in his life. He didn’t go voluntarily, but I have a feeling that most of us are going to kind, of be nudged along, including me folks, as much as I know, as much as many of you know. Somehow, well I think it does make it easier, yes, but it’s always, that last little nudge that kind-of pushes, pushes us out there. Ian! Welcome back, to the show.
IXL: Hello. Yes and you know what I want to do first…
IXL: …is I want, to acknowledge all of the co-creators, out there, of this experience; all of the people who rose to, in support, of what Madeline and I were doing; all of those people who sent in five dollars, ten dollars, twenty dollars that raised us six thousand dollars, to get our motor home fixed. I want to thank every single one of you and acknowledge all, of your gifts. I’ve, I really; of course, it means a great deal to all of us, that we are able to co-create, these solutions and blessings.
ECTV: Yes, absolutely. Folks, I would agree. Of course, I’ve written about this so many times. That ‘community’ is the necessity, of the future. Without community, we’re in big trouble. Now. The mind.
IXL: The mind?
IXL: Now there’s some big trouble!
ECTV: [Laughing]
IXL: That beast is really attached and; the mind is, is probably the, the biggest barrier. Well I, I think it is the biggest barrier. It’s, it’s bigger than your body. It’s a bigger barrier, through ascension [?], then, your body is. The mind has all kinds, of ideas, of what is not possible; and, of course, also, the lying. Every one of those limits is an outright, bold lie. Because, we live, in an infinite universe and in an infinite universe, absolutely everything is possible. So, the mind is deluded. That’s the beginning, about anything not being possible.
ECTV: I would agree. But, but having that; even having the knowledge of it, Ian, doesn’t really make it any easier. There was, there was something else that happened to you.
IXL: Yes, there was.
ECTV: Oh boy. I knew it.
IXL: Well, it was a process, too; and I don’t expect this conversation over the radio, to instantly bring enlightenment and enchantment, to everybody’s life. That’s not how it happened, in my life.
ECTV: Right.
IXL: I had to go through stages, of testing and proving this to myself, so that I could own it.
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: Just like I learned to walk, myself, so that I could get around. You have to go, through the steps, and; but I can describe what the steps were like…
ECTV: Please
IXL: …and then, then invite other people to take them…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …and…
ECTV: Let’s do that.
IXL: …the number one thing is being, in your, in your integrity. That is, walk your talk. Do; and have your, your thoughts, as well as you can and your actions; align, with your deeper truths.
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: With those ‘deep’ truths, the ones that aren’t going, to go away…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …that aren’t going, to change. Things like love and, and light, that kind of thing. You know, like, ‘really deep’ truths that you have. Align your actions and talk, with those, and your going to be, in your own integrity.
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: It’s very important, to have that stable base. When you’re out, of integrity, your mind is going nuts, coming up with all sorts, of excuses and reasons, why you did what you did; and how you now have to; and methods, to hide what you did and you’re so tied-up, with all of that, that there’s; that’s what your creating…
ECTV: Uh, Ia, Ia…
IXL: …when you’re thinking, of a cover, rather than a future.
ECTV: …let me play; oh there’s got to be a better term than devils’ advocate, but let me, let me second-guess what some, of the emails, may say, “Ian. Oh that sounds easy for you, but I have a family; of three; with three kids, I have a house, a mortgage, I have; I have two car payments I have to pay; the insurance, for my health insurance, for my children. Now how am I going to go, into the office which I hate; for the last five years; and tell them what idiots they are and I’m done?” How do you answer that, Ian?
IXL: I answer that with; it doesn’t; you see going in and, and blasting the office is not, in integrity, is it? Going in and complaining or whining, about your poor situation, is not, in integrity. Abandoning your, your obligations is not, in integrity. So, that person wouldn’t be; he would just be acting out really. To be, in your integrity, you would have to be able, to “document”, your outrage. In other words, you would have to have specific instances, of mal-performance on the part of your co-workers and bring them up, in a constructive way. That, “Either, this gets fixed or I am out of here!”
ECTV: I see.
IXL: That’s, in your integrity.
ECTV: Yes, of course.
