May 1, 2004
This is the Third "Night" of the Galactic Consciousness
Cycle; the "Midnight" of this cycle will occur on
June 6, 2004. http://mayanmajix.com/cycles.html
In this sixth issue, I’m going to explain
what we are about to experience as Consciousness shifts over
the next few months.
During each Third "Day" of previous consciousness
cycles, certain truths about consciousness and survival begin
to take shape. During the Third Nights, these truths evolve—and
are applied.
Below is some research I did into which truths
came forward in consciousness during Third Days and Nights.
You can decide for yourself, but it looks to me like profoundly
basic truths come out during these Third Days, and those truths
are, sure enough, applied or acted upon during the Third Nights.
During the first Third Day in the Cellular
Cycle (10 billion years ago), the first clouds of matter were
gathering; eventually, they would become galaxies.
During the second Third Day of the Mammalian
Cycle (500 million years ago), the Cambrian explosion occurred,
and the truth about calcium as a survival tool emerged. This
is when soft-tissue organisms began developing shells of calcium
around themselves as a survival tactic.
During the third Third Day of the Family Cycle
(15 ½ million years ago), a new development in the
evolution of man occurred. Pliopithecus, a tail-less ape,
walked the earth on hind legs.
During the fourth Third Day in the Tribal
Cycle (1,200,000 years ago), Homo Erectus, the first man of
our genus, appeared.
During the fifth Third Day in the Cultural
Cycle (69,200 – 61,300 B.C.), the first tools, scrapers
made of bone and stone were used.
During the sixth Third Day in the National
Cycle (1538 –1144 B.C.), Egyptian obelisks, the first
clocks, were erected. Through trade and sea travel, the Egyptian
and Phoenician cultures expanded in influence. The Iron Age
began. Beer was invented in Egypt. And it was declared by
Amenhotep that Aton was the “One God”—the
first time in recorded history that god had been conceived
of as a single entity.
At the very end of the sixth Third Day in the National cycle,
Moses received the Ten Commandments. During the seventh Third
Day (1834 – 1854) in the Planetary Cycle, the abolitionist
and women's suffrage movements swept through consciousness
among industrialized nations.
During the eighth Third Day (Dec. 14, 2002
– Dec. 9, 2003), you have witnessed an almost overwhelming
amount of truth concerning your personal survival level. Which
is basically that you are all slaves of corrupt corporations,
including the corporation called the United States of America
formed in 1873.
During each and every Third Night, Consciousness
applies the new truths received during each Third Day. This
applied consciousness is another step in the evolution of
Consciousness in general.
During the first Third Night (8.5 billion
years ago), our own galaxy, the Milky Way, was forming. (Now
there’s a worthwhile application if I ever saw one!)
During the second Third Night (460 million
years ago), if you didn't have a shell, you got eaten. So
just about every body tried one on. (Application again.)
During the Third Night of the Family Cycle
(12 million years ago), Oreopithecus, a more upright ape,
roamed Africa, Europe, India and China.
During the fourth Third Night of the Tribal
Cycle (1,020,000 years ago) Homo Sapiens, our most direct
ancestor, appeared.
During the fifth Third Night of the Cultural
Cycle (61,300 – 53,400 B.C.) tools for scraping, chopping,
cutting and crushing were fashioned by chipping rocks and
grinding bones.
During the sixth Third Night of the National
Cycle (1144 – 749 B.C.), Moses led the Israelites out
of Egypt and out of slavery. Troy was destroyed by the Greeks.
And between 1090 – 945 B.C., civil war raged in Egypt.
During the seventh Third Night of the Planetary
Cycle (1854 — 1873), civil war racked the world. The
Apache declared war on the U.S government. The Spanish, French,
East Indian, Russian and Japanese peoples were embroiled in
civil war. The U.S. Civil War raged between 1861 and 1865.
The potato famine in Ireland killed a million people; many
of those who survived emigrated to the United States.
In every case, those with more sophisticated
technologies won out over those whose cultures were based
on agriculture or sovereign natural law. (Raw Power Applied)
This is the purpose of the Third Night—to
jettison systems that are antiquated and need to be upgraded
or cast aside. That is why monarchies fell, the Indians were
sent to reservations; this is why the Shoguns and Samurai
of Japan were defeated, and why the North won the Civil War—industrial
power. The North had more commercial clout than the agriculturally
based economy in the South could manifest. In fact, if you
check the history books, you'll find that the tariffs demanded
by the North on goods shipped from the Southern states to
their French trading partners were the real reason for the
war. Not slavery. The slavery issue was put forward to garner
public support for the North’s invasion of the South.
Consciousness works in wondrous ways, doesn’t it?
During this, the eighth Third Night of the
Galactic Cycle (12/10/03 — 12/3/04), we are going to
see another jettisoning of systems that are unworkable in
light of the new consciousness. Being as this Galactic Cycle's
consciousness (1/05/99 – 10/28/2011) is bringing in
Ethics as its focus, any system not based on Ethics and Integrity
will be jettisoned, along with those who are in any way "dependent"
on those systems. That includes some fifty percent plus of
Americans who are supported by the federal government or defense
contractors. This is no joke—or fluke. Study your history—this
will become very much clearer. The Third Night never fools
around. Things Change! In the past, though, those changes
happened over longer periods of time. During the time of Moses,
the Third Night was 397 years. During the time of the American
Civil War, the Third Night lasted for 19.7 years. This Third
Night will last for just 360 Georgian calendar days. Same
amount of no fooling around about change—just twenty
times quicker change than ever before.
