Manifestation of Polarized Consciousness
That Crazy, Cute American Electoral Coupe: Too Cute
to Recount |
here we are, at “civil” war in the Third Night
of the Mayan calendar, which lasts from 1/5/99 to 10/28/2011.
The nation (indeed, the world) is more greatly
separated ideologically than at any time in recent memory.
The last time we were in this cycle of consciousness was
1853 – 1873. Then, the industrialized north wanted
tariffs on agricultural goods sold to Europe by the southern
states. Economic concerns combined with the new consciousness
that owning persons as slaves was immoral and no longer
tolerable produced the U.S. civil war.
This time, (12/9/2003 - 12/05/2004) the
“Have Mores,” who used their power to build
and institutionalize corruption within government and financial
systems world-wide, are lined up against the “Haves”
(or “Used to Haves”) and the “Have Nots.”
This power differential (evolved and developed over the
last 5000 years) is the basic mechanism behind the separation
between national, cultural and ethnic groups. Creation’s
evolution now introduces the new consciousness of ethics,
forcing the disclosure of misdeeds, and we have the set-up
for another “civil” war. This is to free us—corporate
slaves to debt and censorship that we are.
This “civil” war has been raging
in a new kind of battlefield, the courts and the mass media
(including the Internet). The people demanding integrity
and those morally thumbing their noses at ethical concerns
are marshaling their armies of lawyers, goons and volunteers
to do civil battle for all to witness, in ever mounting
detail. The weapons are sound bites, whistle blowers, exposures,
criminal charges and published investigations. The moguls
owning the media are the “Have Mores,” of course,
and are very glad to rent the battlefield by the second
and the minute. Who pays this rent? You do, with higher
prices for almost everything to cover marketing and advertising
the economy becomes unraveled by increasing interest rates
in early 2005
see “U.S. Economic Collapse Looms 2005,”
, large-scale demonstrations will flare up, and we will
have to wait to see what happens at those events. I suspect,
though, that any dissent will be demonized and crushed as
completely as possible by the power elite, leading to serious
complications across the nation and the world.
Yes, consciousness is divided across the
planet in many ways. All of this is being orchestrated for
the greatest marketability to a perpetually panicked public,
by the way. The media owners are running this circus for
the most part, and they are literally making a killing,
many killing$.
The most basic reason for this situation
is found within the Mayan calendar. As Carl J. Calleman
explains in his books, The Mayan Calendar and The Transformation
of Consciousness and Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our
Time: The Mayan Calendar, and as I have explained many times
in numerous articles, the Galactic Cycle of Consciousness
(January 5th 1999 to Oct 28th, 2011) is one of duality.
Its purpose is to separate consciousness into two opposite
poles, or points of view. In my previous articles, I have
offered those points of view as a “Creator”
point of view and a “Victim” point of view.
Dr Calleman uses Eastern consciousness and Western consciousness
to differentiate the two, and there is a very sound historical
basis for his thesis.
In any case, all that we experience in the
outside world from here on in will be on the basis of these
disparate points of view, to an ever increasing degree as
we go forward.
For example; there will the “Creators”
of “Homeland Security” at the expense of many
“Victims.” (Please understand that, in fact,
there are only Creators in this Universe.
It’s just that some people are creating
themselves as victims for their own reasons.)
This polarity, literally, is what creation
and the evolution of consciousness is calling for right
now. Controversy is going to be everywhere you turn because
that’s what consciousness is about during the whole
12.8 year running of the Galactic Consciousness Cycle.
In fact, if you want to be heard or paid
attention to, you had better cause or be part of a controversy.
Controversy is all consciousness will be tuned into in general,
Now, not getting caught up in the various
controversies is going to be a good trick. Yep, pretty tricky
I must say. I myself have caused a bit of a ruffle recently
within the Mayan calendar community. Because of my intuition,
my impulsive nature, or my hot-headed hand at the keyboard—whichever
you wish—I have joined in the flow of controversy
re: the Dreamspell calendar and the True Count Mayan calendar.
Trying to understand the flawed Dreamspell system leads
to having to follow the Dr. Jose Arguelles teachings and
to a dead end of believing his teachings just and only because
he wrote them. There are no ways to objectively measure
the Dreamspell calendar or its effects. There are only subjective
observations or in other words, beliefs about the Dreamspell
system. Leaving a person who has been drawn intuitively
to study the Mayan calendar through the Dreamspell either
a now blinded believer or a confused outcast, unable to
resonate with the ”Galactic rhythms”. Either
way, a Dreamspell student becomes a victim of the system’s
ineffectiveness. On the other hand, understanding the true
Mayan calendar and investigating the scheduled evolution
of consciousness next to scientific record leads a person
to a “Creative” point of view rather than that
of a “Victim.”
As these points of view are the dividing
line between the evolution and or the extinction of beings
during this cycle of creation, I consider the Mayan calendar
information a top priority. In other words, it’s worth
taking risks—personal risks, financial risks, whatever
risks I have to take to get as much exposure as possible
for this subject.
