The ! Heart Has No Reasons, It Knows Without Reasoning.


Written In Memory of Princess Diana and Mother Teresa,

Sept. 1997




                   When all is said and done, when you come to the end of your life, I don't

                   want to know what the world said or what your worldly mind has learned

                   to define as successful, or what rules or customs you were brought up with

                   and felt you had to follow in order to justify what you did or didn't do to

                   others or for others.  What I really want to know is, Do you know how

                   to really not know ??.  Can you realize your own ignorance while you

                   profess and assert your worldly knowledge to others ??.  I want to know

                   if you have learned what it means to think with and through your Heart, to

                   know the difference between looking with your eyes and seeing with and

                   through your Heart, and to not only be able to hear with your ears but to

                   also be able to listen with and through your Heart.  Have you learned

                   and experienced the difference between feeling with your hands and

                   feeling with and through your Heart ??.  Are you able to touch others

                   Hearts with your Heart ??.


                   I don't want to know what facts you have learned throughout your life on

                   earth, but I do want to know if you know what it means by the saying, "The

                   ! Heart has no reasons, it knows without reasoning".  Have you learned

                   how to know with and through your ! Heart ... FIRST, and then act

                   accordingly ??.  I want to know if you can do the "Right Thing", even if

                   it means challenging the authority figures and rules of the day, and then

                   do it again, and again ??.  What I really want to know is, are you strong

                   enough, and do you have the courage to follow Socrates, ( 469 - 399 BC ),

                   example of  "... Examining your thoughts, statements and actions by

                   pursuing their implications, on the assumption that if they are true,

                   they would not lead to false consequences ..." ??.  I want to know that

                   after you have struggled to climb, to ascend, to the top of the mountain,

                   will you willingly and Joyfully and  ! Lovingly come back down to be

                   with and to help those who have not climbed the mountain ??.  If you

                   can, then you have been able to touch the ! Heart and ! Love of God

                   with your ! Heart, with your thoughts, and with what you have said and

                   done with your life on earth ... this time ... and then each time hereafter.



P.S.  The ! Heart has no reasons, it knows without reasoning, because the ! Heart understands and knows in ways that reason does not understand and can not verify . . . so, the ! Heart has it reasons that reason does not know.


Einstein Said, “... The world is a dangerous place to live in, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it ...”.    


“Ethics” ... n. pl., 1.) The Principles of morality, including both the science of the good and the science of right.