Here are some of the ideas and things that
are going to become extinct:
1. The idea that any governmental or administrative
body can bestow or take away any rights of a living breathing
2. The idea that any person owes anything
to anyone anywhere at any time. In other words, an economy
based on “Pay It Forward.” The basic Idea of pay
it forward is that you do a service(s) for three different
people that benefits them, for free. There is not a limit
of three. Before long, with each person helping three, there
is an explosion of assistance everywhere and life as we know
it changes.
3. The idea that your body is somehow the
property of the State and can be licensed to, or not to, perform
in society. For example, marriage, which is a license from
the state to have sex (otherwise an “unsanctioned”
or illegal act.) The fruit of this contract is new taxpayers,
who are also the property of the State. (Never read the small
print did you? They count on that.)
4. The idea that only powerful and rich players
can generate power (electrical, oil, atomic, etc.) that you
in turn must purchase at exorbitant rates to participate at
a useful level in society.
5. The idea that you can keep secret, any
unethical thought or deed. And that's the big one I want to
talk about.
This is my own take here, so I don't expect
you to swallow it as the truth. Chew on it a good long time
and spit out what you don't like. Okay?
What I am seeing in the news is that if something
is crooked, it is being brought to the light of day very quickly.
A tidal wave of ethics is surging against the fortress of
power, and that fortress is being demolished in front of our
very eyes. Of course those in the battlements, the empowered,
are very excited and yelling like crazy! Bush and company,
for instance. Their methods of offensive defense, assaults,
secrets, threats, and their reliance on public apathy are
just not working very well against the onslaught of an ethical
Now, I am not saying that Kerry and the skull-and-bones
crypts on his team are any better than Bush—they are
just different. But bones is still bones, and both Kerry and
Bush are vile zombies who will soon be tearing each other,
the people of this country and the economy into itsy bitsy
pieces. They will have the help of the weather, which is just
about to rage out of all predictable control, and earth changes
that will alter our coastlines and mountain ranges.
This is gonna be over quick—although
it will be dramatically violent.
First, because everything is speeding up. And because "What
you pay attention to you become conscious of."
Just take a quick look around at which movies
are the most popular, what television programming pulls in
the most audiences. In our culture, this is the most direct
measure of what the general public is paying attention to.
From what we now know, looking through the lens of the Mayan
calendar, as this acceleration continues, we can expect people
to experience more and more directly whatever they are paying
attention to.
So it looks like some troubling times ahead for most of these
What are you paying attention to? Now, of
course, bad news is going to come to you. The message of the
Hopi Elders is "Keep your eyes open and your head above
the waters." This means know what is going on around
you but maintain a higher perspective on all that you see.
It is important to watch the news. It’s probably best
to track the news on the Internet to keep pace with the rapid
dissemination of information in our society. Television networks
are hopelessly slow and retarded—and I’m being
What do I mean by what are you paying attention to?
What do you intend for your own future? Which
abilities do you see developing in yourself? Are you only
looking at your problems, who is doing what to you? This is
literally what will make the difference in your coming experience:
whether or not your awareness is focused on insurmountable
problems or mounting abilities. Your choice.
Either you will be an unconscious victim who
has unknowingly created his or her circumstances, or a Conscious
Co-Creator who is creating his or her abundant future. There
is little middle ground here, and it is shrinking very quickly.
As always, what you pay attention to is your choice, no matter
what circumstances are currently challenging you or what problems
lie down the road. You can either move out of your “comfort
zone” by choice now, or have it vaporize in front of
your eyes in the very near future.
Your choice, of course.
Secondly, things are going to change fast and furiously because
of the Venus transit happening on June 8, 2004. We know that
in the middle of the Third Night a midnight happens on June
6, 2004. From there Consciousness will move towards the dawn
of the Fourth Day—which will take place on Dec 4, 2004.
What we see here is a reversal of direction on the part of
Consciousness, and a major event happening right after this
change. I would encourage each of you to read the articles
about the Venus transit by Dr. Carl J. Calleman and Kiara
Windrider on our site for the details.
In general, each Venus passage recorded in
human history has been a time of great change in perspective
and communications.
Recent Venus Transits
1518 (1526) The first circumnavigation of
the globe, proving the world was not flat.
1631 (1639) The first national mail services
were established.
1761 (1769) The first ever international scientific
experiment was conducted. The purpose of this experiment was
to measure the distance from the earth to the sun, and it
involved the observation of the Venus transit from seventy-seven
locations all over the globe. This was a crucial step in global
1874 (1882) The World Postal Union was established,
and a trans-Atlantic telegraph cable were both contributing
significantly to global communication.
2004 (2012) An increasing awareness of telepathic
abilities in humans.
Yes, I said that the next step in the evolution
of our ability to communicate will be delivered, starting
June 8 in earnest. Telepathic abilities, which many of you
have noticed have been on the increase, will be unleashed.
This means real trouble for a lot of humans.
Which ones?
Those who need to hold secrets. Anybody come to mind?
we are going to get bumped towards an ethically based consciousness,
this telepathic ability opening makes the most sense to me
as the next step of our evolution.
Those who cannot accept these abilities will be eliminated
from the journey of evolution. Those who will not or cannot
allow telepathic connections will be totally eliminated by
Nov 28, 2005, if not before. Most will simply go insane and
kill one other after receiving threats by thought wave.
Can you imagine Bush receiving all of the
thoughts directed at him?
My advice? Get off your secrets right now.
Go find someone to spill your guts to and do it. Get clean!
Start forgiving yourself for everything you have ever done
that you are not proud of. You DO NOT NEED permission to do
this! Just do it!
service to the God~Us
Xel Lungold
national poll just in from Lou Dobbs tonight on CNN April
23, 2004:
Do you think Americans have a clear vision
of the future?
Yes: 5%
No: 95%
you cannot envision a future, you will not have one. Get yourselves
together, people.