IXL: And, in most cases, things would get fixed; and those cases where they wouldn’t; you and the kids and the wife would be all better off, with a different future.
ECTV: Yes, but the fear; again going back, to that fear factor…
IXL: [sounding afraid] wwwwoooooooooooo!
ECTV: …which keeps so many of us stuck.
IXL: How many people, out there, have paid twenty-five dollars, to go get the “poop” scared out of them, on some wild ride?
ECTV: [Laughing] I’d say most of us.
IXL: Okay, then why not just take a cup of coffee, in your hand and walk into the bosses’ office and take a ride?
ECTV: [Laughing] You know, that’s a great analogy! [Laughing] Why don’t we do that?
IXL: I don’t know.
ECTV: I guess, because we fear the
consequences are more severe?
IXL: Or long lasting?
ECTV: Yeah.
IXL: Not, if you’re, in your own integrity, when you go in there…
ECTV: That’s true folks, I, I would agree. I, I; you know me. I’ve done it. You can tell that, by my writings. We certainly know Ian has done it and I have a feeling many of you have.
IXL: I know people out there have…
ECTV: Oh, yes, of course.
IXL: …and so they’ll suffer more and more issues, but this is going to come up, in everybody’s face, anyway.
ECTV: Yeah.
IXL: This is that issue. Your integrity and the integrity, of the, people; who; you’re in business or relationships with.
ECTV: Yeah.
IXL: That is the issue. Now you want to know how, to make this transition, easy? Get your integrity in line. That’s what you need to do. That’s all I did. When I stood up, finally, and said, “Okay, I’m going to go walk my talk.” Either I’m going to make this work and everything’s going, to come out, just fine or I’ll end up in the ditch somewhere.” Well I ended up, in the ditch, eight times!
ECTV: [Laughing]
IXL: [Laughing]
ECTV: There it is folks.
IXL: And I just kept going.
ECTV: I love it.
IXL: What’s amazing is that every single time that there was an obstacle; I mean we had big obstacles. You’ll read about them, later. We had these obstacles come up; and then the solution, just manifested, right in front of us. It got to where we could not deny that we were, absolutely creating the next moment. We were, creating, a way through, whether there was no way…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: It wasn’t the question anymore, “Is it possible?” I mean we were doing it.
ECTV: Right.
IXL: And it took, actually, testing it. You can’t sit in your living room and talk about all, of this. That’s inane you know that, that doesn’t make any sense. Go out and actually do it! And, I’m telling you, it’s; I’m sorry everybody gets; well it’s possible now then ever before, to do it, but I’m just; let’s get down, to that one little trigger…
ECTV: Yeah.
IXL: …you came up with and that is; you know, your mind has this, this job, that is supposed to, it’s supposed to look at all the significant results, at all the similarities and differences, in the; in your environment…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …and then it presents, options, you know, it presents different ideas, of what you might do…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …or the different kinds, of consequences that might result, from your actions. It’s your job as consciousness, to choose, one of those options. Right?
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: Now, we could explain that you are not your mind anymore than, you are, your body. You are not your mind. You are consciousness. You are aware. You are aware, of what the mind is saying, but you’re not the mind. Understood?
ECTV: Oh I, actually I do Ian. I, I hope others do. Now the folks; folks, the reason I say that I do, is it just so happens that I have been reading quite a bit, on this issue; and this is a very controversial issue folks, so I, I, I, I’m not recommending anything, but I was studying some studies done, in the fifties with hallucinogens, LCD and peyote, which native Americans; many tribes, around the world, are using these; and the way they explained it is just as Ian is saying; is that it separated them, from their mind, in a very healthy way. Now, I’m not recommending that you go out, to your local drug dealer and, and go get a hit, a hit of acid…
IXL: No.
ECTV: …because what seems to be needed, along with this type of use, is discipline and ritual and elders. That’s why it works, with the Native Americans. With those that try to use it, for recreational use, you’re going to lose. I’m sorry Ian I; I; let, let’s pick it up where you were talking about, how to escape, from the mind. Where you can see the mind, but not be a part of it.