The intuition I received is to flow with
Creation’s intent and directly draw attention to the
differences between the calendars—to purposely cause
controversy and attract more attention to the message of
the Mayan calendar at this time. Especially, when controversy
is what is being prophesied by the Mayan calendar for this
period. This is kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy, I guess,
but I am going to try it out any way.
You’ve heard the expression, “any
publicity is good publicity?” I’m putting that
phrase into action by introducing contention, simply by
expressing the truth in the face of certain pockets of denial.
That will do it every time, in a big, quick way. We’ll
see how much mileage we get out of it, and I’ll keep
you loosely posted.
Anyway, on to the world during this time.
The Third Night is a time when broken things
are thrown away by consciousness.
Watch as the U.S. Constitution is thrown
away on one hand (it has been broken by the current administrations
draconian Patriot Acts 1&2 passed without congress even
reading them after 9/11 as part of the tools for fighting
terrorism) and as the trust in government, security, economics
and finance turn to vapor on the other. (Certainly all busted
systems.) We will witness the desperate alignment with power
by certain people (goons) and the expression of integrity
and ethics by another percentage of humanity that will continue
to evolve. This split of consciousness will become extremely
evident in every respect.
The negative effects of this tension will
be most serious in dense population centers, where most
of the “victims” live. People with Creator points
of view are usually making their own way somewhere more
remote and less congested, or they have fairly immediate
access to remote places. This situation is something they
actually created individually, rather than just sitting
around in their particular difficulty and complaining about
why something seems not to be possible (Victim mentality).
Yes Virginia, we create our own reality and circumstances
by our choices.
Now I know that this is the toughest part
of what we are about to learn.
I myself turn from this truth often enough.
From the time, place and conditions of our birth and forward
each of us has created either barriers to climb, or holes
to climb back out of, or marble stairways to ascend in our
lives. As uncomfortable as that truth is we need all completely
face it now. We are going to witness as the general public
becomes more outraged and desperate to be right or to be
“righteous.” Watch the judgment levels in our
society go right off the charts as never before. The actual
polls right after the election shows that the American public
is divided 56% to 44% between being encouraged by the results
or afraid of four more years of Bush. The Religious Right
carried the day for the President, evidently. We are going
to witness the uncovering of deeper layers of rot in our
political establishment leaked and smeared in the media
for best emotional effect as power devours power, in a seductive
campaign to enlist your passion as a caring human being
or as personal direct beneficiaries of raw lust for power
and control. We will witness Christian fundamentalists attack
and tear at anything not within their very strict moral
code, as they themselves become disclosed in their beliefs
of fear, greed and the frauds perpetrated as self serving
Ends justifying the Means.
Remember, this is all unfolding as the basic
nature of this cycle’s consciousness which is to separate
as widely as possible differing view points. Mine and your
whole point here should be to stay out of judgment. (Good
If you stand for anything (even the truth)
you are going to be judged by many on all sides. Yep, it
is Judgment Day right here and now.
"Judge not, that ye be not judged.
For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and
with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
(MATTHEW 7:1-5)
Have I made judgments on others? Yes. Have
I judged myself?
Yes, both positively and negatively. Have
you done the same? This is the test for us to pass and we
have something like five more years of workin it to pass
that test. The object is to catch ourselves in judgment
and to curtail those actions so that we may allow all of
the changes and adjustments in consciousness to unfold unimpeded
within ourselves. Stepping outside of judgment is how we
stay immune from whatever controversy presents its self.
Understanding that this is a process of the evolution of
consciousness can help us to walk away from judgment.
So what’s next? The Fourth Day of
the Mayan calendar starts on Dec. 4th, 2004 and runs until
Nov. 28th, 2005. During this cycle, the incoming consciousness—in
this case ethics—becomes the dominant consciousness
and lays the foundations for a new understanding which will
continue through the remainder of the cycle. This particular
cycle will be a time of rapid change and adaptation to these
new insights. This will not be a peaceful time. For example,
on the Second and Third “Days” (2001 and 2003)
of this Galactic Cycle, wars have started. The year 2005
is going to bring many conflicts between the differing viewpoints
over the control of natural resources, until earth changes
end the conflicts—horrible weather, earthquakes, volcanoes
and resulting tsunamis. These earth changes will be the
result of our direct electromagnetic connection with the
Sun, who responds to our collective mental/emotional (electromagnetic)
chaos. Father Sun will keep putting more electromagnetic
pressure by way of sunspots and CMEs
(Coronal Mass Ejections) on to Mother Earth
until she shuts those kids (us) up!
Mother Earth will do so. So did your mom.
So did mine. These events are, over all, a very good thing.
Only a humbled humanity can actually make
the changes necessary for the continuation of our evolutionary
Looking at the previous patterns of the
schedule of evolution, 06/01/05, the High Noon of the Fourth
“Day” will be when the tide finally turns on
all of this. Of course, we will have to see how this turns
out, but we sure don’t have long to wait.
that’s the way I see what’s going on and what’s
soon to come. Please use your own discernment on these musings
and educate yourself on the issues as deeply as you can
to better establish your own viewpoint. I suggest that you
each read Dr. Carl J. Calleman’s books and the various
articles on unfolding world events posted at
to broaden your knowledge in all of these matters.
service to the God~Us
Xel Lungold