IXL: Yeah, yeah. I mean anybody can do that. You can sit down and watch your thoughts go by and, and, and it looks like, it seems like somebody else is sending them, doesn’t it?
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: [Laughing] It’s not, “What, what, what, where’d that one come from? Where’d that one...” well obviously, it ain’t you.
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: So, first of all, have that perspective. Now when the mind presents these options that it can come up with, then you, the consciousness, make a decision. You choose. Guess what? The mind is out of a job! For a split second there, the mind has completed what it was supposed, to do.
ECTV: Self-preservation.
IXL: It is suspend-; the mind, for just a moment, is suspended. It’s not working…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …anymore. It is, it’s like, just; the activity halts and we need to say it, in our language. Conversations will go like this, “Bill, what are you going to have, for breakfast?” Bill says, “Well, I don’t know, I’m still thinking about it.” another thirty seconds later. “Bill?” “Have you decided?” Bill says, “Yeah, I know, I’ll have pancakes and sausage.” He’s not thinking about it anymore. He now knows what his future is… …pancakes, and sausage.
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: We actually, everyday, all the time, dictate what our future is going to be. Maybe not on as grand a scale, as most people want or imagine is possible, but we do it on a regular basis, all the time and we do it, by the action of choice. Now, there’s only one time that you can make a choice and that is, in the present.
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: You can only do it, in the very moment. Understand?
ECTV: Oh yes.
IXL: You can only make a choice, in the present moment. The mind only exists, in the past and in the future. The mind does not exist, in the present moment.
ECTV: Ooooh, that’s a powerful statement and true.
IXL: So, by making, a constant choice, of what your next moment will be, you are thereby literally being, in that moment, creating your next step. We talk a lot, about intuition and everybody’s just, just impressed, with intuition and how we seem, to be able to know, what the future is.
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: When you’re, in that intuitive state, you kind of know what the next; what the right thing to do, is; and what, what if, what if the actual mechanism there is, in the present moment; when you’re locked-in to that; in the zone, you know, you’re; when your locked-in, to your intuition.
ECTV: Oh yes.
IXL: What if that state is where you actually, do create, your next moment. That would be a very good explanation on how come, you knew, what was going, to happen!
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: You literally, create, the result.
ECTV: So, if one was to practice that, or become aware when they’re doing it, they have a better chance, of repeating it. It that; is that true?
IXL: Absolutely, true!
ECTV: Uh huh.
IXL: That’s what I was talking about. You have to take these steps…
ECTV: Yeah.
IXL: …and say you have to test it, for yourself. And you don’t have to be dra-; I certainly wasn’t drastic, about testing anything. I didn’t know I was even doing a test…
ECTV: Right.
IXL: …to begin with, of testing my intuition, of testing the, the kinds of results.
ECTV: Uh, yes.
IXL: And it, it took, it took a gradient; but the results, are just fantastic.
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: Now I, literally, am, am living, exactly the life I want. Doing exactly what I want and I’m even able to help other people, financially, like, pay people to videotape and things like that, to spread this message further.
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: So it’s really, it’s really, really, literally manifesting, right in front of my face.
ECTV: Absolutely.
IXL: Now the, the; I know that the, the reason is partially my consciousness, my, my own endeavors, in this consciousness…
ECTV: Ah, yes.
IXL: …but in a, in a bigger way it has to do, with consciousness in general. Remember, consciousness is; the Mayan calendar shows, for sure, that there’s more and more happening, in less and less time, with more possible outcomes, in every, every moment. So that means that there are more possible choices available…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …in every moment, doesn’t it?
ECTV: Yes, it does.
IXL: Now, sometime ago I, I did some; I, well I’ve done studies, about spirit and mind, for quite a few years.
ECTV: Oh, yes.
IXL: There is some information about emotions and the different, levels, of emotions, that people go through…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …and I have, I’ve; it has details; and, and I’m going to be putting up some more information about this; but in general, a person who is feeling good has lots, of options, of what they could decide to do...
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …and a person, who is angry, has less option.
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: A person, who is fearful, has even, less options that, they can conceive.
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: A person who is, in apathy, they, they have only maybe, one option.
ECTV: Suicide.
IXL: That’s high or not.
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: You know.
ECTV: Yeah.
IXL: So, what is happening, what is actually being done in, in all of creation is that, more and more choices are showing up. So, let’s say that apathy; you only have one choice…
ECTV: Yeah.
IXL: …you only have one choice. Now because of how creation is presenting more choices everywhere, in every way, you now have ‘two’ choices, in that state of apathy, and; you know when; with human history, it’s, it’s very, very difficult, to choose, to be in grief, for instance.
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: It’s difficult to; it has been very difficult to choose, to be in grief. All of the psychotherapists, in the world, understand that when you ‘choose’ the emotion, it ‘releases’ the emotion…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …and so the relief, from that, that mind and that emotion. Just ‘choose’ the state your in.
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: It was much more difficult, in the past, to ‘choose’ grief…
ECTV: Right.
IXL: …because there were only two options, there were only two things happening, at any one time, in creation, then at, than the grief. But now, with this acceleration, there’s more, than forty different options…
ECTV: Right.
IXL: …in that emotion of grief. In other words it’s easier for a person, to actually choose to be there, because those options are more available…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …and that is really; I mean, what this is leading to is our way out, of imprisonment in the mind;
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …it’s more options, more ability to choose and with choice, being the relief from the mental pattern, from that inceptive thing; it’s a natural evolution right out of the dependency, on the mind…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …and into your intuition, and that is exactly what we have been doing, on the road. For instance, the first time the motor broke down on a hill, in Zion National Park…
ECTV: Oh, god you…
IXL: …with traffic behind me…
ECTV: Yeah.
IXL: …I sat there with the; you know, the thing’s shuddering and, and just; then died. I sat there, in the middle of the road, uphill, jack-knifed, with the, with the jeep, behind me…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …and within five seconds, I chose to be, in that situation.
ECTV: Ah, yes, I, I, I, I get you. In other words, instead of denying it, rationalizing, justifying, wishing this or that, you fully accept it.
IXL: Pounding the dash or whatever else you would’ve done.
ECTV: Yeah.
IXL: You know, I chose to be there; and, immediately, the solutions started showing up. I mean immediately. The very first, car that came by, stopped. He had a cell phone. He called the tow truck.
ECTV: Yeah.
IXL: We got out of there; and, and, in a very short time.
ECTV: Yeah.
IXL: Sure, it was a bump. But what are you gonna do?
ECTV: Right.
IXL: Just, I mean, you; it’s, it’s more; and I’m not saying that I’m any kind, of special, mental strength guy or anything; I’m saying that this is; because it’s more available…
ECTV: Yeah.
IXL: …so I could do that…
ECTV: Right.
IXL: …because creation, itself, is making more option available.
ECTV: Right.
IXL: There, there are more varied choices you can make and so it’s easier, to make those, in, in otherwise difficult situations.
ECTV: I’ve got a strange question, for you, Ian. [Laughing]
IXL: Yeah.
ECTV: Now, I can, I can say this with authority, because I’ve been with you, in so many interviews and we have discussed it, in so many ways, and come at it, in so many different angles. For those, for our listening audience tonight; some of you I imagine, have been following Ian and I and maybe have listened to, to our interviews; and I’ll take this very quick second to remind you; it, it’s all up, on our audio archive page; and I strongly encourage you, to go listen to them. Why? Because, what Ian is doing; and he doesn’t even know it, I don’t think; is that his personal experiences that he’s had, in the last several weeks, is matching so closely, to the Mayan calendar, Mayan understanding and Mayan prophecy. Now my question to you, Ian, is, “Were you aware, then?” and I guess another question would be, “Are you aware, now, that what you were teaching us; of what the Mayan calendar was saying, over the last few years; is almost exactly what is happening, to you? Is that a surprise to you?
IXL: No, it’s not.
ECTV: At, were you at, it; even in the first day, when you were on the side of the road, on Mount Zion… (Zion National Park)
IXL: Yes.
ECTV: …did you know it, then?
IXL: No. Right then, I didn’t.
ECTV: Uh, huh.
IXL: It took a bit of this; actually, you know; remember the fact that, that when we had all the trouble with the, the house and the bank and what not; I knew then that this was; had to do with the 3rd Night and with the shedding, of old systems; I knew, I knew then. It was, just a kind, of an intellectual idea. [Laughs]
ECTV: Exactly.
IXL: It wasn’t until I was actually, out there, under the motor home, for the fourth time…
ECTV: [Laughing] Yes! I understand!
IXL: …you know, with grease up past my elbows, I mean literally, it was, it was just; there was lots of that.
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: So it was somewhere under there, that I got the idea, but; that, that these were all tests that I had chosen, to take…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …and that I also chose, to pass these tests, and knew I was capable of it.
ECTV: And at what, at what time did you realize that you were in the middle, of the 3rd Night? I mean, was it shortly after? Was it like, the second day that it, that, that it started, to come upon you? That it was a kind of an, ‘Ah-ha’, like, “Oh, that’s what this is!” [Laughs]
IXL: [Laughing] Well actually it was, after the middle, of the 3rd Night. It was after; and I had a very deep, dark period...
ECTV: Yeah.
IXL: …darkness of the soul. It was a dark period!
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: That, that occurred with all, of these breakdowns and it all happened just before and, and up; in fact, until just after the middle, of the 3rd Night; which was, which was June sixth…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …and I; at the time I realized it was this; of course; it was June sixth, in the middle of it, but I was so busy handling everything…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …that I didn’t have any perspective…
ECTV: Right. Got it.
IXL: …on the situation, until afterwards, and this also added to the certainty…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …that everything is going to turn out, just great…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …because I know what kind, of consciousness, is, around the corner.
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: I can see that everything has been falling into schedule, for 16.4 billion years. I can see that it’s been falling into schedule, for the last four years and that we’re right on schedule, with everything that’s happening, in the world and the headlines and the news and the weather; as all the systems are being shaken…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …and that, that’s, that’s what this time is all about…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …and so I; because it’s so accurate, up to here, I know that during the 4th Day; which, by the way, starts December 4th, 2004; that the Mayan calendar calls for the foundation, of a new consciousness to be laid, for that new conscious evolution to be built; the structure, to be built from…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …as, in every previous cycle; and from June 4th of 2004 and on, until November 28th of 2005; we’re going to have the foundations, of ethics, laid down. Now during this period of time, there’s going to be a lot of jostling, of anything that doesn’t have integrity; further; well, disappearing…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …and, what remains standing, is, those things with integrity. For instance…
ECTV: Well make it, make it brief, we’re at the; I’ve got to sign off, really quickly, and I want to get your web site and information in.
IXL: Okay, all the natural cycles have built-in integrity. They were built, on change. All the man-made systems have no integrity, or very few…
ECTV: Yes.
IXL: …because they were built to resist change, with this consciousness, and evolution; and so these must come to pass, to make room, for new creation…
ECTV: Yeah.
IXL: …and that’s all that we’re involved in, right here, and everyone out there can participate, in their own creation.
ECTV: Okay, hold it right there, Ian. Folks, I hope that was enough, to whet your whistle, and let’s bring Ian into town and; matter of fact, if you want him in your area, send me an email and I will pass that along, and we’ll, we’ll see if we can’t get this guy, all around the nation here. To visit Ian’s web site and gain more information, about the ‘foundation’ of the Mayan calendar, the Mayan understanding, and then you can correlate it, to his own personal story. Therefore correlating it most likely, to your story.
It’s I’ll spell it, that’s, m-a-y-a-n-m-a-j-i-x, for those of you who visit the Earth Changes TV web site, I have a special banner at the top of our front page, for Ian. You can go there and click directly on to his site.
IXL: And I’m going to be in Calgary, next week.
ECTV: Calgary, folks. Those are; those of you listening in, in, in Canada; Vancouver area all the way up to Calgary; go see him. Ian, we’re way out of time.
IXL: Okay.
ECTV: Like always it’s been a wonderful journey, a wonderful interview and we’ll have you on, once again.
IXL: Thank you and good-bye everybody!
ECTV: Bye-bye